IndigoJack Posted August 12, 2015 Share Posted August 12, 2015 I've only been waiting for this since you started this thread and I have to say you don't disappoint! Your paint is nice and smooth and your color choice is really well done. Can't wait to see the whole army. Kudos! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 12, 2015 Author Share Posted August 12, 2015 @GMB- Thank you, kind sir! There will be headgear, scarves, and what-not modeled onto later models but, seeing as this was a test model, I didn't want to go out of my way. I'm a bit lazy. Well, actually, I was really excited to build this model to test everything out so it was more giddiness than laziness. But seriously, I am lazy. @Mithril- You come State-side and I'll buy you dinner- forget a bag of pita and hummus! Hmm, BBQ. Anyway, I wanted to talk about this subject and I'm glad you brought it up. Skin. I'll come right out and say it: I'm not a fan of GW's technique on skin. Does it look nice, those extreme highlights? I'm sure an overwhelming majority would say yes but I just don't see it. Here's a story because I know everyone loves my ramblings (well, it's your fault for clicking on this thread this many times in a month and a half. I'm still trying to figure out what you people like so much about the Clerics!). When WFB was still a thing last year, GW came out with a Nurgle update and I flipped my wig. Oh, you can truly do no wrong, Papa Nurgle! The Putrid Blightkings were released and a bit of me woke up, smacked its mouth a few times, and nodded in happiness before going back to bed. I watched Herr Duncan paint, as I am wont to do, and he brings out a pot of Pallid Wych Flesh and gives the model an extreme highlight on his skin. My mind wanders back to a tutorial on faces from the internet that I had the pleasure of reading and everything it said was spot on. Anatomy doesn't work that way, my mind also said. The look of the all added up in my brain: faces don't need an extreme highlight / there are other ways to achieve good-looking faces. Now, did I use advanced techniques on this test model's serious demeanor? I shaded the bottom lip with Reikland Fleshshade and painted Druchii Violet / Lahmian Medium into his eye sockets, so no. Not really. Why not? I already know I can do the advanced stuff so there was no point doing it on this guy. I just think this is where we differ although I do fully agree on the Ushabti Bone highlights on his armour and them needing to be there. In closing, I really appreciate your help, Mithril. As I've said before, if you were any better you'd be some kind of precious metal ! @IndigoJack- I suppose you had waited long enough ! Thank you, brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted August 13, 2015 Share Posted August 13, 2015 All cool bro, this is your army after all we're just here to throw suggestions and encourage/guide your idea's to fruition(as has happened) we all have differing idea's on paint application, i can't remember the amount of times i sit at the round table on friday nights(my gaming friends painting night) with my pro painter friend and questioned/Re thought his painting idea's/suggestions (sometimes i'm actually right and he concedes...sometimes ) whats in my minds eye may not be whats in yours but together we can see a picture that merges somewhere between the two... i used a XV-88 colour but now i know from seeing yours that i can agree zandri dust is the better choice! keep going and paint some more(don't lose the drive) very kind regards , Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted August 14, 2015 Share Posted August 14, 2015 Clerics are looking awesome! The power armour looks like it came directly from a forge master himself! The paint is smooth and clean. I am looking forward to seeing more complete. The head looks great and thanks for the explanation on the painting techniques. I will have to look deeper into the matter and apply some of the techniques. I have just been applying a flesh tone and then washing over with Agrax Earthshade. I find the results are decent but feels like they are lacking. This may be the key to getting better looking heads. As for some previous posts in this thread... bases. I tried the coffee grinds and here is a picture of the results. It is a Zandri Dust base with Agrax Earthshade and then a dry brush of Ushabti Bone. I know that it is not the color recipe that you were going to use but at least you can see how the coffee works. This is a 32mm base with medium-fine grind. The edges are not done either but it is not bad as a proof of concept. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 18, 2015 Author Share Posted August 18, 2015 Those coffee grinds really add a random texture that is very pleasing. If I get bored with the model, I can always dunk it in some water and have some paint-tainted coffee ! Well gentlemen, and ladies, the time has come. The time I speak of? Hitting the wall time. I have ideas for the Clerics but the drive is gone, for now. Actually, the hobby as a whole has kind of hit a lag. I thought maybe painting something for Age of Sigmar would work instead but, eh, nothing. I'll say this much: this idea has burned the longest and brightest out of all of my attempts at creating a Chapter and I thank you all for that. Maybe one day I can do it justice. As always, be blessed and stay safe from the xenos, the heretic, and the Traitor. Ave Imperator! