Brother Argent Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 ...Accessing Data... ...Activating Cogitator Banks.. <<Please Enter Authorisation Code - Level Alpha>> Code: ******* Welcome Inquisitor Damaya... ...Accessing File: Ref 322VC45 - Lauss Rift Crusade... <<Please Enter Authorisation Code - Level Gamma>> Code: *************** <<Code Accepted>> ...Accessing File: Ref 322VC542 - Battle for Transcendence... <<WARNING: HIGH INQUISITORIAL CLEARANCE REQUIRED - ATTEMPTS TO ACCESS THIS FILE BY UNAUTHORISED PERSONNEL WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION>> <<Please Enter Authorisation Code - Level Omega>> Code: ****************************** <<Code Accepted>> ..Opening File.. <<BEGIN TRANSMISSION Greeting Lord Inquisitor Damaya, As per your request I have laboured to gather together all the various fragments of information pertaining to the Lauss Rift Crusade of M41, particularly surrounding the Battle for the Hive World of Transcendence. The very nature of this conflict, along with how many different forces that were involved not to mention the end result of the destruction of most of Transcendence has meant that information is fractured at best and out right falsehood in some cases. It can be hard to tell where propaganda, from either Imperial Forces or Traitor Cults, ends and where the Truth lies. As you are aware the Battle for Transcendence was the apex of the Lauss Rift Conflict. Further details on the conflict can be found under File 322VC45. I hope this message finds you well and remind you of the difficulty faced obtaining such files as well as my desire to move to perhaps a more hospitable and indeed more...habitable... locale, Ever your faithful Acolyte, Loranis Wernt Transcendence END TRANSMISSION>> What is the Lauss Rift? The Lauss Rift is a joint project between myself, Ace Debonair, Dosjetka, Lysimachus and Brother Cambrius. The over-all plan is to develop an article to the level of the those that Forge World have produced, along with this thread to showcase our painting of those models whom we paint for the Campaign. As inspired by such other WIP threads such as The Fourth Shrine War, The Fall of Seraph and even The Tyrant Rises, each of us will develop an individual story line within the Campaign (or in the case of a couple of us multiple story lines) and, through this thread, the Battle of Transcendence which was the battle over the hive world at the heart of the Lauss Rift. So, sit back and enjoy the ride. Full fluff for the the whole Lauss Rift Campaign shall be coming soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted June 12, 2015 Author Share Posted June 12, 2015 " Come! Face me Heretic! I will snap your bones with my staff! I will blow you apart with this my holy bolter! Or burn you to ash with its blessed melta fire! Or I shall do all this and more with merely my mind!" - Epistolary Etargo Hudd, Battle of the Saviour's Square - Transcendence. M41 <<INCOMING TRANSMISSION>> REF: Epistolary Etargo Hudd - Interdictors Astartes Chapter The Interdictors would arrive at what would be come to be known as the turning point of the Battle for Transcendence and indeed the entire Lauss Rift Crusade. Arriving as part of Lord Commander Artenis Pullo's grand Counter Crusade the Interdictors would deploy almost directly to the besieged Hive World. It was here that they would deploy in their preferred manner, with strike forces launching deep into enemy strong points or strategic points of critical importance where they would dig in and allow the Traitor forces to break over them like waves over rocks. It was perhaps this very tactic that would, following the eventual defeat of the Black Crusade of Marou, cause the Chapter to have lost over 75% of its forces committed to the Rift. <<END TRANSMISSION>>> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 COOL!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 during M.32 as part of the 4th Founding, the Marines Adamant are proud Successors of the gene-sons of Ferrus Manus. Since those ancient days, the Chapter’s relentless hatred and unbending determination have won the Imperium wars beyond numbering and gained them a long record of honours earned in service to the Emperor of Man. Much like their Iron Hands forebears, the Marines Adamant are divided into ten distinct war forces, known within the Chapter as ‘Households’. Each Household is approximately equal in size to a Codex Battle Company and is equipped to deploy and fight with similar flexibility. The favoured tactics of the Warleaders who command the Households are methodical and brutally blunt. Though some might say the Marines Adamant lack the finesse and lightning speed possessed by other Astartes there can be no doubt that their unyielding advances, supported by armoured vehicles and heavy firepower, are devastatingly