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BH's Thread [Courage, Honour and the Bitter Truth]

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Chapter XXVII, Appendix IV, ‘Principal armed forces of the Grandia campaign’ in Oraius Peet’s A Complete History of the Legiones Astartes during the Horusian Schism, Vol. II

‘As we have seen, the factions and vested interests in the Grandia system were many indeed, but at the onset of war, they could be drawn into two broad categories; those arrayed in defence of the system and loyal to the Imperial Governor of Grandia Prime, and those set against them, namely elements of the XIIIth Millenial, IIIrd Legion and XVI Company, XVIth Legion.

The backbone of the system’s defence were the massed ranks of militiamen, conscripts, agri-union brigades and other irregulars who formed the Grandia Defence Auxilia, more commonly the GDF [Force]. Allied to this structure, the Grandian Feldgendarmerie were the system’s military police, originally created to watch over the thousands of retired Vattran soldiers settled on the worlds of Grandia and the visiting Vattran regiments that rotated in to the system to rearm and recuperate. Standing apart from both of these structures was the Governor’s Lifeguard, a largely ceremonial unit that nevertheless saw widespread combat.

Seen here are various composite pict-caps of some of the units deployed to the surface of Grandia IV at the onset of the conflict. Note the range of arms and equipment, and the marked tendency towards newer, higher quality materiel and weapons carried by Feldgend units. This disparity would grow from a bone of contention into a much more serious danger as the war progressed’.


L-R Agri-union irregular, GDF rifleman, Feldgend conscript


L-R Feldgend veteran, reactivated Vattran veteran, Feldgend Enforcer


L-R Governor's Lifeguard, unidentified Sons of Horus tactical support legionary, unidentified Sons of Horus Veteran legionary


The Lifeguard are popular for their sense of pomp and pageantry and their gaudily-coloured uniforms, and for their calm, reasuring presence around major public infrastructure. However, whilst on active duty, theatre-specific uniform is adopted, and ceremonial helmets and jackets are replaced with flak-standard equivalents.


So hello, here's my first foray into finally getting some work up on this forum. Posting regularly is great motivation, not only for myself but my gaming buddy Der_H, whose thread you'll find here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300056-the-iii-legion-13th-millennial/ and fledgling terrain thread http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/302891-wip-trench-boards/

Our armies are approaching 2500 points although sadly my Sons lag behind as I concentrate on the defenders of Grandia whilst my nemesis Der_H's Emperor's Children wield the brunt of the traitor's ire. We are expanding naturally like an arms race...allies soon. I'm also debating adopting the new Militia list in order to use some retro Rhinos and a Imperial Army Land Raider.

We are a few games into our campaign, which includes an associated BFG campaign. I'll post my Grandian and Imperial fleets soon.

Certainly the ETL is making me put the hours into my Knight, which may otherwise have languished in its constituent sub-assemblies forever...



It's 90% done, finished sponge weathering, awaiting some drybrushing on the base then both will be getting the FW powder treatment.

Thanks for looking, update soon hopefully! smile.png

  • 4 months later...

Children of a False God: The Enthused



'Enthusiasm; from 'enthousiasmos' ('entheos' - "possessed by gods" and 'ousia' - "essence")...








'Many think of us as zealots, fanatics without the stomach to bring a galaxy to compliance - when they think of each Legion's allotted traits, they remark upon our faith, our belief in the noble crusade we undertake. They are wrong. Hate. Hate is the property that we espouse above all else. Only with the purity of our unflinching hatred will they galaxy be torn from the grasp of those who seek to control us'.















Bossman. Undecided as to whether he'll be a Praetor, Chaplain, or plain Diabolist. Depends what I do with Not-Kurtha Sedd.







Yes that's right, an Ultramarine. In 40k the Ultras lean a little too close to the 'super' in 'superhuman', whilst the WBs are awaiting panto season, but in 30k, I find them both fascinating. Thusly I will be collecting small armies of both. This will have the knock-on effect of actually being able to play BaC in some way despite splitting up the miniatures into three different armies.





It's been far to long since I started this thread and left it unattended. I was drifting towards Bolt Action before BaC dragged me back in. 


Whilst I'm a fan of the new 32mm bases for marines, I'm sticking to the old size as the models are being divvied out between existing squads, and I'm not wasted resin bases I paid decent money for! However, I have broken out the cork in order to add some variety; they should come out decent with some slate gravel and ballast added. The huge pile of 32mms will be used for characters and objectives.



