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Equiping Sanguinary Guard

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So my army is just starting out I have


10 assault marines with two melta and power fist on the sergeant


and I just got a sanguinary guard box I'm thinking about how to equip them. (there aren't enough infernus pistols for all of them) I think I'm going to use some extra power swords so that they all have glaive encarmines.


Also I have a tactical squad that Im thinking about how to equip so give me your thoughts down below





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PFs are REALLY cheap for SG so try to grab one per 5 members, also go for the banner if you're running more then 5, or have a priest with them which I highly recommend. Priests up their survivability a lot, and makes them hit more accurately. Pistols are pretty optional their AP 4 double tap pistols are usually fine, but a meltagun or plasma pistol won't hurt if you've got the points.


The masks are pretty cool, but most units you want these guys fighting don't care about fear. Overall don't be afraid to put some points into these guys, they are amazing in combat, but don't overload them with equipment either.


I run mine in a 10 man unit, 2 PF, 2 Axes, 6 Swords, and a banner, running with Dante, a priest, and a sanguinary librarian. Pray for shield of sang. Will add in 2 plasma, 2 melts pistols ONLY if I have a ton of points to fill.

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I would normally add 1-2 power fists for the inevitable walkers and MCs. A couple of axes are worth taking larger squads for the extra AP2. If you have the points 2-3 melta pistols are great as you can crack open transports and then charge the contents. A lot of players like alpha-striking meltacide ASM squads but SG can carry their melta with them.


I don't worry with plasma pistols as they are for taking out infantry or MCs which the SQ can do comfortably in combat anyway. If running anything bigger than a min-sized squad then a banner is worth considering.


I like a Priest to lead them as 2+ & FNP is pretty resilient.

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Agree with adding a banner and a fist or two. But don't spend points on the pistols. Adds uo and can even end up shorting your charge if you kill too many. And every turn they aren't safe in combat is bad- they have a huge shiny target on their nipple armor for every plasma weapon your enemies have.
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Okay so the consensus seems to be 2 infernus pistols with glaives and I guess storm bolters for the remaining three. If my assault squad has two meltas and power fist (I'm aiming to be good against non horde armies) How should I equip my tactical squad?

Flamers are great if you need an answer for horde stuff.

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With two attacks each if you're running 6+ angelus bolters they work great for hordes of infantry. The axes and powerfists will eat armor and strongly armored opponents, same for the inferno pistols. I've never had a problem with my config performing in battle.


and yeah tossing in a sanguinary priest with a jump pack is just sweet!

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I agree with most people here. I run mine like so:


7 Sanguinary Guard - chapter banner, 5 glaive, 2 powerfist

Sanguinary Priest - power spear (only because I primarily fight eldar so I get str 6 on the charge for instant death), bolt pistol


This strikes a balance between being cheap and being survivalable I find.

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