effective. The brethren of the Chapter have a well-earned reputation for ferocity, courage and unbreakable resolve. Unfortunately, equally infamous is the distaste with which the Marines Adamant fight beside those who should be their brothers-in-arms. The warriors of the Chapter are dour, superstitious and instinctively distrustful of those around them. While their own brethren are tolerated – although still carefully watched – most outsiders are viewed with outright hostility and contempt. It is not uncommon for Warleaders to refuse to coordinate with or share intelligence with other Imperial commanders, viewing them as potential threats rather than allies. Only a handful, such as the Adeptus Mechanicus of the nearby Gharant III Forgeworld, or Chapters who have fought and proven their worth beside them in the past, are afforded their meagre trust. “… You? My brother? Mark me well, son of Guilliman. I had two brothers. The first I sent to his death in battle, the second I gutted after he tried to take my rightful place. Now, get out of my way so I can go kill these graslig heretics!” – Warleader Isgrimnur Ironheart. The Lauss Rift The presence of Astartes of the Marines Adamant Chapter during the Lauss Rift Crusade was largely a matter of timing and coincidence. A handful of squads hailing from the 4th Household, no more than thirty brethren in total, were assigned to act as an honour guard for the esteemed Magos Fraelos Zoch of Gharant III throughout his ill-fated diplomatic visit to the Magna Prime Forgeworld. The Chapter's fleet assets during the early part of the campaign were similarly minimal, consisting of a single Gladius-class frigate Rask and a wing of Irontalon Gunships. The Marines Adamant commander was Brother Torgrundr, a newly promoted member of the Household’s veteran cadre, the Hearthguard. Assisting Torgrundr in - or perhaps acting as a rival for - his role as protector was Ser Darius Highwolde of Knight House Malgor, pilot of the Errant-pattern Knight Unyielding Fury and honourary Princeps of the Silver Hammers Titan Legion. Though neither Torgrundr or Darius could prevent the untimely death of Magos Zoch during the Dark Mechanicus' first surprise attack against Magna Prime, their stinging counterattacks on Chaos forces across the Sub-Sector greatly slowed the traitors' advance. It was also Brother Torgrundr's decision to request the might of the entirety of the 4th Household, whose intervention during the Battle for Transcendence proved critical to the eventual Imperial victory. Squad Torgrundr: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 The White Hawks[Pictured above: A typical White Hawk Space Marine]-=-=-=-=-=-=- "We Hunt Nightmares!" - Chapter Motto and Battlecry of the White HawksBorn of the line of Guilliman at the time of the Eighteenth Founding, the White Hawks are part of the Circle of Iron: The last of an increasingly desperate and ambitious series of projects to create a permanent garrison against the steadily-increasing threat of the Emperor-forsaken area of space known as the Glastheim Rift. The Glastheim Rift is home to an endless, system-spanning warpstorm, and traitor forces have been known to operate in the area.Hailing from the feudal, mountainous world of Talhon, the traditions and attitudes of the White Hawks derive mostly from their world of origin. The Chapter's organisation is skewed by Talhonic tradition - their Veteran Company almost never sees service as a single company, and thus is counted as the 9th Company, after the eight 'complete' Companies. There is also no formal Scout Company; instead each Reserve Company has roughly a quarter of the Chapter's Scouts attached to it.Talhonic tradition also influences the heraldry of the Chapter. On Talhon it is considered a sign of great honour to smite an enemy hard enough to break your weapon upon him. The White Hawks thusly make considerable use of broken swords in their decorations, both as a sign of their pride and as a visual warning to enemies. Use of the officially designated Chapter symbol on Battle-Brothers is virtually unheard of, and there are almost no visible company or squad designations painted on armour. As a counterpoint to this, however, brothers of the Battle Companies frequently decorate their armour with trophies, taken from great monsters of the worlds around the Glastheim Rift. Scales, pelts, fangs or horns are all frequently seen adorning the armour of the Hawks, lending them a somewhat feral, undisciplined appearance when seen alongside other, more orthodox Chapters.In battle, the White Hawks are known to favour a straightforward approach to combat, preferring simple plans with less room for error rather than elaborate, complex strategies. However, what the Hawks lack in strategic flair they more than make up for in pure, unrelenting