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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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I decided to open a new rumor topic and keep it updated with we have so far:




Teaser Videos:


A new sprue:





A new Chaplain


Decals (limited edition)





Apparently, grav weapons!

June 20: Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain + Codex (Chaplain seen)

Also: Rumored datacards.

Source from info and pics: N&R section http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303857-rumours-dark-angels-codex-interrogator-chaplain/

BnC sources suggest a new teaser named "For the Lion" marked on GW site calendar for 15 June.

Nice new Greenwing sprue. Should be plenty of bits and pieces to tart up generic marines. But I'm out of touch - does that mean the current Veteran-bodied upgrade sprue is being discontinued?


Also liking the decal sheet. The inclusion of the three sacred standards on there is really useful, as are the other more 'corporate' looking Librarian and sword icons.


All in all, good and getting more exciting as things start becoming 'more than rumour' :yes:.




Thanks Chaplin Lucifer for consolidating the DA stuff.


From reading all the other rumour threads, I think i'm the only one who doesnt like the new Chapy model as is ... lots of great potential for conversions but as it is just doesnt do anything for me.


Be interested to see what is actually contained in the DA Battle force box (I refuse to beleive its just 3 BK's, and AB and a Speeder).  Is this due for release this weekend?

  On 6/2/2015 at 12:42 PM, Raztalin said:


Be interested to see what is actually contained in the DA Battle force box (I refuse to beleive its just 3 BK's, and AB and a Speeder).  Is this due for release this weekend?

You are welcome to believe whatever you want but GW rarely mess up the pictures anymore.  They have been stuck putting extra stuff in because the picture on the box had extra bits not in the box.

The old RW battleforce had to have three RW sprues in it because all the bikes in the picture had fairings.  They only intended to put two upgrade sprues and the attack bike to go without.

  On 6/2/2015 at 12:22 PM, Isiah said:

Nice new Greenwing sprue. Should be plenty of bits and pieces to tart up generic marines. But I'm out of touch - does that mean the current Veteran-bodied upgrade sprue is being discontinued?


I don't see why people think that this might happen.  They're two totally different things.  Company Veterans are a unit, this is merely a frame of conversion parts.

Thanks for collecting it all together.... that Chaplain is still just fantastic to me, even the day after.


I hope he's really cool... he better not suck. Seriously he has amazing potential. He could be a character in the codex, a character in the new campaign, but I just want to use him.

The rumours for the DA/ tzeentch campaign box (going back a little ways now) had an interrogator chaplain in it. I wonder if they mistook this chaplain for a limited release figure or if we are going to see another chaplain (Sapphon?) soon as well.

Its only a small release but I am looking forward to the next few weeks!

Putting an interrogator chaplain on a bike actually works wonders, especially with mace of redemption. I've also had some success packing a jump pack intchappy and two conclave librarians in a barebones assault squad, gives a fair bit of mobility, cc punch, and ablative wounds.
  On 6/2/2015 at 8:33 PM, darker.tlx said:

As far as I can remember, the old sprue was 15€ and the new one is 10€.

Those bits are fine looking, but there's so few of them...


They're not intended for the same purpose.  This new frame is for conversions - the "old" one is a complete unit.  GW finally wised up to the fact that people could make a complete Vets squad for half the price of any other Elite squad in the game.  People who expected it to always be sold separately were spoiled.

  On 6/2/2015 at 10:33 PM, Brother dean said:

and the hard part now is waiting...


Not long -- from BoLS today:


June 6: Space Marine Devastators + Codex (CONFIRMED via images)

June 13: Space Marine Terminator Librarian + X (Command Tanks?) (Librarian practically CONFIRMED)

June 20: Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain + Codex (Chaplain seen)

June 27: X (Citadel Colour sets? Many of the older ones are currently out of stock)

July 4: Age Of Sigmar (CONFIRMED via images) 




So June 20th for both Int-Chap and DA Codex. If BoLS is right of course <_<




Just wishlisting here, but I would really like to see a Deathwing heavy support unit with four heavy weapons and storm shields. You could make that unit with the existing kit too. Probably to much to hope for, but here's to having two heavies in our normal Deathwing squads again!

I've wishlisted prior to 4th and current editions' codexes - and many faqs in between, prior and since.


Can't say I have the will to be disappointed for 7th so shan't engage again <_<.


[Yes, I'm an old cynic]




  On 6/3/2015 at 6:24 PM, palin2222 said:


  On 6/3/2015 at 5:33 PM, Master Sheol said:

I have no hopes ....

... I only hope ...



I have no hopes on the rules but hopes only for new models for veterans...

And models can go without rules... Even if the rules are the worst in universe you can buy and paint them... ;)


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