Grand Master Belial Posted July 29, 2015 Share Posted July 29, 2015 Something I have gotten into the habit of using when writing. I am using the comments to place the more elaborate information for the IA that made it too big for the section or was the deriving idea. In one of my IA's, I used Google Translate to create names for a chapter (Hungarian and Romanian) based on a phrase like was done in days past. I woukd type in the phrase and then edit it into a name. An example (Hungarian) Kisser of Snakes - csókol kígyók Perhaps that could become the name of a librarian - Csokol Kigyok Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted July 29, 2015 Author Share Posted July 29, 2015 That sounds like a great idea, really. I hadn't thought to use the Comments section. Well, add that to my IA tool belt to use later ! Your naming concept sounds like something similar I did with my Death Guard Legion. I would take two names, mesh them together, cut them apart, or rearrange the spelling and then I'd get one name for a Sergeant or something. I'll also give an example for anyone out there interested and also to remind me what I did: Take two names from the region(s) you're thinking of using (in this case, a Serbian name for the first name and Hungarian for the second). The names chosen have different elements and letter types so that I can achieve at least six names easily. Then, I jumble them up and take the neat sounding ones for whoever needs a name! Dragomir Csaba Bragod Dacsir Cogad Sirog Ardir Godcsar There's six new names that are just mashed together from the two actual names used. After doing this once, I'd do it again with two new regional names so I could give a marine a first and last name. Hope that helps someone! Anyway, I figure for the Clerics I'll be using Greek, Arab, and Egyptian for their first names and angels for their last names. It's been working out so far but I'll definitely try out your method, too, GMB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted July 31, 2015 Author Share Posted July 31, 2015 Alright, here's my birthday and 1000th post. Yay . Nothing new to add to the Clerics but I do have a few questions, as usual. 1. Do Unforgiven Successor Chapters of Successor Chapters get a piece of meteorite that hit The Rock to make into a few weapons? 2. Do new Chapters have to get the OK from the Dark Angels' Supreme Grand Master before they are founded? 3. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Thank you in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted July 31, 2015 Share Posted July 31, 2015 What do you mean? An African or European Swallow??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spiral Posted July 31, 2015 Share Posted July 31, 2015 1. The Seventh Ed codex mentions that the Dark Angels may have forged additional swords which they pass out to their successors. 2. No, but The Unforgiven section of the Codex does mention that often the records of new DA foundings disappear, and that their Chapter Masters get called to summits at The Rock with the Supreme Grandmaster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 1, 2015 Author Share Posted August 1, 2015 @Epher- What? I don't know that ahhhhhh ! @Spiral- I thought they passed out some meteorite to their successors so that they could forge some anti-Imperial arms. Granted I was more than half-asleep when I read that information so you are most certainly correct. I wonder what the successors hand out to their successors...we may never know. The Watchers in the Dark probably sneak some of that black metal to the newly founded Chapters. They are mysterious little guys, er, things. Picture it: conclave of the Unforgiven on The Rock. Everyone is there, some in freshly painted armour, others tired from a long campaign, dust falling off of them when they move. Then, with great fanfare from servo-skulls, the lights dim and heads turn to the main entrance. The doors open and a fine mist comes roiling in, its ends like fine tendrils of a rooted plant. Lights flash, a staccato of photons making it hard to see the shrouded figures that lay beyond. Then, out of the sound of silence comes chanting- soft at first but it soon grows into a cacophony so immense that the drinks in front of the enraptured audience quiver before quickly fading. As neophytes, every Dark Angel and their Successor Chapter lineage learn the sacred hymns: Litany of the Battle Engaged, the Canticle of Accuracy, Antiphony for the Knife's Edge, etc. Soon after the interrupting choral facade fades, before a whisper or grunt is uttered, the Clerics walk into the summit, holy items raised above cowled heads, their owners softly singing a Byzantine rendition of "The March of the Lion". In amongst them walks the Sheik of the Black Sword... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted August 1, 2015 Share Posted August 1, 2015 Mehman, you certainly know how to paint pictures with your words. The level of detail that you are putting into the Clerics is impressive! I know what else the Clerics need... The Deathwing Knights who say ni! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted August 1, 2015 Share Posted August 1, 2015 I know what else the Clerics need... The Deathwing Knights who say ni! ~Excerpt from the Angelos Tenebrus Lexicon, a chronicling of the Dark Angels and their successors, by Thaddeus Plauden~ The Clerics' Deathwing Knights are unusually secretive, even amongst their brethren, rarely speaking to others outside their group. The reason for this is theorised to be a fearsome battle cry of ancient and terrible power that only the Knights are privy to, whose utterance brings untold agonies upon all outsiders who hear it, and which the Knights are more than willing to use on fellow Battle-Brothers should they irritate them. Thus it is that the Knights generally confine themselves to the halls reserved for their order upon Cleric ships and Fortress-Monastary, where it is said they spend their free time when not training or praying to engage in the ancient meditative art of shrubbery growth and design. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 5, 2015 Author Share Posted August 5, 2015 Well, it has been a few days since the Clerics received an update. To be honest, I've been building some of them ! The test model Mithril made got me into the mood to do my own. As of a few days ago, he's been completed sans base. I'm thinking a medium brown base with a drybrush of Ushabti Bone should suffice. We'll see, won't we? On my table currently sits a halfway completed Assault Squad and a burgeoning Devastator Squad. The Cherubim that comes with the new kit is too cute! Expect pictures tomorrow or the next day. Anyway, I'll walk everyone through how I decide to equip my squads and HQ. Since I work on a Mac, I use Numbers as my spreadsheet application but Excel also works perfectly for what I'm about to enlighten you with. This is an optional part but take a blank page and then create in the A1 box the bolded text "HQ". Next to that word, still on line one but in column B, start writing out a stat-line as seen in the Codex. Below the "HQ" heading, start adding in the profiles. Continue this until all statistics from the Codex have been entered. Again, this is optional and takes a lot of time but you now have easy access to the whole army list but, and I can't stress this enough, you still need a copy of the Dark Angels Codex for any of this to work! Whether you have or haven't entered the statistics, create a spreadsheet for your Template Army Choices. I find adding a little header at the top labeled "Template Units X" (where X is a Roman Numeral I-V) is helpful as you'll quickly correlate the number with what is in that table. In the A1 box, create the bolded text "HQ". Directly under that on the same column, start writing out your most powerful HQ unit. My personal Template Units I HQ selection has my Master of the Khamasin (Grandmaster of the Ravenwing) as the number one choice. Any extra equipment you have given the unit goes under its name and, when completed, the font is changed from 12 to 10. This could just be me and slight OCD but it works for me. Find what works for you. In column B, create a running tally of how much each unit and any extra equipment they have costs. Complete the HQ section and make a new table. The next table should say something along the lines of Template Units II and under that have bolded text that states "Troops". Here's where the party starts and freedom becomes real. Create a Tactical Squad entry under the “Troops” title. Now, here’s how I do it. Again, you are under no obligation to do any of this the same- it’s just a suggestion: Tactical Squad 1 [10] Here, the Tactical Squad is numbered and, in brackets, it shows how many models are in the unit. This may seem like an extra step but it helps you remember how many guys you need to bring and also know how many bodies are on the table. Next to the brackets in column B, write out the cost of ten Tactical models (or whatever number you may have). This number won’t change, ever. This is your baseline number. Now, we start adding extras. Here’s an example of how I do it: Tactical Squad 1 [10] Veteran Sergeant Power Sword Plasma Pistol Plasma Gun Heavy Bolter So, just under the unit heading, we have a lot of options. I always put what the Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant has equipped first just to keep him special. The rest of the Squad’s gear is placed afterward. Remember to write down the point cost for each item in column B. If you want to know the total of the Squad, simply highlight the relevant numbers across from the Squad’s equipment plus the Squad’s cost and there you go! I can already hear the question being raised: “Honoured Mehman, why should we do this? It seems like a lot of work for nought.” Having this information on a spreadsheet allows you to pre-plan your army and what you build, how much it will cost, and what you’ll need to see it all come to fruition. As an added bonus, you can create another spreadsheet and just copy and paste your Template selections to make lists for battles. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted August 5, 2015 Share Posted August 5, 2015 Modelling progress for the Clerics? Sounds good to me. I am surprised that we have not seen any works in progress yet. Just a few thoughts on the bases: You may want to go with something darker than Ushabti bone to start because it is easier to lighter if you do not like the look of it. You may want to use Zandri Dust instead. It is a base paint, which is thicker and it is also darker too. It is hard to say what will go best with your colors as I have nothing to compare them to butI would try to keep your bases darker than your models, that way the models will pop out more and the bases will provide a nice back drop. By the sounds of it, your basing idea is close to what I have used for my DWK and Black Lancers. I used a mix of sand PVA glued on. Primed with Imperial Primer. Next goes on Vermin Brown with a wash of Agrax Earthshade. Dry brush with Zandri Dust. I finished the edges with Skavenblight Dinge. I hope it helps or atleast it will give you an idea of how you may want to approach the bases. Spreadsheets are awesome for army building. I use excel these days since I am using a PC. My Mac days are over. Too expensive for the computing power and a pain in the butt to run windows based programs. Using a spreadsheet provides an easy way to copy and paste army configurations into other lists. You can also develop lists for different occasions and all you have to do is have a folder or a clipboard with all your different lists. When it comes to game time at the local GW all you need to do is pull the right list and then kick some a... asparagus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 5, 2015 Author Share Posted August 5, 2015 I'm surprised myself that there haven't been any true pictures yet. I guess I wanted to delve deep into the fluff first and flesh it out a bit before I decided if I wanted to tackle a whole new army. Funnily enough, my Space Wolves are on the back-burner again and it's all because of this project. How's that for rivalry ? But, yeah, I guess I made the decision to make them my main army for a few reasons which, of course, I shall list now (what would everyone do without my random musings and lists?): - They're my first DIY Chapter come to life after an idea from when I first started painting some odd years ago - I've poured a lot into these guys already and have gotten, what I consider to be, good fruit - People have been going out of their way to help me on this project whether it be little snippets of ideas, names, major ideas involving the character and quirks of the Chapter, painting help, an actual painted model (thank you again, Mithril ), or what have you, and I'm too appreciative to let that go - The Dark Angels' forum and it's denizens are above the bar and want to help - Working on this Chapter and its Index Astartes, which will be forthcoming, has drug me, at least partially, out of a pit of despair. My family recognizes something is different about me and it's all due to this DIY - My wife actually asks about the Clerics Wow, six reasons. I knew I had at least two reasons but to have six kind of boggles my mind ! Anywho, that basing recipe sounds, and looks, nice, my friend. I'll admit to re-looking at a picture of those great painted Black Lancers in your gallery and I'm hooked. For the Clerics, I believe there need to be some changes made- small changes just to tweak the landscape to a more arid environment. Since I don't have any sand on hand (I made a rhyme!), I'll be using Medium Ballast found at model train shops. Yes, I am too lazy to go to a hardware store and pick up some kids' play sand. Well, I'll have some brought to me. Ok, back on track, how does this sound? Base with a mixture of PVA and Sand followed by PVA and Medium Ballast Mournfang Brown base, watered down slightly to flow into all the crevices Agrax Earthshade shade Skrag Brown (Vermin Brown) overbrush- think of a drybrush with more paint Zandri Dust drybrush Skavenblight Dinge edge Yes, that will work. Now no colour is above my Ushabti Bone highlight. Good call, Epher ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted August 5, 2015 Share Posted August 5, 2015 I've been part of the forum for about half a year and I must agree, there are lots of good people here. It is great that the hobby can provide a means to help people and I am glad to see that it has helped bring you through some tough times. A creative outlet with community support? Can't go wrong with that! As for the bases (and not that I am a pro, I have finished about a dozen or so done), if