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Blood for the Blood God! [ETL IV Work in Progress]

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Following are a series of photos and notes/step-by-step guides tracking the construction of a Khorne Rhino.


First....the bitz in their natural state http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0804_zpsc2ovybns.jpg


I then clipped out the necessary bitz and sprayed them black. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0805_zps7drkvqxf.jpg


When I was doing the clipping I was still unsure about the dirge caster and extra armor trophy racks so those were not included. Everything else was done in one pass.


I then pulled aside the pieces for the main hull. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0808_zpsacfc8c1f.jpg


The  main hull was then sprayed red. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0809_zpssp5gqgmb.jpg


This is a sample of the right track guards. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0810_zpshq3fr7xw.jpg


I used Scorpion Brass over the black basecoat. The left track guards were already painted on glued onto the left half of the hull by the time I took this picture. As of this posting, the right track guards are already glued in place.


Last update: 5/12/15 - 2133 EST

The access hatches have been glued in place.


Main hull - left profile http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0812_zpsegomct9n.jpg

Main hull - right profile http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0813_zpsypheqxkm.jpg

Main hull - rear http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0814_zps7xbykmnz.jpg


The combi bolter has been glued along its inner edges, allowing it to pivot in place. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0811_zpspo98gx6f.jpg


Brass trim: Scorpion Brass.

Lighter brass detailing: Runelord Brass over Scorpion Brass.

Silver areas (except bayonet): Leadbelcher

Bayonet: Runefang Steel over Leadbelcher.

Ammunition: Mephiston Red.


Last update: 5/14/15 - 2245 EST

Spikey bitz ready for attachment as extra armor. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0817_zps1jy8n925.jpg

These are just the normal tropy racks from the left spikey sprue, closest to the two sets of chains (see the "natural state" pic), cut up into more manageable chunks.


They were painted as follows:



Runefang steel (for the tip and the round base)

Mephiston Red (slopped on the tip)

'Ardcoat over anyplace with Mephiston Red (to give the impression of fresh blood)


This same method was used for painting the giant, razor-sharp dozer blade on the front of the hull.


Completed Rhino - rear http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0827_zpsyx6jau43.jpg


Completed Rhino - front http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0828_zpsnhvyzywo.jpg


Completed Rhino - left profile http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0831_zps8cmecbvv.jpg


Completed Rhino - right profile http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0833_zpscnqlgvbg.jpg


Dirge caster (mounted just above the dozer blade)


Brass Scorpion

Runelord Brass detailing

Mephiston Red cabling

'Ardcoat over the red


Searclight and headlights:

Golden Yellow

Flash Gitz Yellow


Skull-hurling havoc launcher

Abaddon Black (touchup) over black primer (mostly because the primer was a haphazard spray job)

Brass Scorpion (skulls)

Leadbelcher, followed by Runefang Steel (tracks on the top)

Leadbelcher (cradle and tracks on the bottom)

Brass Scorpion, followed by Runelord Brass (the two missiles visible in the lower rack)


There is only some mild pinning and filing involved in order to convert a standard havoc launcher into a more Khorne-friendly version,

Vow # 2 - 5 Khorne Warp Talons


Primed - http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0834_zpstrlcbcgl.jpg

I preassemled the feet/legs, as well as the torsos and jump packs, since I was planning to use this squad for vow #2.


Looking good so far -- If I may make one suggestion, I think you'd be getting more reactions if you were to actually post pictures in this thread instead of merely linking to pictures.

I strongly second this! Perhaps postimage.org isn't the best service to use for this forum, as I've tried to write you up a how-to, but none of them worked... Photobucket gives you the correct codes for posting images in your comments.

  • 3 weeks later...

Vow #2 - 5 Khorne Warp Talons


Completed unit - front view http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0845_zpshlcpehgh.jpg


Completed unit - rear view http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0859_zpsxycmlgm7.jpg


Completed unit - right side view http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0860_zpss0ispcnk.jpg


At some point I will try to post some photos that are not quite as dark. For the moment I'm just happy to be done with this unit.


