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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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The second one. Your formation retains its special rules regardless of what else is in your army.


If it helps, think of formations as being like meta-units. Do your scout squads lose the infiltrate rule because you have non-scouts in the army? No. Likewise, formations don't lose their special rules just because you have other formations too.


I recommend reading pages 116 to 122 of the rulebook, particularly the 'Detachments' section on page 118 and the 'Formations' box-out on page 121.

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@Cactus Thanks for the answer it is very clear for me now. I still need to buy a seventh edition rulebook but this was making me a bit crazy on how it works that is why I decided to ask it.

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It seems I will use DA rules for my Death knights msn-wink.gif

Honestly DA and BT will mix pretty well after this release. Dark Angels supply the shooty part of the army with Greenwing backed up by Ravenwing Formations, while BT's bring Cursader Squads, transport spam, centurions, and vindicators to play. DA effectively perform a drive by on the enemy while the BT allies follow up with shock and awe- Vindicators unleashing multiple volleys before the BT transports move flat-out and deploy multiple crusader squads that bumrush the objectives while greenwing moves up to provide covering fire.
I dont take allies tbh. My armies are always seperate independent forces :)

Im thinking on Deathwing rules. Always liked terminator alpha strikes with some greenwing support. Hopefully DA will get stormravens now.

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Haven't seen these yet (someone may have posted them and I missed it):


Anti-Grav Upwash: Whilst this unit includes at least three Ravenwing Land Speeders, it can move an additional 6" when moving Flat-Out.

(I'm guessing this applies to either a unit of Ravenwing Land Speeders itself, or to the Ravenwing Support Squadron Formation - although it would have probably said Formation if it were the Formation bonus)


Armorium Cherub: One Use Only. One model in a unit equipped with an armorium cherub can re-roll all failed To-Hit rolls in one Shooting Phase.

(This is probably just copied from the Devastators entry in C:SM, but I haven't seen that yet)


Attack Squadron: If the Ravenwing Land Speeder or Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance from this Formation scores one or more hits upon an enemy unit in the Shooting Phase, then all models in this Formation's Ravenwing Bike Squad or Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad add 1 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic when shooting at the same target for the rest of the phase.

(I'm guessing this applies to the Ravenwing Attack Squadron Formation)


New Objectives for the Dark Angels:

Apprehend and Interrogate: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy character was slain in a challenge during your turn. If your opponent's Warlord was slain in a challenge during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.


Flawless Strategy: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more friendly units with the Deathwing or Ravenwing special rule arrived from Reserve during your turn. If one or more friendly units with the Deathwing special rule used a teleport home to arrive by Deep Strike within 6" of a friendly unit with the Ravenwing special rule during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.


Let None Escape Your Gaze: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested one or more psychic powers from the Interromancy discipline during your turn.


No Forgiveness: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed one or more enemy units that were controlling an Objective Marker at the start of your turn.


Not One Step Backwards: When this Tactical Objective is generated, secretly choose either your next turn, next two turns, or next three turns; score 1, D3, or D3+3 Victory Points respectively if this Tactical Objective is still active at the end of the number of turns you choose. This objective is immediately discarded if any friendly unit fails a Morale Check. If the game ends before this Tactical Objective is achieved, no Victory Points are scored.


The Path of Redemption: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, a friendly unit with the Dark Angels Faction charged an enemy unit that, at the start if the Charge sub-phase, included more models than their own unit.

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Anti-Grav Upwash: Whilst this unit includes at least three Ravenwing Land Speeders, it can move an additional 6" when moving Flat-Out.

(I'm guessing this applies to either a unit of Ravenwing Land Speeders itself, or to the Ravenwing Support Squadron Formation - although it would have probably said Formation if it were the Formation bonus)


Armorium Cherub: One Use Only. One model in a unit equipped with an armorium cherub can re-roll all failed To-Hit rolls in one Shooting Phase.

(This is probably just copied from the Devastators entry in C:SM, but I haven't seen that yet)

Yeah, these are both from CSM.


Anti-grav Upwash is the Land Speeder squadron rule when you have 3 models. I assume that will be the same, so it will apply to the unit of Land Speeders you can take in a Support Squadron, or a squadron of Speeders taken as a Fast Attack choice. The Attack Squadron is specifically a single Speeder, so it probably won't get it.

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Same number of strike cruisers as predators biggrin.png

GW should have had 10,000 marines per Chapter, rather than 1,000; but some background is now so well entrenched, they'll never alter it.