force. They value skill-at-arms highly, and take a degree of pride in destroying an enemy force thoroughly.The Circle of Iron is formally comprised of four Chapters of Space Marines, all of whom are sworn by long-standing oath to work together. As a result, the White Hawks very seldom work alone. However, the White Hawks are also known to be short-tempered, and are quick to act in anger if they feel disrespected. Nevertheless, centuries of working as part of the Circle of Iron have ensured that Captains of the White Hawks are often gifted diplomats as well as talented leaders and fighters."There are more ties in war than those of blood, Scion of Ferrus. We are brothers in duty, bound in honoured service to Him on Terra." - Chaplain Ferredun of the First CompanyThe Lauss Rift:At the bequest of Lord Inquisitor Tybalt Maltire, Ordo Malleus representative of the Conclave of Thorns, the White Hawks dispatched a company to Canaria to ensure the vast, buried grave-complex hidden there is entirely free of heretical taint.Answering the call to arms are Captain Ambrose and the First Battle Company, supported by limited elements of the Veteran Ninth, aboard the Strike Cruiser Righteous Indignation. The White Hawks are supported in this endeavour by a veteran squad of the Champions of Athlum, a brother Chapter from the Circle of Iron.""We don't hesitate. We don't flinch in the face of death. We don't let the enemy take one step forward without paying for it with their blood. We break our enemies, and leave their shattered corpses for the crows to pick over! We are the traitors' bane! Even nightmares speak our names in fear! We are the White Hawks, and we will not fail!" - Captain Ambrose of the First Company, on the eve of the Battle of Transcendence [Pics inbound as soon as I take some non-blurry ones ]EDIT:Late update to the fluff of the Circle of Iron in case anyone ever reads this again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 A good start...You have my attention guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 Squad Balorn:The First Company of the White Hawks is not the Veteran Company. However, the Company itself still expects absolute excellence from all within it's ranks. They consider themselves as 'first amongst equals' within the Battle Companies, and pride themselves on their dual reputations for terrible ferocity and faultless honour.Even amongst this decorated company, few exemplify the virtues of the White Hawks like Squad Balorn.It's members are ten of the bravest, most daring and dangerous marines in the Company, and they can always be relied on to fight with the utmost fervour."Canaria. 'Tis too beautiful a name for such a hellish tomb." - Brother PelosFormerly a recently-developed factory world in the ascendant, Canaria was evacuated completely and made forbidden to all but the Inquisition almost thirty years before the Lauss Rift Campaign began. The reason for this was simple, if surprising - excavations in a large quarry had hacked a hole into an ancient tomb. Closer inspections found it to be part of a colossal grave-complex, akin to the smaller barrow-mounds found elsewhere on the world. But unlike the others, this tomb was decorated with graven symbols of Chaos and carved, malign prayers to the Dark Gods. worse, various primitive traps and disturbing evidence of ancient, unholy rituals haunted every twist and turn.Faced with the prospect of exploring such an unholy place, Lord Inquisitor Tybalt Maltire called in a favour owed to him by Inquisitor Ping, liaison to the Circle of Iron, and the White Hawks in turn were dispatched to investigate and purge Canaria.Traps designed to slay or cripple mortals had all but no effect on Power Armour, and the White Hawks stormed through the grave-complex of Canaria undaunted.When the main, central chamber in the deepest depths of the ancient barrows was breached, however, a pulse of darkness swept the halls and caused daemons to claw their way up through the very earth on which the explorers stood.Faced with these nightmarish, gaunt monstrosities threatening to engulf them, the White Hawks could only think of one option available to them: Attack."If it bleeds, we can kill it," - Brother VakarBrothers Vakar and Pelos were tasked with escorting Inquisitor Maltire and his retinue to the surface, a task they performed admirably. Hacking and slashing at any daemon unfortunate enough to close distance with them, they were able to secure an escape route for the beleaguered, terrified mortals."I care not if you think it unsporting. Our task is to slay these creatures, not duel them." - Brother KenthSquad Balorn was tasked with collapsing part of the grave-complex, cutting off potential flank attacks from other daemons. Brothers Kenth and Maeon were largely responsible for the demolition, setting the charges