Here's a quick rundown of the paint job:


Red armor: Mephiston Red

Main brass (shoulder trim, gauntlet trim, leg/foot trim, face detail): Brass Scorpion

Brass detail (lightning pattern on legs, gauntlets, some torsos, wing lightning) : Runelord Brass over Brass Scorpion

Wings: Brass Scorpion, washed with Nuln Oil, then washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Wing spikey bitz: Leadbelcher, with Runefang Steel tips (four models), straight Runefang steel (one model)

Claws: Runelord Brass over Brass Scorpion; Runelord was then followed by Bloodletter Glaze. That was then followed by 'Ardcoat

Fleshy parts on the jump packs: Squig Orange, followed by Kislev Flesh, finished with Screaming Skull

Debris scenery: Doombull, brushed with Leadbelcher, then washed with Agrax Earthshade. Bottom of the scenic stand was Mechanicus Standard brushed with Ulthuan Grey

Slaaneshi helmet: Genestealer purple, followed by Emperor's Children Pink, highlighted with Changeling Pink

Fiery patterns: Mephiston Red base, Blazing Orange over that, Golden Yellow, and then Flash Gitz Yellow (used this for areas on the marines as well as the for the basing design)

  • 2 weeks later...

Coolbeans! But dude why not post the pics in your thread itself. You'll get more visitors and more feedback that way, i guarantee it. :tu:


Edit: oops, I see now this has already been said, including by me. It is up to you to follow the advice of course, just trying to help. :)

That's because the gallery is a pain in the rear. It also takes up valuable server space for which we all have to pay voluntarily. 


There is also a free and easier option: photobucket.


If you upload your pics to a free Photobucket account, and then copy paste the lowermost URL of the individual pics straight in the comment, they show up perfectly. Couldn't be easier.


Now please go do that, so we can drool over your models in the greatest Space Marine forum on the web. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Arighty...time for a 4th vow.


Daemon Prince of Khorne with Combat Familiar (other upgrades are on the DP model).


Daemon Prince - primed. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0888_zpsjucmfvci.jpg


Daemon Prince's combat familiar - primed http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0889_zpsfe71rx5o.jpg

Vow # 4 - Daemon Prince of Khorne with Combat Familiar (In Progress - nearly finished)


Picture heavy. Completion pictures in subsequent post.


Just a couple things I should mention before launching into picture madness. Due to the scale of this vow - both the physical size (relative to most other models) and the fact that I wanted it to be a quality piece - I was focused more on the painting end of things than on taking pictures in order to avoid losing momentum. Also, given that the combat familiar is ultimately a support piece, I felt that he/it did not deserve much in the way of WIP photos, for the reasons mentioned above.



Some of the photos that follow have part of a sprue in them, which I was using to prop up the piece in question to get a better angle. Feel free to ignore the sprue leftover. Now then...without any further ado, here are the pre-completion WIP/nearly completed photos of the big nasty.



Daemon Prince - main body - front http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0890_zps18jrbqbw.jpg


Daemon Prince - main body - back http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0891_zps8ktrjsxr.jpg


Daemon Prince - head http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0892_zpsurbm21my.jpg


Daemon Prince - left arm http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0896_zpsap0i3df5.jpg


Daemon Prince - left shoulder guard http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0900_zps0tt6z0tp.jpg


Daemon Prince - right arm http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0901_zpsqofnxfls.jpg


Daemon Prince - right shoulder guard http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0897_zpsscer8ogp.jpg


Daemon Prince - axe [treat as Goredrinker] http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0893_zpsolwkex78.jpg

Vow # 4 - Daemon Prince of Khorne with Combat Familiar (Completed)


And now, the moment of truth.


Well seeing as you all know what the Daemon Prince (who I've decided to call The Reaper, until I think of something better) is probably going to look like (assuming you've been poking around here), I may as well start with him first.