I totally agree with this! A 1000 is so small. And the Heresy's massively expanded scope has really revealed the benefits of thinking big over small. Although this is of course what certain Fluff characters like Astelan and Khayon have said regarding the Chapter system of post-Heresy Astartes...maybe those Heretics are right :D

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Same number of strike cruisers as predators biggrin.png

GW should have had 10,000 marines per Chapter, rather than 1,000; but some background is now so well entrenched, they'll never alter it.

I totally agree with this! A 1000 is so small. And the Heresy's massively expanded scope has really revealed the benefits of thinking big over small. Although this is of course what certain Fluff characters like Astelan and Khayon have said regarding the Chapter system of post-Heresy Astartes...maybe those Heretics are right biggrin.png

Heretics.....being right?!?!?! never! :)

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Exekiel apparently lost 1WS for 1A, but i don't have a source.


No word on invuln. Also doesn't look like we get biomancy.

I would've been so excited to have gotten Biomancy, or super sad to find out that we didn't because of some really cool combos between RWCS, a biomancy libby on a bike with them, and the ravenwing grenade launchers. Which I had to ally in a Bio libby for previously.


But then I found out the rad grenades got nerfed hard, so that whole little plan I had is gone for good now anyway : P

Think I'll stick to the less interesting but more reliable Int. Chappy on bike with them.


Anyone perhaps seen anything to do with wargear changes for Azrael?


Apparently he's had no changes (stats and rules wise) other than his helmet now affecting his transport.


If that's the case, then Azrael is once again the weakest of the 4 big chapter masters (still no eternal warrior, and still not ap2) His unit wide 4++ and his ability to pick his warlord trait (which Calgar now also has) are now the only special things he has going for him. He's worse than all of them in combat, and not even the best force multiplier to make up for it (Calgar has that covered) - and of course he's lost the ability to make deathwing and ravenwing troops, though I'm not bothered by that with all the new formations.


Either way I'll still use him, I prefer him to Belial and Sammael - just thought he might've gotten buffed to be able to stand up there with the rest of the Big 4.

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Attack Squadron: If the Ravenwing Land Speeder or Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance from this Formation scores one or more hits upon an enemy unit in the Shooting Phase, then all models in this Formation's Ravenwing Bike Squad or Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad add 1 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic when shooting at the same target for the rest of the phase.

(I'm guessing this applies to the Ravenwing Attack Squadron Formation)


Now that is a great reason to take a Land Speeder, even just a bare bones one with a heavy bolter.  BS 5 attack bikes would be fantastic.

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Attack Squadron: If the Ravenwing Land Speeder or Ravenwing Land Speeder Vengeance from this Formation scores one or more hits upon an enemy unit in the Shooting Phase, then all models in this Formation's Ravenwing Bike Squad or Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad add 1 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic when shooting at the same target for the rest of the phase.

(I'm guessing this applies to the Ravenwing Attack Squadron Formation)


Now that is a great reason to take a Land Speeder, even just a bare bones one with a heavy bolter.  BS 5 attack bikes would be fantastic.



Bare bones one to speed around, get objectives and mark targets from 36" away with its HB. Sounds pretty good actually.

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Half the number of their Strike Cruisers no-less. That ratio should be more in the ballpark of 1:4, not 1:2 lol. I seriously wonder what the hell they're doing with those ships, considering a single battle barge can house around three companies of marines.

All those extra ships are carrying the extra Deathwing / Ravenwing that we don't admit exist. msn-wink.gif

Then that's a lot of auxiliary forces, considering that fleet could support a force of forty companies of Astartes.

I'm extremely curious as to what they need that many Battle Barges for (or even strike cruisers!), and how they manage to deploy them.

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New Objectives for the Dark Angels:

Apprehend and Interrogate: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy character was slain in a challenge during your turn. If your opponent's Warlord was slain in a challenge during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.


Flawless Strategy: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more friendly units with the Deathwing or Ravenwing special rule arrived from Reserve during your turn. If one or more friendly units with the Deathwing special rule used a teleport home to arrive by Deep Strike within 6" of a friendly unit with the Ravenwing special rule during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.


Let None Escape Your Gaze: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested one or more psychic powers from the Interromancy discipline during your turn.


No Forgiveness: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed one or more enemy units that were controlling an Objective Marker at the start of your turn.


Not One Step Backwards: When this Tactical Objective is generated, secretly choose either your next turn, next two turns, or next three turns; score 1, D3, or D3+3 Victory Points respectively if this Tactical Objective is still active at the end of the number of turns you choose. This objective is immediately discarded if any friendly unit fails a Morale Check. If the game ends before this Tactical Objective is achieved, no Victory Points are scored.