while the rest of the squad fought on."I suppose there is a certain bravery in ignoring these beasts long enough to bury them," - Brother Maeon"Stay behind me, and do not be afraid. Arthos has killed bigger foes than these with his knife." - Brother Ernald"Come, creature! Face me! Surely one so ugly as you cannot be concerned with risking your looks?" - Brother ArthosThe Inquisitor's retinue were not the only mortals in the grave-complex: Several former natives of Canaria from before the quarantine were employed as guides. When the daemons came for them, brothers Ernald and Arthos took it upon themselves to keep the fiends at bay."Enemy leadership sighted. Switching to anti-armour rounds. We'll soon see just how thick that thing's hide is." - Brother Amonth"I'll circle around it, seek out a weakness. Be watchful, brother." - Brother BarbaroyBrothers Amonth and Barbaroy were present with Chaplain Ferredun, holding the left flank against a horde of daemons. Their obvious leader, resembling a grotesque, overlarge, skinless human with six arms, was beaten down after a lengthy struggle, and hauled into the area of the grave-complex that Brothers Kenth and Maeon were due to collapse."Before we leave this place, these creatures will learn to fear the White Hawks." - Sergeant BalornSergeant Balorn himself, alongside Brother Adram, fought alongside Captain Ambrose, venturing into the heart of the room from whence the black pulse had come. After hewing down dozens of the fell creatures, they were able to disturb a tainted circle of runes that seemed to be summoning the beasts.However, the emaciated monstrosities continued to claw their way free of the dry earth, and the trio were forced to fight free of the grave-complex alongside the rest of the White Hawks before ordering the collapse of the grave-complex.Pictured here is Squad Balorn setting foot on the surface of the wastelands of Transcendence.Shown here is a replica of the traditional armour worn by the Chaplains of the First Company from a museum on Talhon.Notably, the decorative monster parts that normally adorn the armour are not shown. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Phew, that took some typing. I'll probably come back and edit this later, but right now I'm super tired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherCaptainArkhan Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 Some interesting ideas in here, guys. Looks like a great start. Lysimachus, I'm really glad to see your Marines Adamant back on the field, and that's some great fluff there to boot. Love me some malcontent Astartes. Look forwarding to seeing more from all of you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 12, 2015 Share Posted June 12, 2015 I wonder what Dosjetka and Cambrius will bring to the table? ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lephisto Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 All I have to say is, this is frecken amazing and awesome! I wish I could of joined you guys, my DiY chapter needs some fluff added to it. Keep up the great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 I AM EXCITE!!! Huge fan of this style of project log now, hope one day to be able to reproduce a similar effort. For now I will sit back and bask in the brilliance of others though :) Looking forward to the next installment! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 Love these kinds of projects and there's some damn good talent collaborating in this one. Moar! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 Would anyone be interested in hearing further details about squad Balorn? 'Cause I've left out a bunch of stuff from my last post that I probably should have added in, but it didn't fit with the narrative too well. ...Also I've just spotted the dirty great mould line running down Brother Kenth's leg. There's always one, isn't there?. EDIT: Not Kenth, Ernald. They look very alike, those two. That's official now, they're basically the same under the helmets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 There's always one, isn't there?. Tell me about it. <_< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 Would anyone be interested in hearing further details about squad Balorn? 'Cause I've left out a bunch of stuff from my last post that I probably should have added in, but it didn't fit with the narrative too well. Most certainly :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 There's always one, isn't there?. Tell me about it. It goes right through the quartering on his kneepad, too. That took something like six coats to get ri- ...On closer inspection, where did that white smear come from? Blast and drat. It's like a whole series of mistakes on that guy's leg. How very vexing. Would anyone be interested in hearing further details about squad Balorn? 