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Our Presence Remakes the Past (Again!)


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Back in 2009 I started an Ultramarines blog on Bolterandchainsword (back when this forum had a blog section). Among my first paint jobs were a pair of veteran sergeants, which inspired me to paint two whole squads in their color schemes. By the time I had finished, however, my painting skills had grown such that my standard tactical marine looked better than his commanding officer!

For this reason, I resolved to do two things:

1. Always paint basic troops first.

2. Go back and repaint my original sergeants.

Veteran Sergeant Solinus, Ultramarines 2nd Company, 1st Tactical Squad (The Indomitable)

Sergeant Solinus has been my most successful model in games of 40K to date. His achievements include taking out an enemy Valkerie and then killing the command squad inside, taking the last wound off a Keeper of Secrets, slaying an entire squad of daemonettes (by himself, after his squad had been eaten by the aforementioned Greater Daemon) to claim an objective and tie the game, rapid firing his bolter and killing 2 terminators, etc.

2009 version:


2014 version:


Veteran Sergeant Praxor Manorian, Ultramarines 2nd Company, 2nd Tactical Squad (Shield Bearers)
Praxor is based on the limited edition sculpt that came with the 2004 space marine army box. The rivets on his banner's shield were converted from Martha Stewart microbeads laugh.png
2010 version:
2015 version:
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Thanks guys!

@mithrilforge - I'm not sure if the helmet looks washed out because the camera is having trouble picking up subtle variations in white, or if it's another issue like lighting. I've just started using the SLR camera, so there's a lot I need to learn.

The photos of the original versions were taken with a point-and-shoot camera, with the miniature in a photo booth, illuminated by multiple lamps. Even then I had to load the image into photo editing software, and increase the brightness, contrast, and sharpness to get a half decent image. The photos of the newer versions were taken with a dSLR, illuminated by a large window, no post processing. Maybe if I went to as much trouble as I did with the point-and-shoot I could get crisper images. After some research on wikipedia, I do know that my latest photos are suffering from shallow depth-of-field, which is why the tips of the Power Fist, Combi-Melta & Power Sword are out of focus. Hopefully, with some more experience I'll be able to correct these issues.

Here is another do-over I recently completed...

Ultramarines Honour Company Sternguard Veteran Squad

The Ultramarines Honour Company is a company comprised of space marines from the Ultramarines chapter and their successors, tasked with defending the Cadian Gate. I imagine that each chapter might contribute a squad, but since veterans & commanders are harder to come by, I decided to paint this Sternguard Veteran squad in mixed colors.

2011 version:


2014-2015 version:

Genesis Chapter


Aurora Chapter


Praetors of Orpheus


Black Consuls


Ultramarines (I decided to keep the 2011 version of the Ultramarine :))


Sons of Guilliman Veteran Sergeant


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Hi GrandMagnus,


I am still working my way through my stock of old GW paints, so I paint the tabards using


1. an undercoat of Scorched Brown

2. basecoat of Bleached Bone mixed with a tiny bit of Scorched Brown to darken it

3. 1st layer highlights using the above, but with another small brushful of Bleached Bone added to the mix

4. 2nd layer highlights using the above but with a small brush load of Bleached Bone + Skull white added to the mix. I paint each successive layer in a smaller area that recedes from the crevasses, so the tops of the folds get lighter while the deeper areas remain dark.

5. Final highlights use the above mix but with an additional brushful of Skull White added to the mix. Final highlights are just line highlights on top of the very edges of the folds.


Give that a try!



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Thank you everyone!


@Loddfafnir113 - Originally, the bases consisted of medium and large bits of slate (from Citadel Basing Kit), covered with Jo Sonja's Texture Paste for snow.


Half way through the 2014 version, I discovered my jar of Jo Sonja's was turning green (mold?) and bought a new jar. The second jar seemed to dry a lot more opaque than the first; I'm not sure if it was a bad batch. I purchased some Liquitex Matte Gel as a replacement, but the Liquitex gel dried a lot more transparent than I liked (more ice-like than snow). I ended up mixing Jo Sonja's Texture Paste with Liquitex Matte Gel to get the translucent effect I wanted.


On the Praetors of Orpheus marine, I experimented with using plastic icicles from Dragon Forge Design (http://dragonforgedesign.blogspot.com/2009/10/whats-this-icicles-in-october.html), as well as Secret Weapon's crushed glass, which are the ice crystals caking that marine's boots.

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LOL....o.k. i'm going to call it there,it's gotta be the camera laugh.png My bad!

The Black consul rocks the imperium,actually so does the old one ohmy.png reading the word black consuls brought a nostalgic tear to my eye of old memories of space marines from a few decades ago cry.gif

thanks for sharing, the new stuff really is good!


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The older models look great, the new ones look fantastic! happy.png The idea of having Marines from other Chapters in the Honour Guard is a great one. I'll be stealing borrowing that for something similar... laugh.png
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It's not the Ultramarines Honour Guard, it's their Honour Company. The background is official:




I have Honour Guard penciled in for... 2020 ;-)

I stand corrected! laugh.png But still, it's an idea that I'd like to try out eventually happy.png

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