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Blood Angels! Final call for the ETL crusade


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Final call for Blood Angels recruits during the Time of Challenge!


To be reading this you have made your way to Angel’s Fall across the rad-deserts, a process that weeds out the weakest. The hazards of the desert are many, and it takes a forum member of extraordinary skill and courage to even reach the Place of Challenge. Once there you have vied for the 80 or so places that are available. Should you succeed you are taken up in Sky Chariots; but should you fail you are left behind either to guard the place of testing or to make their way back to their own tribes.


With places still available, time is of the essence. Make that final push, the timer until our departure has begun.

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Dang it.  I'm at work...I can't do pre-condition pictures from here...and my codex is at home...


I should have posted something.  


If I was to post, it would be that I'd build and paint:


  1. a BA 5-man Vanguard Squad (4 Lclaws, 1 THammer),
  2. a BA 10-man Assault squad (jump packs, melta, melta, combimelta [or grav pistiol], paxe); and
  3. Lemartes; and
  4. A Sanguinary Priest

Can I still sign up now w/o pictures? (I could ad them tonight or tomorrow)...

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595 with grav pistol, 590 without. Going to assume your priest is the clam pack version?


... and yes you can still sign up. Just type the above into the vow format and add your starting picture later :)

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If my primer was mephiston red, does that still count as just primed? If so (I'm at work without codex) would someone mind adding this up for me?


Tac squad with heavy flamer, flamer, grav pistol and power fist

2x Tac squad with heavy flamer, flamer and combi flamer

Tac squad with plasma cannon, plasma gun, plasma pistol

Tac squad with multi melta, melta gun and combi melta

Tac squad with heavy bolter, grav gun, storm bolster and power sword

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Given it's been permitted elsewhere, then it's fine. As a reference, Semper gave this a green light:




Including DC, that comes out at 1320.

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