'Cause I've left out a bunch of stuff from my last post that I probably should have added in, but it didn't fit with the narrative too well. Most certainly Then once I've fixed Kenth properly I'll post more stuff about Squad Balorn and the traditions of the White Hawks, along with an updated pic or two. I could talk about the White Hawks all day, so I'm trying not to overdo it. EDIT: Ernald. Kenth's alright, it's Ernald with the mould ines. My next planned step: CAPES! My Chaplain especially needs one of these to really bring the model to life. ... I'm just not sure how to 'seal' the cape, exactly, so it'll probably be all over the place while I'm painting it. I don't have any varnish, and spraying it with primer would be awkward as heck, since my Chaplain's kinda already mostly painted. However, my current plan for getting around this is awfully simple: apply Zeal, and wing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 I wonder what Dosjetka and Cambrius will bring to the table? :devil: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted June 13, 2015 Share Posted June 13, 2015 I wonder what Dosjetka and Cambrius will bring to the table? The maddening atmosphere within the prayer chambers of the Incandescent Fury, was one filled with incense and the reek of rotting flesh. Knelt before an obsidian altar, bedecked in skulls and malefic symbols that writhed and glowed a sickly light, an Astartes continued to stay silent as he listened to the quiet dripping of the newly killed captive's vital fluids. Hints of the altar's previous purpose lingered as the blood flowed slowly over them, finding recesses to slow its speed of falling, eventually tracing out a shattered and despoiled Aquila wing. With a creak and grinding of metal, a door to the side of the chamber opened and out walked another Astartes, wearing armour covered in the same dark sigils as on the altar. Ending his walk beside the knelt warrior, Dark Apostle Arethor spoke in a respectfully quiet, yet powerful tone, "Lord Taros, forgive the intrusion of your meditations. We have found a prime location to aid our reclamation." Lord Varek Taros said nothing, but opened his eyes, gazing into the glowing markings and blood on the altar. He exhaled deeply for a moment, as if he had been carrying a great weight in his mind that was now lifted. Arethor continued, "Our searching through the Warp and from the sacrifices we made have drawn us towards a region called the Lauss Rift. It contains resources and a Forge World. Soulmaster Feltith and his scions have felt powerful screams of death and destruction there. It is at war with more entities from our haven, the Imperium is losing, we have the perfect chance to reclaim what was taken from us and rebuild our Chapter anew." Lord Taros continued to listen to the blood drip slowly as he heard a whisper in his mind and a tug at his now thrice-damned soul. He could almost see the words being whispered in the back of his mind upon the altar. "Apotheosis." Standing up to his towering height, a head taller than his High Apostle, once a Chaplaincy initiate when The Deceit began. How times have changed, how desperate they became. How pure was their anger at what they were forced to do and eventually embrace. The once Chapter Master, now Lord Eradicator of the Oblivion Warriors looked down to Arethor, a baleful fire behind his eyes almost glowing. With a voice as abrasive and as harsh as granite, Taros responded, "Prepare our brothers and arms for our new Campaign. Start awakening the Poisoned and set course for the Lauss Rift. This is the path to finding pure vengeance for The Deceit. You are dismissed." Arethor bowed his head in acknowledgement, marking the eight pointed star across his chest, answering, "By your command Lord Eradicator." and then left Taros in silence. The body on the altar had stopped bleeding and all that remained was the crackle of a single torch of fire. That and the continued whispering in his mind, repeating the same word again and again like the prickle of a burn. "Apotheosis." ++++++++ Coming soon folks, but here's an idea of how these newly converted Chaos Marines will look: Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 14, 2015 Share Posted June 14, 2015 "I'd always known Space Marines were powerful, but seeing that man... roaring and throwing aside those cultists that swarmed him, like they were toys... He smashed one man's spine apart with a single punch. I'd sooner take my chances fighting daemons than cross his path!" - Sergeant Peregan, Transcendence PDF 7th Battalion[Pictured above: Chaplain Ferredun, marching into the fray at the Battle of Transcendence]"The first monster I beat to death with a club because it was my target. The other two died at my hands en route because they got between me and my target." - Chaplain Ferredun, White Hawks First CompanyChaplains of the White Hawks are often the voice of reason within the Chapter, curbing the reckless temperament of their brothers and keeping them in check.Clad in the dark-blue traditionally worn by the spirit-guides of Talhonic civilisations, armoured duly with ceramite and indefatigable zeal, Chaplains of the White Hawks are mostly unflappable bastions of patience and calm, a rock of nobility amidst the savagery the Hawks unleash in battle.Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.Chaplain Ferredun of the First Company has always proven to be a singularly dangerous individual. When completing the ritual hunt that marks the transition from member of the Reserve Companies to the warrior-brotherhood of the Battle Companies, Ferredun killed two other, larger monsters in addition to his target, simply because they crossed his path.Cutting the horns from one beast, part of the great, spiked maw from another, and finally skinning his target's hide for a cloak, Ferredun's reputation as a force of destruction on the battlefield has only grown with time.[Pictured above: Close-ups on some of the trophies adorning the armour of the Chaplain]Ferredun is still very much calm and collected outside of battle, keen to preach unity with both his brother Space Marines and mortal Guardsmen alike, especially those who show the courage to fight alongside the White Hawks. However, he is also known to be quick-tempered, and as such is rarely assigned to diplomatic duties.Also, he is also possessed of a burning hatred of all things Chaos. Many traitors have found themselves on the wrong end of Ferredun's Crozius, a weapon styled to represent the purpose and ideal of the true, loyal Space Marine - The Emperor's Angels of Death."There's a saying in our Company; to 'Ferredun' something means 'to destroy it so thoroughly that no part of it is left identifiable afterwards'." - Brother Adram, Squad Balorn, White Hawks First Company, to Lord Inquisitor Tybalt Maltire"Greenskins? Stronger than man? Ridiculous. Strength of arm is as naught to strength of will! That a mere alien could lay claim to a will equal to that of humanity - to that of The Emperor - is laughable! Only humanity has the strength, the true strength of will, to take all the galaxy into their hands. So embrace the Emperor's will. These worlds are already humanity's rightful prize, if we would but reach out and take them!" - Chaplain Ferredun during the Yoldspar Crusade-=-=-=-=-=-=-=On another note, that's my second vow complete for the ETL! The cape is made of tissue (!) and is courtesy of the amazing tutorial I linked above, by Brother Chaplain Kage, who is a genius for coming up with it. ... Oh, and now I see all the mould lines. By the Throne, that's a whole new level of annoying. Oh well, I'll just have to ZEAL them out of existence next time I start painting stuff. EDIT: I use the word 'However' WAY too much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted June 23, 2015 Share Posted June 23, 2015 The thick dust storm swirled angrily along the narrow roads between ruined manufactoria. Its high metallic content rendered the visual enhancers of Brother Torgrundr's helm useless, limiting his field of vision to a few dozen feet. The aural elements of his autosenses had been likewise compromised, nearly overwhelmed by the thunderous, ceaseless noise of an Imperial Forgeworld tearing itself apart. Magna Prime was dying, destroyed by weapons too numerous and too strange to be catalogued, as its inhabitants fought for supremacy. Torgrundr didn't know what had caused the uprising, but here so close to the Lauss Rift warp anomaly he had to suspect the involvement of Chaos.Tor cursed softly under his breath, even as he scanned the route ahead for new dangers. His squads, hailing from the 4th Household of the Marines Adamant, shouldn't even have been here. Warleader Isgrimnur had sent them to watch over Magos Zoch on his journey from the Gharant III forges to ratify trade agreements made with Magna Prime, but Zoch was dead, killed by the rebels' opening gambit. As the Crimson Wasps, Titan Legion of Magna Prime, had mustered with the Forgeworld's Skitarii to face the approaching fleet that had penetrated the Lauss Rift, a full third of their strength had turned on their brother machines in an orgy of destruction. By the time the loyalists had recovered from their surprise at the ambush and begun to fight back as an organised force, they were heavily outnumbered. Tor estimated that they would be wiped out in a matter of days, their bravery and determination not enough to oppose the carefully planned and executed coup.A cluster of figures hurried out from the twirling dust storm behind him, an eclectic mix of varying shapes and sizes all wrapped in uniformly thick, red robes. A few were