The Path of Redemption: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, a friendly unit with the Dark Angels Faction charged an enemy unit that, at the start if the Charge sub-phase, included more models than their own unit.


Is it just me, or are these really, really easy to achieve? I mean, 1vp for a reserve showing up? D3 for using a teleport homer? For declaring a charge?


BA Get D3 VP's for killing 5 enemy units in a single assault phase...


Looking good for the fellow angels! have DW terms been reduced in price at all?

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If the DW Command Squad is anything to go by, they now cost 40ppm. DW CS costs 200.

Holding my breath that we became 175 like SM, but I think yes, [sadly] we may have become 40ppm.

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If the DW Command Squad is anything to go by, they now cost 40ppm. DW CS costs 200.

Holding my breath that we became 175 like SM, but I think yes, [sadly] we may have become 40ppm.



I think 40ppm is quite reasonable given that DW pay for extra rules.

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If the DW Command Squad is anything to go by, they now cost 40ppm. DW CS costs 200.

Holding my breath that we became 175 like SM, but I think yes, [sadly] we may have become 40ppm.

I think 40ppm is quite reasonable given that DW pay for extra rules.

Yes but that means every vanilla terminator gets their chapter tactics for free essentially. Not complaining if they drop in points mind you. But so far it sounds like Inner Circle became "Deathwing" and all the other rules come frn a detachment, which means that GW is costing our terminators 5ppm higher for the fact they have Fearless, which means they consider Fearless to be higher than tactical doctrines.


Too early to arrive at a comolete verdict, but until the detachment is revealed, Im going to reserve full judgement

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New Objectives for the Dark Angels:Apprehend and Interrogate: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy character was slain in a challenge during your turn. If your opponent's Warlord was slain in a challenge during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.Flawless Strategy: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more friendly units with the Deathwing or Ravenwing special rule arrived from Reserve during your turn. If one or more friendly units with the Deathwing special rule used a teleport home to arrive by Deep Strike within 6" of a friendly unit with the Ravenwing special rule during your turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.Let None Escape Your Gaze: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested one or more psychic powers from the Interromancy discipline during your turn.No Forgiveness: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed one or more enemy units that were controlling an Objective Marker at the start of your turn.Not One Step Backwards: When this Tactical Objective is generated, secretly choose either your next turn, next two turns, or next three turns; score 1, D3, or D3+3 Victory Points respectively if this Tactical Objective is still active at the end of the number of turns you choose. This objective is immediately discarded if any friendly unit fails a Morale Check. If the game ends before this Tactical Objective is achieved, no Victory Points are scored.The Path of Redemption: Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, a friendly unit with the Dark Angels Faction charged an enemy unit that, at the start if the Charge sub-phase, included more models than their own unit.



Is it just me, or are these really, really easy to achieve? I mean, 1vp for a reserve showing up? D3 for using a teleport homer? For declaring a charge?


BA Get D3 VP's for killing 5 enemy units in a single assault phase...


Looking good for the fellow angels! have DW terms been reduced in price at all?

Well...1VP for réserve showing up is easy sure... As long as you pick it turn one or 2 because turn 4 this obj is useless...

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We don't have a planet, with all its atendant defences etc. A strong fleet is essential to defend the Rock.

The Rock is bristling with enough lance batteries to look like a strobe light when firing its broadsides. It doesn't need an escort, it is the escort.


Especially when unlike the Space Wolves, the Dark Angels did have successors, meaning their fleet was split up among the second founding chapters.

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If the DW Command Squad is anything to go by, they now cost 40ppm. DW CS costs 200.

Holding my breath that we became 175 like SM, but I think yes, [sadly] we may have become 40ppm.

I think 40ppm is quite reasonable given that DW pay for extra rules.

Yes but that means every vanilla terminator gets their chapter tactics for free essentially. Not complaining if they drop in points mind you. But so far it sounds like Inner Circle became "Deathwing" and all the other rules come frn a detachment, which means that GW is costing our terminators 5ppm higher for the fact they have Fearless, which means they consider Fearless to be higher than tactical doctrines.


Too early to arrive at a comolete verdict, but until the detachment is revealed, Im going to reserve full judgement


It seems that we pay 5 pts for fearless and hatred: CSM in addition to our chapter tactics which is stubborn and BS2 overwatch (terminators have "grim resolve" just like greens).

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