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I think I met a "that guy".


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I was at the friendly local gaming store building my guardsmen after work. I'm the only person there until another dude walks in and sits down across from me and looks at my stuff.




"Yeah. First squad of my first army."


"Why Guard?"


"I find them relatable."


"But Guard suck."


"Well inidivually-"


"Like dude, one of my Grey Knights can take on a hundred of those guys. Why are you even putting in the effort for a single-digit point unit?"


"I like the modesty of the Guard. Everything else in the galaxy is bred or built for war and they're just going to bat. They're the must courageous-"


"In one of my Grey Knights books, the Knights kill an entire regiment of Guardsmen because they fought demons and couldn't be trusted to not become corrupted after learning of the existence of demons. They're so stupid, weak, and expendable."


"Why do you hate them so much?"


"Because they suck!"


"Not as much as Grey Knights. Grey Knights don't get any chicks and they still die all the time to lasguns and asbestos. They're so useless."




I just stared at the dude. I realized he was not a sane or reasonable person but it still struck me as very very odd that someone I didn't know would go to such lengths to pick my army choice. I also think there are probably people who just have a single-minded aesthetic preference and people who prefer different things make them confused and angry. I need to find more Guardbros. Even my all-MEQ escalation league jibes me for Guard. Like why did you all decide to play the same army? What's the fun in that?

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Take a black Templar chaplain into your spiritual advisory board, accuse that knuckle head of witch craft, and heresy for failing to adhere to the edict of nikea, which came from the lips of the emperor himself, and proceed to engulf him in so many warm bodies that his entire force is tabled by drowning in the blood of the humble!

Or simply show him that playing all of 10 models at 1000 points is ridiculous, when his termies die to massed flashlights, and his dreadknights die to Bring it down! by sheer volume of fire. 


Some people are just like that, here's how you solve the problem:


1) Collect a small Space Marine force

2) eBay an old metal Dread

3) Never play space marines except as allies

4) Put old metal Dread in sock

5) Hit him with said dreadsock whenever he speaks

6) Point and Laugh... also PROFIT!


He doesn't know the difference between his hobby, and the hobby. Also, remind him that in ye olden days of 3rd edition, his army didn't exist, but Guard did. Also remind him that Guardsmen don't need power armor to be awesome, and they regularly face the hordes of Chaos with naught but a cardboard box for armor, an angry flashlight, and their faith in the Emperor, to protect them. Then remind him that his beloved scions of the Emperor had to slaughter countless Sororitas wear their skins and paint their armor in the sisters' blood to protect them from the ruinous powers, despite their Aegis. Also remind him that his Grand Master was trapped in the warp for god knows how long, exposed to the warp constantly, and made precisely no headway. Tell him that the only reason that his army is awesome is because Matt Ward had a huge hard on for them, and turned them into a bunch of stupid Mary Sues. Also politely remind him that Cadia holds the line against Chaos every day with only the previously mentioned stuff to guard them. Finally remind him of Ollianus Pius, the guardsman who stood up to Horus Lupercal to save the emperor and sacrificed himself to allow the emperor a killing blow against the foul traitor.


Yeah, basically the Guard is awesome and he can suck it. If he insists on badgering you, let the store manger/owner know, because if he's doing it to you, he's doing it to others, and that will drive off customers. Which will affect the store's bottom line, and ultimately, the store is supposed to make profit and without customers that doesn't happen. If the manager/owner likes his job, he'll tell the guy to shut his mouth. 


I hope that helps. The threat of Dreadsocking will usually shut most seasoned players up. Additionally, ask around, find out about him from other players in the community, see if he's a problem. If all else fails, tell him in no uncertain terms that he's futzing with your enjoyment of the hobby, and that he should shut his mouth (PM me if you'd like some choice words to use, that would really give him pause). 


BTW, My last meta had a guy that was very similar, he had no love for the hobby, just winning. He'd always take the most stupidly OP tourney list he could find on the internet, never purchase his models in the store, and then acted like a turd when things didn't go his way, or rushed you during your turn, and was generally a bad sport. He was invited to leave and never come back. He'd take up table space that supporting customers should have been getting (this was a GW store), and he was told to buy something or get out.