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 On 8/18/2015 at 7:43 PM, Mehman said: Those coffee grinds really add a random texture that is very pleasing. If I get bored with the model, I can always dunk it in some water and have some paint-tainted coffee ! Well gentlemen, and ladies, the time has come. The time I speak of? Hitting the wall time. I have ideas for the Clerics but the drive is gone, for now. Actually, the hobby as a whole has kind of hit a lag. I thought maybe painting something for Age of Sigmar would work instead but, eh, nothing. I'll say this much: this idea has burned the longest and brightest out of all of my attempts at creating a Chapter and I thank you all for that. Maybe one day I can do it justice. As always, be blessed and stay safe from the xenos, the heretic, and the Traitor. Ave Imperator! Hitting the wall? Hitting the wall?! HITTING THE WALL?! If a wall decides to stand in your way... YOU OPEN A HOLE IN IT! But seriously Mehman, that's a shame to hear. Hopefully your inspiration and drive will return to you soon, the Clerics have become such an interesting concept I'd had to track you and down and enact some form of Night Lord-esque retribution if you let it die here. Anyway, best of luck in whatever you decide to turn your hand to next my friend. Ave Imperator! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 19, 2015 Author Share Posted August 19, 2015 No need to worry, brother. The Clerics are just hibernating at the moment. I'm going to build a priest or two and that usually gets the juices flowing. No need for that Nostromos Night Knifin'! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted September 30, 2015 Author Share Posted September 30, 2015 Break's over, gentlemen (and ladies). Everyone back to work ! It took me some time to get around the Wall but, as you can see, I made with almost all my pieces still together. Maybe that's where my sanity went... In the name of the Emperor, it feels good to be back! Some things have been learned and others have been forgotten on the past month's journey. I guess we can call it forty days in the wilderness. I would make an allusion to something I read once but, to be fair, I wasn't fasting the whole time and I actually bring back some insight from the ordeal . The Clerics aren't going to be reborn like the Phoenix, oh no. After rereading my notes on them and perusing what you all had to say about them, the conclusion is clear: they're alright cookies. Desert. The Desert- you know? What about it has spoken to man since the dawn of time? We have whole cultures that revere the barren wastes. Why? That is where the gods spoke to man for the first time... well, I guess it could be argued that it was really in the plains of Africa, but stay with this idea for a minute as we're not talking about primordial man. Anyway, the desert is ingrained within us as a place of thirst, need, survival, but it is also the place of discovery, of conquest, and of the unknown. Does the hermit not live in harsh places? The Clerics carved their Fortress-Monastery in the depths of this landscape for that very reason: they wanted to be left alone. Why were they marooned in the Oran IV system? There was obvious tension between them and the Guardians of the Covenant but would they stoop that far into subterfuge and fratricide over an idea? What exactly happened that they abhor the Daemon and those that treat with them with such righteous hatred and furious anger? So many questions, dear brothers and sisters. That's what we have to solve. Will you aid them or will you turn your back on the ones that could save us all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted October 1, 2015 Share Posted October 1, 2015 Very intriguing... Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more about the Clerics and their ties to the Guardians of the Covenant. Grand Master Uziah would definitely like to know the Cleric's side of the story as to what "exactly" went down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 So glad you've returned... Perhaps you remembered my promise, hmm? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinylCut Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Mehman: Your Cleric test model looks good. Great work on the flesh and the color scheme works well. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Welcome back. FC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 17, 2015 Author Share Posted October 17, 2015 Alright then gents and ladies, it's writing time ! As you may well know, the Liber's seventh writing challenge is underway and almost complete. I shall channel my inner Olis and post a linky. The Cleric's have been entered by yours' truly for a chance at being number 1- even though there is no ranking system as that would be silly and subjective. Anyway, I thought we could make a fun game out of completing my Index Astartes article (IA). You know the one: everyone else does my work and I talk with the pretty girl. It's how I got through college. Would that I had studied... Pff, not really! So what's been completed already is basically everything. I don't need help so much as someone to tell me if it sucks too badly. My wife says it looks fine but what does she know? She married me, after all. I'll just copy and paste the basic IA information down and gloss over what is boring. This will be the trial run for my pre-IA article . Warning: if you do not like reading Index Astartes articles, it looks like you're out of luck on this one and perhaps this whole thread, really. I mean, how did you make it this far? Cheers because you're a trooper. Liber VII Challenge IA Chapter Name: Clerics Descended From: Dark Angels; Guardians of the Covenant Founding Number: 14th Founding (180.M35) Descendants: None Chapter History (notable engagements, etc)[I actually do need a bit of help