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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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We don't have a planet, with all its atendant defences etc. A strong fleet is essential to defend the Rock.

The Rock is bristling with enough lance batteries to look like a strobe light when firing its broadsides. It doesn't need an escort, it is the escort.


Especially when unlike the Space Wolves, the Dark Angels did have successors, meaning their fleet was split up among the second founding chapters.

The Rock is simply too small to mount the level of defences that a well fortified planet will have. I'm only playing Devil's advocate here to justify our 8 battle barges.


We're straying off topic though. Wait a week until I have the book and we can start a new discussion of our fleet strength.

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Saw this on BoLS from Spikey Bits. Sorry if I missed it here. 


Supposedly one of our readers has the book, and wants to share rules and photos. Come see part one of the new rules leaks.  So far it looks like he has the goods, but buyer beware!

Via Spikey Bits Reader; a true son of The Lion 

Deathwing Knights are AP3 base. Smite changed to basically a smash attack, convert all attacks to 1 str X2 ap 2 attack, but no longer one use only. Knight Masters Flail gained fleshbane.

All Ravenwing units reroll failed jink saves. That’s all bikes, speeders, and jets

Terminators down 20 points for the squad. Sergeants can now take lightning claws or th/ss.

Ravenwing bikers down 2 points, 25 each now

Black Knights are down 2 points, 40 each now

Rad grenades nerfed. No longer reduce T by 1. The cause 2 wounds on a wound roll of 6 regardless of toughness.

Darkshroud now has 3 hull points. Assault cannon upgrade cost reduced by a melta bomb. Icon of old caliban now grants stealth and fear to all units within 6 inches. In addition, if a friendly unit declares a charge within 6 inches of a Darkshroud, they cannot be overwatched

Vengeance is now 120. Also given 3 hull points. Assault cannon upgrade reduced by a melta bomb. Plasma Storm Battery is now 36″ range.

Nephilim was given missile lock back. Blacksword missiles are now str 7 AP 3. Costs 170 points

Dark Talons rift cannon is now str 10 ap 2 blind blast. On a scatter roll of any double, it gains the vortex rule. Stasis bomb has the same effect as before. In addition, models hit by it must pass an initiative test or be removed from play. Cost is 160.

Those are some solid rules indeed. More on the way folks!

Keep up with the latest rules leaks below

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If the DW Command Squad is anything to go by, they now cost 40ppm. DW CS costs 200.

Holding my breath that we became 175 like SM, but I think yes, [sadly] we may have become 40ppm.

I think 40ppm is quite reasonable given that DW pay for extra rules.

Yes but that means every vanilla terminator gets their chapter tactics for free essentially. Not complaining if they drop in points mind you. But so far it sounds like Inner Circle became "Deathwing" and all the other rules come frn a detachment, which means that GW is costing our terminators 5ppm higher for the fact they have Fearless, which means they consider Fearless to be higher than tactical doctrines.


Too early to arrive at a comolete verdict, but until the detachment is revealed, Im going to reserve full judgement


It seems that we pay 5 pts for fearless and hatred: CSM in addition to our chapter tactics which is stubborn and BS2 overwatch (terminators have "grim resolve" just like greens).



and Split Fire.

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 Stasis bomb has the same effect as before. In addition, models hit by it must pass an initiative test or be removed from play. Cost is 160.


This is not true, unless there is a change from the iBooks codex.  It's not models hit by Stasis Bomb - it's any model that suffers an unsaved wound. And an Initiative check must be made for every unsaved wound suffered.


Essentially, you can drop a Stasis Bomb on an HQ surrounded by a blob of infantry, and because of Barrage rules you can stack all those wounds on the HQ and force them to make LoS and armor saves until they fail, then they have to make a separate Initiative check.


Without the armor save the Stasis Bomb would be insanely overpowered, because the Initiative check is made at -3 I.

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120 points to LSV seems a little more approachable.  Since it re-rolls jink saves that's not bad, though you still miss out on the large blast.  36" 3-shot plasma though, that is nice.


Flier costs still feel a little high, won't know until we put it on the table in a list though.  Considering that if it evades it can't shoot by virtue of the jink rule? or fliers are technically evade.

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Termies down by 20 for the unit! The savings are huge folks! We are slashing points left and right! Someone lock the folks up at GW cause these prices are criminal! 



On a serious note I am glad they wend down, and I dont mind they are still more expensive then vanilla, cause ours get la special rules, and something is better than nothing :)


The nice part about this new release is so far from most that I have seen our DA are getting buffed all around the board, I am super satisfied with it and the fact that because everything is so viable now between DW,RW, and GW you will more than likely see huge variety in lists and tactics.


Heres to more good times! Cheers!

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Anybody have a unit list of what is in the codex? Anything new on the list?

attack bike squadrons


Sorry, I wan't specific enough.  Are there any new UNITS, such as the Stormraven, Hunter/Stalker, Thunderfire Cannon, Land Speeder Storm, Scout Bikers, etc?