you are doing a desert army you may want to have desert bases. That would mean heavy on the sand and light on the ballast. A quick google image search of "40k desert base" will provide lots of examples. If you still go with your recipe, you should apply the Zandri Dust heavier than I did and then try applying a very light dry brush with the Ushabti bone to give it some highlights in a few places. I am also wondering how other household items might work. If you are looking for a sand texture, try flour and glue. Another item that may be more managable than 20 lbs of play sand is diatomaceous earth. It can be found at hardware stores as an anti ant barrier. It may have the right texture but it would be a more managable size than play sand at less than the cost. I also thought of sugar but that might disolve in either the glue or paint. I've also put the larger rocks and objects on the base first and then added the sand at last. I am not sure it if makes much of a difference. Just some food for thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epher Posted August 5, 2015 Share Posted August 5, 2015 Just found this: Make your own play sand Here is what is in it: Used coffee grounds Corn meal Flour Might be worth checking out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 7, 2015 Author Share Posted August 7, 2015 My brothers and sisters, it has taken considerable time and effort, not to mention the utilization of something unknown, to present you all with this, a token of my gratitude and admiration for each of you. Now, I present the Chapter Badge of the Clerics: Yes, I told you that I didn't know what I was working with to produce this art, I'm just happy it turned out correct. GIMP- confuses you every time ! Anyway, for those that haven't been keeping up with the random musings and thoughts, this Chapter Badge was first sketched by the illustrious Mithril. From there it took me ages to figure out how to get an image off the internet and then how to fiddle-about with it until it was what I wanted. Thank you so very much, Mithril! You taking the time to help me out is more than appreciated. What is it? Yes, great question. It represents a few different things, some known, some unknown. The scimitar speaks to the culture of the Clerics' home planet, Oran IV, and is also in keeping with Dark Angels' iconography of it being a sword (+10 pts for anyone who can guess the culture of the Clerics based on this whole thread and post ). Sure, it looks different but does it not kill the enemies of Mankind like all the others? The snake represents the Daemon, specifically, but could also include anyone or anything foolish enough to strike at the sanctity of the Imperium of Man. Well, that's it for this post. Thanks for looking, as always, and be blessed in His holy name: Ave Imperator! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted August 10, 2015 Share Posted August 10, 2015 Yeah!! great stuff Mehman glad my sketch inspired you to work it !! at least i have a solid pic to work too when i do the pad this will work in solid black with a white background or did you want a light bone colour?... cheers Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 10, 2015 Author Share Posted August 10, 2015 Cheers, mate! The pauldrons are the same colour as the armour so a light bone colour will work fabulously. Yeah, your inspirational sketch got me to thinking and then after an hour or so using my Google-fu, I found what I needed. Some GIMP time later and bingo. I've even included it in my signature ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 I am noticing something about the Clerics chapter badge. It resembles loosely a treble clef seen on sheet music. That may not be a deal-breaker as the clerics may have certain vocal chants to keep up the seals from the warp and it could be just another symbol within a symbol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 11, 2015 Author Share Posted August 11, 2015 Dear Brother, you noticed! The prize goes to GMB . I figured someone would see it eventually. The Clerics are the galaxy's foremost chanters . If it helps ward away the Daemon and scare the Traitor, more power to to it. Honestly, it was a happy coincidence when the snake was merged with the scimitar. I envision Byzantine chants across all vox-networks as a means to scramble any enemy's communication. The sound of such glorious harmonies would rouse the defenders' spirit to an Ecclesiarchical high and set the tone of death for any who might trespass. As battle draws from pistol and bolter to knives and swords, so does the chanting change form. The droning voices that were once calm and measured are replaced by a melodic shift- words offered in pristine form, the volume tremendous. Whew, that sounds like a lot of fun, actually. I know, personally, that battle- be it any form- is more than rough so I'm in no way downing it, but hearing Byzantine chanting in your earpiece whilst doing it? I dare confess that might make it feel...I don't know the word. Look at that: I shut myself up ! How does everyone like pictures of painted models? Besides what Mithril has offered, there have been no pictures of a painted Cleric, especially by my hand, and it's getting close to 100 replies. Well, later today that will change. The test model for the Chapter will be on here for your perusal. Love it, hate it, throw things at it, he's still going up. Until then, as always, this is Father Mehman the Scribe, Regimental Priest of the B&C. Have a blessed day, everyone . Ave Imperator! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 I am noticing something about the Clerics chapter badge. It resembles loosely a treble clef seen on sheet music. That may not be a deal-breaker as the clerics may have certain vocal chants to keep up the seals from the warp and it could be just another symbol within a symbol. Hmm, that's interesting. It reminds me of the Overseers' Music Boxes that play dark magic-negating, mathematically-composed music in Dishonoured. Perhaps the Clerics have something similar, maybe a relic they found? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 11, 2015 Author Share Posted August 11, 2015 Well they do find relics. A lot of them, in fact. That's actually one of the big things they do. Hmm, I'll have to give this idea some think-time. Not a bad idea, Sanguinius ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 Well they do find relics. A lot of them, in fact. That's actually one of the big things they do. Hmm, I'll have to give this idea some think-time. Not a bad idea, Sanguinius ! Thanks Mehman, always happy to contribute however I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peredyne Posted August 11, 2015 Share Posted August 11, 2015 Chanters, huh? That right there tells me you should pick up a Master of the Marches ( or a Master of the Rites ( to get the funky speaker bits for your Librarians. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Mehman Posted August 12, 2015 Author Share Posted August 12, 2015 Ideas for the Idea God, Squishes for His Squishy Throne ! How did those models not cross my mind from the beginning? The Master of the Rites is perfect! I mean, I'll have to "Cleric" him up a bit but that shouldn't be too hard. All he needs is a spiffy paint job that isn't blue and a scimitar. Boom. Company Master. Maybe I should put a beard on him... Are the Clerics a beard Chapter? Eh, maybe. Thanks, Peredyne ! Ok, it's time. I told you all earlier that I'd post a picture of a Cleric and I aim to keep that promise. Remember, this is only a test model so no jeering needs to take place. Throne, this is a horrible picture: Look at those sausage fingers! Whew! I guess my hand was squished together but still... Anyway, as I digress from those piggly wigglies, I am happy with a few things that this test model showed me: -The armour turned out especially well for having never layered plate ceramite. Usually, a grey basecoat gets laid down and then I shade it to black or dark grey- it all depends on the army. My 30k Death Guard aren't layered either. Wow, I layered something besides Fantasy Blightking skin ! -The paint recipe for the armour is solid. Truth be told, I use this same recipe for anything that calls to be warm off-white, I just didn't include the Ushabti Bone highlights...yet. I feel that Mithril needs to get a prize. Someone get him a bag of jellybeans or something. Nothing too expensive as we're all wargamers here. -This was the first time I've painted non-Caucasian skin and it was a delight. It looks a tad bit on the orange side but, trust me, it looks perfectly Base in person. Alright, glad that's done. I'll keep everyone posted as to new models as they come. I'm a terribly slow builder and painter so be patient. Or, you know, if you didn't like this picture I guess there's no reason to be patient. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted August 12, 2015 Share Posted August 12, 2015 That is an awesome looking Cleric! Well done on the paint job. I am not seeing a beard yet with that particular mini but perhaps on the Vets or Characters. If your sculpting skills are good, perhaps try to sculpt on some form of head gear when they don't have on their helmet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted August 12, 2015 Share Posted August 12, 2015 Fantastic stuff bro, very well done, i love it some nice sharp highlights and that guy is good to go, skins good but could use some extreme touches but really good otherwise!! thanks for the credit on helping you get your palette down, no jellybeans though...i don't eat sugars anymore, maybe some crackers and a hommus dip will suffice ... yeah its going to be a real great army, i can tell already Cheers Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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