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Systm's Butcherhorde


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So, after much deliberating, I finally finished my first berzerker. At this point I only finished the one just to see how all the colours came together after washes etc, so when it's actually daylight I will be spray sealing him with a matte sealer so hopefully itll dull it down a little further. Overall I'm happy with how it turned out, I bought many excess paints for highlighting but I want to get back into the actual game asap so I ended up dropping doing all the extensive highlights and I feel like it still looks decent, at least to me anyway. 


Anyway, c&c is most definitely welcome! (also yes I know I haven't drilled the barrels, seem to have missplaced the drill bit I usually use and wont be basing my marines until they're all finished as I'm still undecided on what to base them with)


Also sorry the pictures are so big, if someone can tell me how I can resize them that would be excellent.






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Paint scheme looks good, but man is that kit showing its age.
Couple mould lines might have been cleaned up better, and the pose might have been adjusted back a little, but in context of an army I don't think it will be an issue.

Well done.

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Paint scheme looks good, but man is that kit showing its age.

Couple mould lines might have been cleaned up better, and the pose might have been adjusted back a little, but in context of an army I don't think it will be an issue.

Well done.

Ugh I know right... Half of the backpack styles for the berzerkers didn't even fit properly and had to be massively filed down... Rumour has it Tyranids and CSM get a new codex around October and new units etc for 7th ed, so half of me wishes I got back into the hobby later but half doesn'r care tongue.png will probably pick up two new boxes when/if they release new ones, since need 4 min squads for Khârn's Butcherhorde

Also I am aware I could've done a lot better with mould lines and gluing, but half of these guys were assembled at around 2am because I just want to get them finished to play games :P

Looking good thumbsup.gif

What base are you thinking of giving him?

Honestly I have no idea, waiting until I've painted the whole army before deciding too much, 44 more units to paint pinch.gif

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Hey, I'm liking the pose and paintjob! if you ever get bored of all the red, painting some helmets different colors look nice. Also cork is easy for bases, simple to do and simple to paint and you can do lots with it.
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Hey, I'm liking the pose and paintjob! if you ever get bored of all the red, painting some helmets different colors look nice. Also cork is easy for bases, simple to do and simple to paint and you can do lots with it.



Haha I've actually got all 45 marines based in Mephiston Red already, and to keep myself entertained I just paint different areas on different minis, until I get just absorbed doing one mini and finish it in the one sitting, so now I've done the Aspiring Champion for the first 5 man squad haha


Will refrain from posting pictures until the whole squad is done though :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I decided to move my newest completed stuff to a new topic with a more correct name to use for future uploads, mods please close/delete the previous one, cheers.

Okay so it's been a little while but I've been studying and doing my exams, however now I have a few painted minis to present to you all!

First and foremost, Khârn the Betrayer! I eagerly awaited this mini in the mail as I bought him second hand from someone, so the actual model is the OOP metal version as I didn't want to take the risk with a finecast version, but either way metal also scrubs up easier with dettol tongue.png



Now the four Aspiring Champions for my four Chaos Marine squads



And then five completed Chaos Marines, so far I have one completed combat squad, but here's to hoping that all my normal marines will be done at least before I get my tax return and my army gets beefed up to 1850pts tongue.png



I also think I may just start linking imgur links or albums instead of pictures as it makes the thread quite pic heavy..

And then I also need to find a nice way to do snow bases sometime in the near future when everything is finished!

As usual c&c appreciated (inb4 barrels drilled tongue.png )

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I'm quite happy with how my Khârn turned out but every time I look closely at his Gorechild arm I cringe a little as it could've been done so much better than the rush I did it in at 3am hahaha

Otherwise every time I look at my finished marines I'm really satisfied with the clean scheme I've got going with them, like sure Khorne is all about slaughter slaughter slaughter but I like the crispness of the models; matte paint sealing spray is also very helpful in this case!

I just need to find a good way to do a snow base tongue.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

So progress has been slow on what turned out to actually be a rather busy university holiday.. But finally, my first 20 chaos marines are completely painted, and will be based at some point in the near future after everything is painted, which at this point in time is 23 more berzerkers. However next week I order 20 more marines, 12 more berzerkers, 8 rhinos, and a Lord of Skulls to bump my army straight up to 3k.


Anyway, here are the 20 marines that currently form the backbone of my army. When I have all 40 marines the squads will be kitted out two with dual meltaguns, and two with a flamer and lascannon.













Also sorry for average camera quality, still working out this new phone's camera :P

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