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++ Gore Hounds Project Log ++


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Hi guys! Kathias here, ready to create rivers of blood for the almighty Khorne! I have some CSM stuff already, just need to start painting, and now that I've created my list I think it's about time to get started.


A quick background for my Legion of Slaughterers: Former Space Wolves, Stole numerous fenris wolf pups on their way out (these will be my flesh hounds), really liked killing things so why not dedicate to khorne?!


Ok now a rundown for my list, which as of right now (since I have a few things already) I'm keeping around 1500:




Khorne Lord:

           - Juggernaut

           - Axe of Khorne

           - Bolt Pistol

           - Collar of Khorne

           - Blood-Forged Armor

           - Aura of Dark Glory






Daemon Prince:

           - Warp Forged Armor

           - Blade of Endless Slaughter (the blood blade thing)

           - Wings

           - Collar of Khorne









           - 8x guys, champ included

           - Auto-Pistol/CCW loadout


           - 8x guys, champ included

           - Auto-Pistol/CCW loadout


           - 7x guys w/ Full Grit loadout

           - Champ w/ Power Maul








Fast Attack


Khorne Hounds:

           - 8x Hounds

Khorne Hounds:

           - 8x Hounds


           - Baleflamer

Heavy Support



           - Magma Cutters


           - Magma Cutters


Going to post some pictures later on of some pieces I have done, namely the Lord and Champ.

EDIT: Finally adding the pictures! Sorry for the poor quality as I only have access to my camera phone as of now. Also not the best at posting them in 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Worked on a few things here and there. Built up a knight, working on converting it to look more chaosy right now. Really need to buckle down and get to work on my CSM squads, and track down some hounds.


But look at this distraction I worked on!











Missed a few pictures of Lord Kynewulf!

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How has noone commented on this yet? Those conversion are amazing! A realy sweet colour scheme too. Keep up the good work, amazing minis!


Thanks for commenting dude! Hoping to get more C&C here soon, love to get more feedback and where I can improve with my painting/conversion skills.

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So after some deliberation (mainly with myself) I've decided that fluff wise, it would make more sense for the Hounds to originate with the World Eaters, and they could have possibly stolen Fenrisian Wolf pups. In the grand scheme of things it makes a little more sense to me and is a little more believable. Thoughts on this?

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The age of sigmar model at the end is a very nice conversion, when I saw it I totally wanted to convert it and use its fleshhound, I think the only thing I would have changed is it's shoulder pad but everything still looks good :D

Keep it up.


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Started building up the 2nd CC marine squad. pretty satisfied with how they came out. Now to just prime 'em and paint 'em!



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Pictures to follow soon but I wanted to get this idea out of my head before I forget! So during my toilet time, I thought of an awesome way to distinguish the two CSM squads, namely by giving them squad designators. Plan is to paint (bloodied of course) on one rhino "Rip" and on the other "Tear." Thoughts?

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