armed, but most seemed somewhat frail and lent heavily on staves and staffs. Torgrundr growled angrily at their presence at the head of the Astartes column. These were the dumskalle that had failed to protect their world from the traitors. They were also the reason that he had not been able to simply command his men to cut their way back to their Thunderhawk and abandon Magna Prime to its fate. Instead, the Marines Adamant had been forced to sneak and skulk their way through the fighting in order to preserve the lives of these Archmagi that had formed the ruling body of the Forgeworld. Their leader, the wizened old Fabricator-General Antranos, had been particularly insistent that he and his subordinates must not be captured by the enemy. Tor didn't much like orders that held his men back from doing what they were best at, killing the enemies of the Emperor. He snarled through his vox at them as they came within the pitiful communications range that the dust allowed."I told you to wait until I said it was safe."One of the Tech-Priests, a spindly mid-ranked Logis stepped closer and replied haughtily."We must hurry, Sergeant. Lord Antranos' control of the planetary noospheric firewalls is being degraded. If the enemy can gain access to the security protocols before we can get off-world, they will be able to shut down the orbital defence grid and the incoming fleet will be free to loot the forges of Magna Prime at their leisure. Be certain Sergeant, that will end all hope of Imperial victory in the Lauss Rift."Tor grunted in irritation at the feeble little tech-seer."Hearthguard, not Sergeant. Do I look like a bloody Ultramarine? And I'm well aware of the importance of getting his flammende Lordship out of here, but that won't happen if we walk into the middle of a Skitarii patrol. Or worse yet, under the nose of a stinking Warhound! Now, keep your heads down and stay there until I tell you to move, or I swear by all the vaettr of Halstarrig I'll..."Tor broke off his half-whispered tirade as he noticed a shape moving towards them through the dust. He turned with a speed that a typical human would have had difficulty in seeing and raised his bolt pistol. After a moment, the shape resolved itself into the unmistakeable form of an Astartes warrior. Clad in scratched and pitted Mk VI power armour painted in the deep green of the Marines Adamant and armed with a pair of long chainswords, the figure was well known to Torgrundr. With a deep breath, the Hearthguard forced down the surge of suspicion that flared at the sight of his squadmate and lowered his pistol."Ogsekk. I wondered if they'd killed you. Report."The other Marine's grip on his weapons tightened for a moment, as Brother Ogsekk also fought against the instinctive hatred and suspicion of others that was at the heart of every member of the Chapter. It took a fraction of a second longer than it had for Torgrundr, but finally the iron control of the Code took effect and Ogsekk's beaked Corvus helm nodded."Aye, Hearthguard," he replied gruffly. "I found a warehouse we can travel through most of the way to the extraction point. End of this road is an open square, structure is 70 metres to the north-west. Minimal cover once we're out from between the factories but the dust storm should hold while we cross. Warehouse is tall enough for Highwolde's toy, barely, but we shouldn't get trampled by any jaevl Battle-Titans once we're in.""Guards?""A few. All dead now."Torgrundr held in a growl. "I said recon, not killing. What if they'd raised an alarm? The traitors think we're still sat with Antranos back at the Mechanicus' blodig Forge-bastion. If they hear that Astartes have broken out, they might start wondering who we've brought with us!"Ogsekk shrugged, but nodded again."Aye. They were only Tech-Guard, and only twelve of them at that. None of them had time to sound a warning."That was about as close to an apology as a Marine like Ogsekk could give. Tor knew him to be one of the best warriors in the Household, his overwhelming hatred of the weakness of all flesh fuelling his vicious combat prowess, but he'd never lead more than a combat squad. The fires of suspicion that burned in him were too hot, making it a struggle to trust even his own brethren, let alone working with allied forces as part of the greater Imperial war machine. This was partly the reason why Torgrundr had put him on lone recon in the first place. After giving his subordinate a long, cold look, he nodded back."Fine. This dust is playing havoc with our comms, backtrack down our line and tell Ule and Harfot we're moving on. Get Ule to set up half the heavy weapons at the edge of the square to cover us as we cross, then the other half can get into place in the warehouse and return the favour. I don't want to get caught out without support by some wandering Scout Titan!"Ogsekk nodded again and stalked off into the dust, directing a foul look at the huddled Tech-Priests as he passed. Torgrundr approached the group to speak with Antranos, a hunched shape at their centre."Well, Magos," he snapped, "it is time to move on. Keep your gaggle together and obey whatever jaevl orders me or my men give you. If the spirits look with favour on us, we may get a few of you off this rock alive!"There was a burst of static as the Logis who had spoken to Tor earlier uttered a stream of outraged complaint in binaric and was answered by the venerable Fabricator-General.