here. These are basically notes with a little narrative so I need to know how best to flesh them out]: The Guardians of the Covenant are tasked with sending a force of arms to aid an explorator mission in the northern section of the Pacificus Segmentum and so they decide to send a particular band of brothers that have been letting their minds wander from the holy texts of the Codex Astartes and the works of the Lion for transcriptions and documents dealing with arcane knowledge and esoteric philosophies. This group of the GotC spend their days ruminating over the potential power of those writings and have perturbed the Grand Master enough with their constant blabbering over what he deems to be frivolous and time consuming works that he wants them excised from his Chapter lest the corruption of laxness consumes them all. Company Master Elias Trisrex, the main voice behind the usefulness of these occult selections, is tasked with the escort and security mission. Instead of letting him select the brothers he will take, a missive from the Grand Master tells him who is accompanying him on the journey. The parchment tells Trisrex all he needs to know. Every marine that he has illuminated has been selected, along with the newest Scouts and Battle Brothers the Chapter has just acquired and promoted. The parchment was his notice to leave and never return. Within two weeks, the newly repaired Battle Barge Illuminated Truth was filled to capacity with supplies, serfs, and the monk-warriors of the Guardians of the Covenant that were to be the spearhead into the unknown reaches of the Pacificus Segmentum. Normally an honour to be in control of one of the most powerful ships in the Imperium, this barge had its share of secrets. Lesser men would call the once-derelict Illuminated Truth haunted. In fact, the Chapter serfs did say just that. Items would go missing or would be misplaced and then reappear a hand width away. Strange noises would rouse entire dorms of serfs only to be nought. Some of the men and women even spoke of seeing the spirits of the dead wandering the halls of the Battle Barge. Whether it was true the ship was haunted did not deter the stalwart defenders of Mankind. They were to have enough on their hands that the rumours of lesser men would hold no sway. Every scan and view of the Warp pre-translation spoke of calm travel to their galactic northwest heading. With all hands braced, the Illuminated Truth entered into the Empyrean and set course for Fate to take control. Chronometers began to run forwards and backwards before they finally returned with error messages all, fitfully sparking into oblivion. Servitors chanted litanies in a tongue which made their ears bleed and teeth fall to the ground. Several Chapter serfs that were sent to tend to the once-humans found themselves fall victim to the same bolt rounds that destroyed their mechanical charges after succumbing to the baleful ministrations of the Warp themselves- descending jaws, fused eyes, and all other manner of mutations sealing their fate. Even though the Gellar Field was functioning at capacity, Daemonic activity was sighted throughout all levels. Across the Battle Barge, reports of contacts blared by way of klaxons. Small arms were unlocked from their containers at intervals throughout the ship and the servants of the Guardians of the Covenant readied themselves for combat against that which they had no experience. The only area that showed clear from malice was the section of the Illuminated Truth that housed the detachment’s Space Marines. Not wishing to look beyond the data shown to him through his viewers and by his lieutenants, the captain of the vessel alerted Master Trisrex of the fighting taking place, his bridge already a great testament to the carnage. They cling to hermetics because Daemons almost wiped the Chapter from the galaxy shortly after its Founding. A librarian accidentally invoked the name of a Greater Daemon of Nurgle whilst copying tomes given to them by the Guardians of the Covenant. A small tremor of his hand created an infinitesimally small portal to the hellish Warp but his thoughts of jealousy and misplaced hatred led to the manifestation of a Father of Woes. It quickly started summoning more Daemons after it had dispatched the foolish scrivener. They were saved by a Librarian who held a book from the Guardians of the Covenants' Librarium on the basic overview of the metaphysical. Using the art of bibliomancy, he found the 52 Barbarous Names, intoned them, and banished the Greater Daemon by chance. They try to atone for their mistake of letting loose a Daemon from the Warp and weakness during the onslaught that followed, not for the Fallen. Battle Cry: Call: “As the Sphinx!” Response: “To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent!” Notable Characters: I'll get to work on this in the morning. Watch this space for more heroics Colour Scheme and Chapter Symbol: No worries: I have a rendered picture for both the basic Cleric Colour Scheme and the Chapter symbol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 17, 2015 Share Posted October 17, 2015 To be honest, I'm a little confused. Is this about the Clerics or the Guardians of the Covenant? It's that you refer to this as a "trial run to your pre-IA" that makes me think that it might be the latter, and that maybe you want to do a standalone Guardians of the Covenant piece that will set up your Clerics article at a later date. If I'm mistaken, then I think from the get-go it needs some extensive editing. Six paragraphs into it and you haven't introduced the Clerics, something that should take place at an early point of