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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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But who uses vets?

Also my hopes of a thunderfire cannon may have diminished a little sad.png

Using vets has proved pretty successful for me, but who knows, maybe something will change with them.

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But who uses vets?

Also my hopes of a thunderfire cannon may have diminished a little sad.png

Using vets has proved pretty successful for me, but who knows, maybe something will change with them.

Alpha strike in a pod with Meltas and combis can do for Knight class walkers or tanks or....

But there I took it off topic again... Sorry Mods.

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But who uses vets?

Also my hopes of a thunderfire cannon may have diminished a little sad.png

Using vets has proved pretty successful for me, but who knows, maybe something will change with them.

same, their a pretty meaty unit when used in the right application.
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But who uses vets?


Also my hopes of a thunderfire cannon may have diminished a little :(

I haven't seen the new SM codex, so our answer might be in there, but my hope is that the Thunderfire Cannon gets rolled into the options for the Techmarine and Servitors Squad. You would lose access to an extra techmarine, but you would gain flexability in unit composition.


Plus how cool would it be to field a unit that had a conversion beam, thunderfire cannon, and a couple of servitors with a mix of plasma cannons, heavy bolters, multi-meltas and grav-cannons.

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Thunderfire Cannons are not a wargear option for Techmarines in the new SM Codex - actually, quite to the contrary, the Techmarine Gunner is merely a crewman to the cannon, which is a Heavy Support choice.  But they can have three guns in a unit.

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Thunderfire Cannons are not a wargear option for Techmarines in the new SM Codex - actually, quite to the contrary, the Techmarine Gunner is merely a crewman to the cannon, which is a Heavy Support choice.  But they can have three guns in a unit.

This is true, The TFC is a Heavy support, artillery type unit. The model looks sweet, and at present the only thing DA currently has to fill this roll is a whirlwind and mass missile launchers. Given the option I would field at least 2 of them. Unfortunatly the tax for allying them in is too high, and unbound isn't really an option. I hope against hope that some techmarine in the rock came across the blueprints for one, or talked to another techmarine on mars at the last convention...

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after those few days with so much adrenaline about the new Codex, it's true that we feel a bit lost.


But tomorrow comes the White dwarf AND the GW site will change giving the possibility to pre-order the DA codex. so we'll survive!

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I was looking at the battle demi-company. Seems we are blessed with dreadnought units as well. That means I can field my six ancients at the same time without being unbound. So basically a Librarian Conclave for multiple PFG's, 6 dreadnoughts (preferably venerable)and something to fill in points. Awesome.

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I was looking at the battle demi-company. Seems we are blessed with dreadnought units as well. That means I can field my six ancients at the same time without being unbound. So basically a Librarian Conclave for multiple PFG's, 6 dreadnoughts (preferably venerable)and something to fill in points. Awesome.


This is one of the changes (presumably) I'm looking forward to the most.  It started with Tyranids being able to form units of Carnifex, and then it was seen again with Dark Eldar and their Pain Engines.  As someone who faces a lot of Tyranids and plays Dark Eldar (with said units), this is awesome.  Vehicle/walker rules aside, the fact that we may not have to feel guilty about using an elite slot for a sole Dreadnought is pretty uplifting.  A unit of dreadnoughts will tear so many things up.  Against the right army that 0-1 slot will be put to good use.

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I was looking at the battle demi-company. Seems we are blessed with dreadnought units as well. That means I can field my six ancients at the same time without being unbound. So basically a Librarian Conclave for multiple PFG's, 6 dreadnoughts (preferably venerable)and something to fill in points. Awesome.

Further to what SvenONE says, I additionally hope (yes, there's that bad word) we have Mk. V Mortis in there. I know there's little precedent for a FW unit to be ported straight into a Codex, but hope, as it would be a nice angle for us. Being able to make them Venerable for DW would be a cherry on the cake.

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I was looking at the battle demi-company. Seems we are blessed with dreadnought units as well. That means I can field my six ancients at the same time without being unbound. So basically a Librarian Conclave for multiple PFG's, 6 dreadnoughts (preferably venerable)and something to fill in points. Awesome.

Further to what SvenONE says, I additionally hope (yes, there's that bad word) we have Mk. V Mortis in there. I know there's little precedent for a FW unit to be ported straight into a Codex, but hope, as it would be a nice angle for us. Being able to make them Venerable for DW would be a cherry on the cake.


It probably won't happen, but all they have to do is give you the additional options to take a MIssile Launcher or TL Lascannons instead of the Power fist and give it the special rule "Mortis: If the dreadnought is eqipped with the same weapon on each arm and has not moved that turn the model gains Skyfire and Interceptor" 

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I'm afraid Interromancy is ALL about messing with morale (even if you could guess that "Mind Worm" will be one of the lot, lets say #6)... Anyway, ATSKNF units will be affected, don't they test on Ld for 25% losses in shooting phase, pinning, lost hand to hand combat?

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hehe you have to love GW web/photo team


"Ravenwing Silence Squadron

This bundle contains everything needed to field the Ravenwing Silence Squadron from Codex: Dark Angels, and includes one Ravenwing Dark Talon and two Nephilim Jetfighters."


Yet the picture shows two Dark Talons and one Nephilim Jetfighter :)

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