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Anybody have a unit list of what is in the codex? Anything new on the list?

attack bike squadrons


Sorry, I wan't specific enough.  Are there any new UNITS, such as the Stormraven, Hunter/Stalker, Thunderfire Cannon, Land Speeder Storm, Scout Bikers, etc?



So far doesn't look like it.

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Anybody have a unit list of what is in the codex? Anything new on the list?

attack bike squadrons


Sorry, I wan't specific enough.  Are there any new UNITS, such as the Stormraven, Hunter/Stalker, Thunderfire Cannon, Land Speeder Storm, Scout Bikers, etc?


From what I have been seeing my best assumption right now is no, other than grav and some new rules off vanilla we didnt get any new units like what your saying. I believe GW just updated everything existing to just bring things inline.


model wise we got that new chap, while he is amazing looking, we really didnt need another PA chaplain, rather I would have enjoyed a TDA chaplain or new azreal model, but hey the new chaplain looks great!

Something apparently gets 'Interceptor', any thoughts from the C:SM? (Hunter/Stalker??). Or might we get Mortis? (seems unlikely in the extreme).

To have the mortis in the codex would be a dream ;)

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One thing I haven't seen addressed yet. I guess it's not a big deal. 


The Lion and The Wolf.


Should our Champion (sorry forget the name, if I am wrong) become better? Especially if we are going to do our little dance with Space Wolves before a game? :P Who would want our Champion to become better and less lacklustre?

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Something apparently gets 'Interceptor', any thoughts from the C:SM? (Hunter/Stalker??). Or might we get Mortis? (seems unlikely in the extreme).


My guess is Nephilim, either as a unit rule or as part of the Silence Squadron.

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Saw this on BoLS from Spikey Bits. Sorry if I missed it here.

Supposedly one of our readers has the book, and wants to share rules and photos. Come see part one of the new rules leaks. So far it looks like he has the goods, but buyer beware!

Via Spikey Bits Reader; a true son of The Lion

Those are some solid rules indeed. More on the way folks!

Deathwing Knights are AP3 base. Smite changed to basically a smash attack, convert all attacks to 1 str X2 ap 2 attack, but no longer one use only. Knight Masters Flail gained fleshbane.

All Ravenwing units reroll failed jink saves. That’s all bikes, speeders, and jets

Terminators down 20 points for the squad. Sergeants can now take lightning claws or th/ss.

Ravenwing bikers down 2 points, 25 each now

Black Knights are down 2 points, 40 each now

Rad grenades nerfed. No longer reduce T by 1. The cause 2 wounds on a wound roll of 6 regardless of toughness.

Darkshroud now has 3 hull points. Assault cannon upgrade cost reduced by a melta bomb. Icon of old caliban now grants stealth and fear to all units within 6 inches. In addition, if a friendly unit declares a charge within 6 inches of a Darkshroud, they cannot be overwatched

Vengeance is now 120. Also given 3 hull points. Assault cannon upgrade reduced by a melta bomb. Plasma Storm Battery is now 36″ range.

Nephilim was given missile lock back. Blacksword missiles are now str 7 AP 3. Costs 170 points

Dark Talons rift cannon is now str 10 ap 2 blind blast. On a scatter roll of any double, it gains the vortex rule. Stasis bomb has the same effect as before. In addition, models hit by it must pass an initiative test or be removed from play. Cost is 160.

Keep up with the latest rules leaks below

That all doesn't sound too bad. Re-rollable Jink for RW is pretty good, but it does come at the cost of drastically reduced firing for units that are mostly about firing. Considering the usefullness versus sacarifice aspect of this benefit, that's about as equitable a RW cost for effect as I think we'll get. The larger speeders having 3 hull points is a good thing; especially for the previously suicidal LS Vengeance which still doesn't fire 1-in-6 times (because Orks made it tongue.png).

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Update from a guy on dakka dakka:


Asmodai: rules for the blades of reason have not changed, he has no new special rules that we weren't already aware of being present in other units.


However this doesn't mean his cost, baseline, or wargear might have changed still.

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I'm not positive at all. Despite improvements across the board (which was always going to happen) I'm not seeing too much to be joyous about, but I'll save my horrendous naysaying for once I have the book.


Do you guys think there's any chance the RW and DW detachments would be able to be run without Sammael and Belial respectively? With all of the cool RW/DW rules being folded into the formations instead of the units, it seems that the detachments will be the only way to get anything meaningful out of RW/DW. But if those detachments come with a ~400 point tax for two very underwhelming special characters, then we're in a lot of trouble.


I'm still completely flummoxed that characters which were already overpriced when factoring in their FOC shenanigans have lost said shenanigans... and stayed the same price?! Belial's warlord trait won't even work with the TH/SS loadout that it pretty much compulsory for a 190 point non-EW close combat character. Uhck.

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Update from a guy on dakka dakka:


Asmodai: rules for the blades of reason have not changed, he has no new special rules that we weren't already aware of being present in other units.


However this doesn't mean his cost, baseline, or wargear might have changed still.


I certainly hope they throw Asmodai a bone.  He wasn't that great to begin with, and now that all Interrogator Chaplains have Fear, he has even less that makes him stand out.

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