+this Astartes is nothing more than a primitive animal, Archmagos! He must speak with more respect for your authority!++be calm, Logis. He is indeed nothing more than a savage, but at this time his savagery is a useful tool. There will be a surfeit of opportunity to bring the dog to heel once we have escaped the renegades' grasp+Antranos spoke at the same time in Low Gothic to Torgrundr, his voice as frail and withered as his physical form."Of course, Commander. We shall do our utmost to follow your guidance and are indebted to you for your mighty protection."The Archmagos bowed as low as he could while still leaning upon his tall, cog-toothed staff of office. Torgrundr nodded graciously and turned away to wave his troops forward, grateful for his helm that covered the malicious grin on his face. A primitive, savage dog he might be, but as a scion of a Chapter born of the Iron Hands and bonded to the forges of Gharant III, his understanding of binaric cant was exceptionally good. Perhaps there might yet be some enjoyment to be gained from this mission after all.-------------------------------- UleBrother Ule is infamous among the 4th Household for his unbreakable self-control. Though his hatred of the flesh burns as strongly as in any member of the Chapter, his rigid, unyielding devotion to the Code has always held him back from acting upon his mistrust of his brethren in even the smallest way. On the battlefield, Ule's coldness makes him an ideal heavy weapons commander, a paragon of absolute, unbending fire discipline.Throughout the Lauss Rift Campaign, Squad Ule claimed dozens of vehicle kills and even gained the honour of singlehandedly bringing down a Warhound Scout during the escape from Magna Prime, destroying the traitor engine with carefully placed and precisely ordered volleys of fire even as it charged their position. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 Man, that was good. Can't wait to see what Squad Ulle looks like with some paint on 'em! I really am going to have to get to work on my next squad - I've left it far too long already! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 Great entries brothers, this is shaping up super well. Keen on reading more on the forces presented. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 Better and better. I love these join project threads. The cape is made of tissue (!) and is courtesy of the amazing tutorial I linked above, by Brother Chaplain Kage, who is a genius for coming up with it. Thanks for the compliment, and I'm glad you're finding it useful. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 This is building up (punpunpun!) nicely gentlemen with everything posted thus far! Hopefully I can stick some stuff up involving thd Oblivion Warriors tonight or tomorrow, once I have flattened out the creases in the warband's bio. I have spent upwards of £150 in Chaos stuff ready for this (!!!) Slso I need to get cracking with kit bashing the lot with damaged and despoiled Imperial armour combined with the Chaos stuff... Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 Super, super hyped up about the Lauss Rift right now. The more I re-read everything we've got so far, the more I'm convinced I need to really step my game up with both modelling and writing just so I don't fall short of the high standard everyone else is setting. On a broadly related note: I'm starting my next squad! Here's what I call Step One: the basic colours are in place, but this is before I go to town on correcting all the mistakes. There's just one issue that's cropped up: I have absolutely no idea where to greenstuff any scale decorations on the robed guys! Wherever they go, it'll cover up some detail, except maybe on the chainsword. But then, the Chainsword doesn't really need extra armour, per se.I might go over the shoulder with the Imperial Eaglec on a bit, simply 'cause I've used the same shoulder on Sergeant Balorn already. (I like that shoulder pad, what can I say?) Long story short, If anyone's got any ideas about what I should 'scale up' (harr harr harr ), no matter how crazy, I'm open to suggestions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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