Daemon Prince - completed - front http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0909_zps0aamswaq.jpg


Daemon Prince - completed - rear http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0912_zpst4trww5e.jpg


Combat familiar (aka "Killa")


Killla - completed - front http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0917_zpsaynygnzc.jpg


Killa - completed - rear http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0920_zpskdxvqj1o.jpg


The Reaper and Killa http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0934_zpsfhlxgrtv.jpg

Thanks for the compliments, Carrack.


As far as the Rhino goes....aren't abominations the heart and soul of Chaos?


Seriously though, don't go too hard on yourself. In my experience, the least appealing units (visually) are the first ones of their kind to be painted - be it my first bloodletter, or first space marine. Anytime you paint something you've never worked on before it's bound to be less glorious than the rest because you have nothing in your collection as a point of reference. Once you get that first piece done, you can look at it and decide what colors need to be changed on future models.

Now that I've responded to almost every topic I can think of, I guess it's time that I got cracking on my final vow. So then....


Vow # 5 - Helbrute and (yes, another) Khorne Daemon Prince


 Helbrute http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0935_zpsddstjmdm.jpg


Daemon Prince http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0936_zpsae0iklrd.jpg

Not much to say about this one, except that it has wings and a one-handed axe. For the purposes of this vow, the axe is treated as Kor'lath. For gaming, however, I plan to use the axe as Kor'lath, Blade of Endless Bloodshed, or Axe of Blind Fury, depending on what kinds of shenanigans I'm in the mood for.

Thanks Scribe. It's actually not that hard to do. Given that this was my first shot at something of this scale and detail I decided to pick up a copy of White Dwarf #57 a little while before hand so that I could start deciding which color themes I wanted for armor, flesh, etc.


As far as the reds, they're really not too hard. Basically I just followed Steps 1 - 4 of p. 24 in WD 57, with only a few minor changes (see below)


I pretty much followed the first few steps for painting a red-skinned bloodthirster (as follows) - boldface indicates I deviated from the Studio method


Step 0. Prime black - I use matte black primer from P3

Step 1. Mephiston Red - Drybrush with a small drybrush

Step 2. Agrax Earthshade - apply w/ a wash brush

Step 3. Mephiston Red - Carefully drybrush over the existing layer, using the small dryrush (I say carefully, because you run the risk of the red blurring together and becoming non-descript)

Step 4. Evil Sunz Scarlet - the only change here is I used a brush from a company called Gyros. Not sure what size the brush is, as that layer of the brush's coating has actually come off, but I'll post a picture of it one of these days, as it's my go-to brush for almost every project.


Steps 1-3 were used for pretty much all parts of the body. Step 4 was used selectively - muscles, bones, etc as well as serving as a kind of base layer for the veins. The veins were then picked out in Wild Rider Red.


Only a couple red areas that are a bit different:


Khorne rune on the gut:

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Layer of 'Ardcoat


Khorne rune on the left butt cheek

Steps 1 - 4 as normal

Layer of 'Ardcoat

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Layer of Ardcoat

Thin layer of Blood for the Blood God

Final layer of 'Ardcoat


Everything else is much simpler. I'll post more instructions here later.

Vow #5 - (Daemon Prince updates)


Daemon Prince - thorougly coated in Mephiston Red http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0937_zpsxrnwhlgc.jpg


Daemon Prince - covered in Agrax Earthsade (not so much a wash as a bath) http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0938_zpsygzefit3.jpg



Daemon Prince - second coat of Mephiston Red http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0943_zpsnhch7m6e.jpg


The tail is the only piece that did not get a second layer of Mephiston (by design), so I decided to put in the picture anyway for the sake of comparison.


Daemon Prince - Evil Sunz Scarlet detailing http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0946_zpsk2d2hfn9.jpg

(I know....I got carried away)


Daemon Prince - Wild Rider Red detailing http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/michaelburnham/100_0950_zpsi7ebap6i.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...


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