the first paragraph. Not to mention, those six paragraphs give nothing about the Clerics' history or character, which is exactly what should be provided in an opening origins tale over a blow by blow account of a particular battle in which the Clerics don't even exist. Such accounts, as notable engagements, do better at the end, where they can be used to drive home aspects of the Chapter that might not have been clear enough in the article or to tie the different strings and bring the Chapter's image together. It is not that the writing is bad, it's just that I'm not sure exactly what it is that you want it to tell me, and whether or not it is doing its job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 17, 2015 Author Share Posted October 17, 2015 What I put down were really just notes I'd come up with a bit ago. Rereading through them now it seems they are a bit heavy-handed with Guardians of the Covenant stuff. By a bit I mean a lot. Truthfully, the Index Astartes article, in whatever form or format, is hugely daunting to me. My inner drive tells me that it can be done and that I have the will and determination to do so but my bigger, stronger self-hatred tells me I cannot. You're right in everything you say, Conn, and I thank you very much for taking the time to look at what has been thrown down. You're one of the ones on the B&C that I really respect so for you to take the time and give me advice means a lot. That said, I believe I'll have to bow-out of this challenge until I can get the Clerics to have more forward momentum and fluidity in the IA construct. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 17, 2015 Share Posted October 17, 2015 I definitely don't want you to give up on the Challenge, and there is a make-up month if you're truly concerned. I just think you need to clarify to yourself what it is that you want to provide to us. What you have here is a perfectly fine setup to a fanfiction piece about, what I presume, the pre-Cleric days of those who would go on to become a part of this new Chapter. Though it's only an opener, it is not bad. But if you to want to make an article, I would suggest starting over and taking a different tack. Almost all of my DIYs have extensive, rambling notes as well, from a listing of all the themes I want to apply all the way to detailed timelines of their home world mortal populations. The sad truth is that the vast majority of what I write and think about for each DIY never sees the light of day the site. That's fine though, because their primary purpose is to better set the DIY in my mind's eye as I go about creating what I will post. What I like to do, what I was advised to do when I made my first DIY post, is to make an outline around the article template you are using. Yours above has more of a Forge World feel than the more traditional Index Astartes, but it can really be any kind of format you like, including something new of your own. The outline should have around five bullet points per heading, and this is where you simply lay down the most basic of facts about the Clerics. Things that will reveal their past and possible future, their character and personality. There is only so much you can fit before it grows too cumbersome and you lose the reader in unnecessary details, so here is where you are brief and can refine your idea into what is most important. Now, begin fleshing the bullet points out. Some things will be their own paragraphs and direct mentions, others will just be there to remind you of the tone or wording. This is probably the point where you want to set the narrator, because what is available to be revealed is dependent upon it. Most choose s near omniscient historian, a fallible narrator that nonetheless knows more than any should about something that has already passed. Forge World likes to outright declare in-universe narrators, but even GW proper makes it clear their work can be intentionally contradictory or faulty. This narrator wouldn't be able to know the events as you wrote above, but would likely be able to provide a couple sentences showing the event did occur. Fleshing the outline out is where my notes are the most useful, as references that tell me how or what with to fill them out. A lot of my notes end up unnecessary, or wind up obsolete because I'll change too many facts once I start tying everything together. By the end of it, no matter how different the article may end up in comparison to those original notes, I find myself most satisfied with the article and consider it my DIY's 'canon.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted October 17, 2015 Share Posted October 17, 2015 Hi Mehman, agree with Conn, start with bullet points and then expand, rather than trying to blast out an entire profile in one hit. you have lots of good ideas scattered through the thread and i'm sure if you compile them using the standard template (construct) you'll be most of the way there. perhaps give their precursor their own sub-heading if it's relevant to the clerics. Hidden Content combat characteristics (first parse) - desert specialists - operate alone combat characteristics (second parse) - desert specialists - home planet is desert, recruit from locals, ingrained skills - believes it makes them tough - uncomfortable with jungles, mountains, prefer extended line of sight operate alone - don't trust others due to blahbity campaign - feel it makes them quicker - don't like sharing the glory - they smell etc two iterations might be enough, or expand out to real sentences and remove the bullet point feel. based on a concept you didn't end up going with (for fun)... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 17, 2015 Author Share Posted October 17, 2015 @Conn: You know, I've read the OctaGuide more than three times trying to decipher its occult secrets to no avail. There seems to be no magic bullet for me to thwart the Beast of Where to Start or a spear to slay the Kraken of Self-Correction. What you've put down makes a lot of sense. Together, your advice and the Octaguide could maybe get me going on this. Well, and staying the course. I'll start work on an outline right now. I've got an outline of the outline of the Octaguide that I made already but it seems I never got past that for some reason. I spoke with Aquilanus about my involvement in this Challenge and told him to strike my name. I'll need some extra time if the Clerics are to be ready during the make-up month. I fully intend to have them completed by then but I am a slave to my health. It's funny, I always thought it'd be a problem with work, time needed with the wife, or a social occasion that would keep me from the hobby or writing in general. Turns out I can't work and I lost all my friends but my wife wants me to be active on the B&C all because of what Fate's decided to throw my way. @Paulius Jamicus (see what I did there?): Is it bad that I laughed at the STC joke? I hope not because it was funny. Ah, might have hurt something. It's been awhile since I've laughed. Anyway, I agree with you and Conn: the bullet points seem to be the way to go and I appreciate your examples. As odd as it sounds, my daft brain needed the refresher. To think I used to teach that kind of thing and seeing what I can remember (and do) now is... The pre-cursor group of the Clerics, or proto-Clerics, is an idea that I'd like to put forth. That's the beginning of their hatred mistrust towards their brothers but not the only event that places them where they are at the end of the 41st millennium. Maybe I should just write about the second time they got burned by family- something more recent? Herein lies my second problem: not that of where to start but of content. Well, that is a shared problem with other IA writers, I suppose. PS- Those sabres look fantastic! The bottom (third) picture looks like a house even. If I ever get around to making a second Chapter those might get stolen. Cheers gents! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted October 18, 2015 Share Posted October 18, 2015 Sorry I have been silent lately. I am sitting for an exam in a couple weeks and the studying is grueling to say the least. The Chapter History You've got the makings of several stories here, but let's see if we couldn't over-simplify it for you. The Clerics was founded from a group of Guardians of the Covenant that were threatened with excommunication from the chapter. Instead, they were given a repaired derelict ship and sent on a mission with to assist an Explorator expedition. On their first jump into the Empyrean, the ship was subjected to all manner of horrors even though the Gellar field was operating at full capacity. The only area not effected was the areas inhabited by the marines. The reasoning for the calm in the storm is the same reason they were threatened with excommunication. They had discovered ancient teachings of hermetics and had started to include it in their training. Fearing the group was dabbling in Warp-craft, they were sent away from the rest of the Chapter. However, their new found skills seemed to calm the warp in their immediate vicinity even though none of them were psykers. With the ship reclaimed and purged, the marines began in earnest to better understand the knowledge they had uncovered and adopted a new name for themselves - the Clerics. In the years since, the Clerics have expanded their knowledge and study. But, it did not come without a cost. The Daemons of the Warp have learned of the existence of the Clerics and their craft has fuelled their hatred to even greater heights. In addition, their study has become ever more dangerous. The simplest slip of a pen was enough to unleash a Greater Daemon of Nurgle into their own midst. Realizing the warnings of their former brethren was justified, the Clerics worked to make sure a mistake like that never happened again. Humbled by the experience, the chapter has taken on oaths of penance for their error even though they continue their dangerous practices but under a near constant vigil. Keep all of your notes as you have a few notable characters there and like I said, you have a couple stories of individual events that look very interesting. Remember you can always expand upon it later and make it bigger and more detailed as you go. You have a great start and you are actually very close to completing the challenge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 18, 2015 Author Share Posted October 18, 2015 By the Emperor, GMB, I see it! What I had was just too much. It needed to be pruned back to make sense. The whole "Keep It Simple Stupid" acronym comes to mind. Anyway, yes! Now armed with new tools, I shall sally forth and slay that which has halted me! Or, you know, write something. If I can't do this thing now then I just need to go back to the farm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 18, 2015 Author Share Posted October 18, 2015 Can you double post on your own thread? Who cares ? With the help of Conn Eremon, PaulJam, Grand Master Belial (GMB), and not just a little bit of Bauhaus (everyone's favourite 80's primogenitor Goth outfit ), I've come up with an Origin History that I'm happy to put down for the aforementioned Liber Seventh Challenge: Space Marine Chapter, er, challenge, that I had my name struck