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the convertin gurus nurgle (pic heavy)

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well i thought i could make a thread about my nurgle army since my friend Freakiq shows his minotaurs here i cant be worse then him XD


so hope you all enjoy my stuff and i will uppdate as often as i remember to do it ^^


i know im not best with a camera so the quality might not be best but hope you like it anyway


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Mate, your stuff looks really good and interesting ... as far as I can tell from your pictures. Why not do your work justice and put some more effort into your photography skills? A simple photo box, or even only a flat black background will make a massive difference – and it's going to be much easier to appreciate your models.

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uppdate time!


ill start with the maulerfiend and yed i dont like how the oridginal model looks like

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next up is the delfiler

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squad pic! and rhino

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my first obblitirator and my bikes

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my sorccer with his ikky toilet and some termis

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and ofc what do i do in the middle of the night... yes you gessed it building a :cussy knight

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Really really neat looking stuff here! Unfortunately your pics make me want to barf as much as the unmistakable taint of nurgle does. PLEASE take the time to google 'miniature photography' ...it will pay dividends. Even photograph against a sheet of printer paper folded in half w a lamp pointed toward the mini. I feel like you're robbing yourself! Cool minis though!
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These are looking spot on.


Just so you know, I've added a "pic heavy" warning to your title. Just so members using mobile data don't get a shock. Keep the pics coming as its great to see things progress.

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