They'll be wherever you go. The guy I described is one reason I stopped playing my Tau, he made it so that no one would play tau, two of us just couldn't play our armies. I couldn't play my necrons either because of him and the same reasons. The only armies I could play were my Space wolves, and now my Guard, but those armies are ruined because I adapted to counter his tactics, and I made my armies all but unplayable. It sucks, which is one reason I'm so active here, trying to learn how to make fun balanced lists. 


I wish you luck. Godspeed Guardsman, and may the Emperor protect.

Players like this are the reason why my Tau have sat in a box for a year now. So much moaning - I rarely ever won, but so much moaning made the games unfun for me. Guard have been a tonne of fun lately, though.


I bumped into a That Guy at MCM Comicon, actually. I was cosplaying a Cadian Sergeant, (had the symbols and the Chainsword, couldn't get a Laspistol made in time.) He stops me as I'm walking along and tells me I've got the outfit wrong. Thinking he meant it was a bit rushed, I agreed that it was a rough approximation, something to get the idea across. He then lectures me that all Guardsmen have lasguns and never get chainswords. I amicably tell him I'm a sergeant, and they don't get the option to carry Lasguns but get a pistol and Chainsword as standard out of the box.


No, no, no. I was wrong, he had been playing since 4th Edition. Despite the fact his friend was trying to pull him away, and he was most definitely wrong, the guy continued to lecture me that Guardsmen can't have chainswords and get lasguns instead. 


He even appeared when I did that shot with the Khorne Berzerker just to remind me. Me and my friends referred to him by many deprecating titles. :P

I think you might have struck a nerve with the 'not getting any chicks' comment. A bit close to the bone for many a neckbeard.


Guardsman are the work horses of the Imperium. We do all the heavy lifting, and then those showboating Astartes turn up and claim the victory for themselves. 1,000 dudes for an entire chapter? Bah! They'd be outnumbered by the catering staff from a single regiment!


On the hobby side, why would you want to put the effort into a model worth 5pts? Well, because its your army, and they're effing glorious, that's why. If he want to play with bare plastic or spray silver and dip, that's his own damned problem.

I bumped into a That Guy at MCM Comicon, actually. I was cosplaying a Cadian Sergeant, (had the symbols and the Chainsword, couldn't get a Laspistol made in time.) He stops me as I'm walking along and tells me I've got the outfit wrong. Thinking he meant it was a bit rushed, I agreed that it was a rough approximation, something to get the idea across. He then lectures me that all Guardsmen have lasguns and never get chainswords. I amicably tell him I'm a sergeant, and they don't get the option to carry Lasguns but get a pistol and Chainsword as standard out of the box.

No, no, no. I was wrong, he had been playing since 4th Edition. Despite the fact his friend was trying to pull him away, and he was most definitely wrong, the guy continued to lecture me that Guardsmen can't have chainswords and get lasguns instead.

He even appeared when I did that shot with the Khorne Berzerker just to remind me. Me and my friends referred to him by many deprecating titles. tongue.png

When people get that worked up about stuff I kinda feel sorry for them - I mean its more like an illness than a hobby at that stage. Sure, be enthusiastic, but don't be a nob about it.

I'm pretty sure the old 2nd ed metal guards had chainswords, as well so I don't know what the hell he was gibbering about.

Yeah, I have a little brother with autism, though he doesn't have the black and white mentality. I know a lot of people who do, though not all of them are autistic. Utterly insufferable in a discussion if they're convinced they're right when they're very, very wrong. Never debate social issues with people of that mentality, it hurts.

I'd merely point out that arguing about which toy soldier/army is best is a bit like comparing imaginary friends... and that he should go out and get a life if all he was capable of was to try and insult a stranger over something he enjoys.


Failing that, say that it doesn't matter whether they are guard or Grey knights... the plastic ones still melt in Nitromors paintstripper :)


If I was in your situation, I would have merely said "I don't game and I want a vietnam styled sci-fi army to put on my shelves". I think he would blow a fuse over that sort of logic :)

For the most part people like that seem to be only interested in proving how superior they are to everyone else because they actually feel inferior and don't know any other way to change that to make themselves feel better. I actually feel bad for guys like that but I just ignore them or politely ask them to leave.


