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Dark Angels rumors. update: Codex leaks, pg 28

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Exactly, I've been winning with Deathwing heavy lists. They key is playing large enough points games where you can take the support they need, which is usually AT and AA, maybe tuck in a pair of whirlwinds for swarms if you're going for take all comers lists. Otherwise, they'll wreck just about everything else in squad to squad fights as long as you take the right heavy weapons. Pretty much the only thing I've ever REALLY had issues with are DE parking lot lists, a problem resolved as soon as I learned that deepsriking a heavy flamer next to a raider made for some properly char broiled kabalite warriors.
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So here's what I'm thinking for a fun RW army. Take the strike force with Sammael on Sableclaw, 2 attack bike squads, and your choice of flyer. They all go into reserves and Sammael and the attack bikes outlank and all get to show up turn 2 with the flyer automatically. The rest of the army is filled out with support and attack squadrons of your choosing who are deployed on the table.

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Is the Cypher data slate changed in any way?

Not that I can see. "Never forgive" got changed to include "Death Wing" characters since Inner Circle is gone.



I'm impressed they remembered to change that instead of just printing off the dataslate

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Also when you have 5 THSS in 5 members squad you can't take any heavy weapons.


This is up for debate and I tend to lean towards it being possible to have a TH/SS or LCs + heavy weapon. The problem is it comes down to the order of activity when selecting unit upgrades, which obviously isn't a thing in the formal rules.


Obviously the LC & TH/SS bullet says 'replace all of its weapons' (emphasis mine), but the heavy weapon bullet says a terminator 'may take an item' (emphasis mine) instead of replace its equipment. RAW I don't see why you can't 'replace' your SB & PF with TH/SS then 'take' a CML.


RAI I think the change from wording on previous dexes suggests the intention is to allow DW to take heavy weapons for the CC termies. This is also a defining characteristic of the DW and helps explain the increased points cost for CC termies, i.e. they have better options than their codex brethren. That said, it's obviously futile trying to rationalise GW points and rules decisions/wording.


Anyway, this probably belongs in the FAQ thread or rules forum, but I just wanted to raise that the assertion made by Wariax is not universally accepted.

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About the THSS cost and CML issue...

I am sure that the GD intentionbwas to let you build the infamous THSS+CML or LCs+CML builds but they worded again the options badly... In the THW list it states "A model can swap his SB with one of this weapons and then in the CML entry there is a reminder that states "this doesnt substitute the SB" and the THSS/LCs option says that the model swap ALL his weapons for that...

This is just a matter of bad wording... You can word correctly the THSS/LCs entry as "a model can swap his SB/PF or SB/PS with:" but then in the CML entry there is still the issue that it still says that the model can swap his SB that have already traded for THSS/LCs so it cannot even have the CML... It must states more like this "a model can swap hus SB for:" and then "or can take a CML" so you have the THSS/LCs that dont swap the CML too and the CML that doesnt require a SB on the model to bought...

About the THSS cost... I think that +10 points it's too much but this is the same cost the vanilla termies have so it's a clear choice by GW that this us the correct cost for a THSS terminator (45 points vanilla and 50 points DW)... We can debate years about this but this is clear and we are not going see it changed until a new DA codex...

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I must state again, while I initially hated art like this, the reasonable, non-apish proportions for power armor in these depictions has grown on me. I think the only reason why I thought I liked barrel-chested Astartes was just growing used to them throughout the artwork. What these new pics remind me a lot of is the Index Astartes and its space marines who were just really big dudes, and didn't have outlandish proportions. Stuff like this (which ironically is dark angels as well).

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I must state again, while I initially hated art like this, the reasonable, non-apish proportions for power armor in these depictions has grown on me. I think the only reason why I thought I liked barrel-chested Astartes was just growing used to them throughout the artwork. What these new pics remind me a lot of is the Index Astartes and its space marines who were just really big dudes, and didn't have outlandish proportions. Stuff like this (which ironically is dark angels as well).

I agree with you...

The only thing i dont Like of these heraldry artworks are the flat colors used...

The GotC one has beatifully done silver livery, why cant GW put the same shadows on the other drawings Too???

Something similar to the FW IA illustrations like this one:


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At least we don't lose a weapon from taking the narthecium though.  There is the whole "take the wargear first, then upgrade the Vet to an Apothecary w/narthecium" thing though.  You may wish to put a question in the FAQ thread about whether you can do that or not.

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I just want to say that I ordered this LE codex, and I don't know IF I can keep it. But I have to confess if is probably the best looking LE Codex GW have done to date. That's a mighty handsome piece of Caliban right there.


Oh I do have a question: This came up for me because of the Space Marines codex; Are the Objective Cards in the LE package the same as the DA specific Objective cards you'd buy separately?

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