from. Now, to be honest, it's just a retelling of what GMB wrote down but I loved it and hopefully he won't mind me stealing his work. The Lord Commissar said there's another word instead of saying "stealing" but I've forgotten what it was. Inspiration or some-such word maybe. The last bit was my idea, though, so I did write something! Anywho, hopefully this passes muster. If not, I'll re-write it. The Clerics, a successor of the Guardians of the Covenant- themselves progeny of the mighty Dark Angels- came into being during the 14th Founding (180.M35) instead of being excommunicated by their progenitor. Given a derelict and commanded to assist with an Explorator expedition, their first foray into the Empyrean was almost their last. Even though their vessel was shielded by an optimal Gellar Field, eldritch horrors assailed them throughout the voyage. Only the areas in which the marines were present did the living nightmares not tread for there are things which even they fear in the galaxy. The Daemonic bane was also the reason the group of warriors were almost excommunicated: the study and practice of the hermetic arts. It was with prejudice and ignorance that they were labeled users of Warp-craft and were sent away from their brothers. Although none of the marines were psychically attuned, they seemingly were able to calm the churning waters of the Warp. Grim determination set about them and the ship was cleansed and reclaimed in their name. For ones almost accused of heresy, they held onto their new-found knowledge with a certain zealousness and created themselves anew- the Clerics would forge ahead and tend to the galaxy as they saw fit. As the ages passed, the Clerics furthered their study of all things occult. Where once knowledge was hidden, they tore away the veil and grew more steeped in the lore they cherished. Their hunger came with a steep cost. Daemons of the Warp that were once content with their demigod-like internecine squabbles noticed these upstarts of order and pounced, trying to shut the light out of the darkness. The study and pursuit of knowledge became as dangerous as the machinations of the Great Enemy as the simplest slip of a quill was enough to unleash a Greater Daemon of Nurgle into their midst. The monastic order learned to trust in their ancestors as they were humbled greatly by the event. Vowing ever more oaths of penance for that grave error, they continue their dangerous practices because, in the end, if the Clerics are to prevail against the Nightmares of Man, they must become the dawn. The most recent engagement where the Clerics have been instrumental was the Second War for Unification of the Drowned Planets (aka, The Shifting Ways War). When the beleaguered Imperial Forces found themselves surrounded by horrid, pestilent Traitorous Forces, all thought hope was lost. On the day that their destruction was imminent, high-yield cannon shells began raining down around Camp Last Thorn and then the Cleric’s Second Company, the Khamasin, swirled around the Imperial encampment, totaling the highest kill-to-death ratio seen in the entire campaign. After action reports state that the mechanized force withdrew before contact could be established. EDIT- Apparently, something went wrong with the Font and Size on this post. Hmm. Hopefully I've fixed it now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted October 18, 2015 Share Posted October 18, 2015 By all means, steal away Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 It is great to see you make some progress with Clerics! The ghost ship narrative was pretty cool! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 20, 2015 Author Share Posted October 20, 2015 @Epher- Thanks, Brother! I guess automatic writing works sometimes. Well, it looks like I've missed the deadline for the Liber's Seventh Challenge due to me being an idiot about timezones and where people live. You know what it feels like to be kicked in the teeth? Yeah. The funny thing is that I had it all completed at 548pm and it was due at 600pm my timezone. No excuses, no justification. I just didn't get the message. One of the many things I've learned in life is that no one cares to listen to a person's complaints so I apologize to everyone that reads this. Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulJam Posted October 21, 2015 Share Posted October 21, 2015 oh, well no shiny medal for you oh wait, there aren't any anyway. it's just fluff brother, that you have created something that you like stands for itself. diy chapter articles are just the start of something you can play around with forever and that's a marvelous thing. write on ps i'm sure brother aquilanus will reopen the thread for new completions after he's done updating the current lot (first time i've seen that done) so you can get it recorded anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted October 21, 2015 Author Share Posted October 21, 2015 @paulJam- I've calmed myself since my last post because you're right: I've got some really good fluff that can be the backbone for the rest of the fluffiness. Plus, I really like Grand Master Belial's format for creating an IA. That'll be my casual working man's fluff. The actual Index Astartes will follow normal protocol. Well, everyone, I've decided to post what I did in this thread because it's my piece of the B&C. The rent isn't too bad and no one really bothers me that often. Anyway, it'll have a post of its own so that I can log how far off course I go with my ramblings and your help. Stay tuned ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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