I was playing a tournament a few years ago with my mech. Tau and a "that guy" was playing Khornate Chaos and I got matched up with him for the first game. He kept going on and on about how Tau were only ever good in a gun line and I should have traded all my Devilfish in for Broadsides. I then proceeded to table him in four turns while losing only a handful of firewarriors and a single crisis suit. He refused to play any more games and left the store after that.

Apparently he never met an Elysian Guard player. Oh you have three squads in 1k points, that's cute. I have 3 plasma weapons teams 3 vet squads with melta  and other stuff to DS next to you, and guess what if I lose a couple, I don't care, I have more.


Played a cocky arrogant guy like this back in 3rd or 4th edition. He walked into the store, the other guys I normally associated with kinda grumbled, I didn't know him, but he brought his hot girlfriend along. This dude was a very I am better than you, look at my girlfriend, look at my gelled manicured hair type of guy. Would have taken him for a fighter pilot if I didn't find out from my friends he was a supply pogue in the army. He was looking for a game, I said sure. She was nice eye candy in her low cut top so having her across the field would be cool regardless of the game. Hw asked what I was playing, I said guard. He kinda laughed and said ok, and did not tell me what he was playing. My buddy walked up to me and asked what I was playing, I said my standard list, drop guard(yeah this was during the doctrine days when regular guard could get deep strike without being elysian.) She had walked away to look at something and my friend being a purposely obnoxious fellow upped the ante quite a bit and played this guy like a fiddle eventually getting him to bet if he couldn't beat me, his girl friend had to give him a ----------. I am not making that up either. I was pulling my all infantry list out of my boxes so I wasn't paying too much attention until he actually came over and whispered that I had better beat him, I didn't learn about the details of the bet until afterward.


So we start setting up. I set up first and start putting my heavy weapons platoon on the board(missile teams, HQ, and heavy bolter team). He kinda chuckles when I put the mortar and heavy bolter teams on the board and says I wont need them and could sub them out if I wanted. I was ok. You sure man, you really aren't going to need them. I told him I do not build my armies for particular opponents, I was good. I set the last team on the board and said go. I guess he hadn't played a drop army before, he was like that's it and started to panic a bit. I set everyone in pretty heavy cover even though in this edition you could have no one on the board if you wanted if they were in reserves.


So he sets up his armored company nicely spaced across his deployment zone. He even had a FW Destroyer tank, the one with the big laser cannon that looks like a ww2 Jagdpanzer. He also has a squad of sentinels with lascannon I think. I go first and I think I immobilized the destroyer tank with a missile launcher and immobilize a sentinel. He manages to kill almost all of my missile teams and ignores the heavy bolters.


Yeah when you have an entire army of squads deepstriking in as platoons, you get quite a few even on average rolling. So all three of my storm trooper squads drop in as well as an entire platoon with their multiple special weapon squads. It was fun as leman russes start blowing up all over the place. I severely hurt him that second round, and the heavy bolters wipe the remainder of the sentinel squad. He was trying to pick up pieces his second round and managed to get a kill or two as his scatters went wide for the most part. Third round brings in everything else and its mass confusion for him. Note that this was back when Vet squads were still elites, so all of my troops were in platoon format, minimum of hq, 2 squads and all had special weapon squads maxed out. I think I even killed a leman russ with a flamer in its rear armor at one point. Final shots of the game were the heavy bolters killing a leman russ from behind that turned to face a troop squad with a single melta gun.


The dude welched on his bet and Mike never let him forget it. I never played him again and he never offered, Eye candy was great, especially when she kept asking him if this or that tank was dead. I lost more guys to his stuff blowing up than I did to his firepower.

On the one hand, nice job sending That Guy packing. On the other hand, you've shown a bit about why girls don't play 40K openly and don't come down stores much. "Ah, I see she's your girlfriend, so rather than respecting that, I'm going to gamble sexual favours from her like she's a poker chip."


Sorry, but it makes it difficult for me not to see you as That Guy as well, given the lack of respect at play there...

On the one hand, nice job sending That Guy packing. On the other hand, you've shown a bit about why girls don't play 40K openly and don't come down stores much. "Ah, I see she's your girlfriend, so rather than respecting that, I'm going to gamble sexual favours from her like she's a poker chip."


Sorry, but it makes it difficult for me not to see you as That Guy as well, given the lack of respect at play there...

Reread. His friend did that without telling him.


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