I'm a big fan of this plastic MkIV, even with some of the squatting poses. You'd be amazed what you can do by merely elevating one foot higher than t'other. Gives me a chance to dive into the accumulated piles of  skulls, oaths and parchment bits you build up when building 30k legions...


It's amazing how much more sinister and bulky you can make MkIV look with a MkII/III powerpack and some bigger shoulder plates. The Ultras will be kept really clean and simple looking, for contrast. I will be aiming for a relatively bright red, inspired by a couple of amazing WB armies and the original artwork from Collected Visions. I'm not a fan of Maroon Marines, so the challenge will be not to paint heretical Blood Angels!


The rest of the models (~8 marines, Terminators and Praetor) will fill out the ranks of my Sons of Horus...


Company/Chapter fluff to come once I work out how (if at all) these guys will fit into our campaign...




Thanks Knight! The...Knight was obviously finished for the ETL but I neglected to post it here...not sure I have a great pic of the base in its finished state, but you can get a glimpse of the pigments in this one;








And the rest of the pics are in the AdMech ETL thread here; http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306917-e-tenebrae-lux-iv-adeptus-mechanicus-strategium/?view=findpost&p=4124241




Now more marines;



‘If it is lies built on lies to found an empire that you seek, look to the Emperor'.











'If it is the desperate search for meaning and purpose in a galaxy where there is neither, look to the Primarch'.

















'If you would stand with them as they strive to find a better path, and fashion a fate of their own choosing, look to your brothers’.












'We believe in the destiny of Man to rule the stars. We believe in an Imperium ruled by men, not gods. Ruled by those with the strength to succeed. And we are the strongest of men’.




So that's a few more Tacticals complete. Not sure I remember the last time I enjoyed conveyor-belting bolter-wielders so much, usually I like to keep them to a minimum otherwise I don't see the point in investing in armour marks that you won't see behind the bolter, but now that they're plastic, it doesn't really seem to matter so much...Kitbashing is a huge part of the hobby for me, found an old box of Black Templars upgrades that will be seeing a lot of use (heresy!).


Let me know what you think!...



  • 7 months later...

Lightning Strike! Or how I faced up and began painting some marines again...

Squad Ehyrim, The Black Hands.






Their sergeant, Ayreas, with his favoured Lightning Claws, the Hard Way and the Easy Way.

[cross ref. M40.8 Black Brethren of Eryeas, Black Legion warband]

And all together;




Soooo it's been a rather long time since I painted anything marine-shaped, but the ETL has kicked me into gear, and I'm making some decent progress. Also, the promise of a decent game against my long term enemy Der_H always motivates me to get stuff finished. If only my boys would perform on the tabletop! laugh.png

I loved the idea of an assault squad almost exclusively in Mk.VI, assault squads suddenly getting better last week is a bonus!

With the completion of my ETL vow hopefully nearing, I shall finish off a tactical squad that has waited patiently for completion for years not months, and should at last have a respectably sized Sons of Horus force to form the basis of my campaign army.

Now if only I could put down those plans for a Zone Mortalis Ultras force, a Word Bearers drop list and a huge tide of Orks.... biggrin.png

  • 9 months later...

Yeeouch, this thread needs the resin dust blowing off it....


So I've been planning a big FW order for a while in order to get my fledgling Ultramarine and Word Bearer projects kicked into gear;



Obligatory loot pic





Many goodies in here, but I'll be keeping them secret for now. Did get a Moritat who now has magnetised plasma and volkite pistols. (No pic, you'll have to take my word for it).



Here are some PIP Tartarus for the Word Bearers;









Shonky pics but you hopefully get the impression that I'm going for a brighter red, more arterial than dried blood.






Ashen Circle. Nice models, easily put together, but the surface area/point of contact for the shoulder pads to glue with is awful. Odd, considering you have relatively little leeway in choice of pose with arms that already have the weapons attached...Power axe on the only one you can't see (D'oh!)






The Steagle. If the checking date of early January is anything to go by, you can tell how many FW sell. (Or rather, how long they sit on the shelf for). The reputation of this kit precedes it. Mine isn't terribad but it bends outwards at the front and rear, with only a little bit in the middle of the fuselage being straight. Some hairdryer work sorted most of it.


The worst bit is the horrible gap in the front landing ramp, which'll need some serious plasticard and GS work.


Having watched many vids and read many threads I put some tiny pins (you only have the width of each side panel to work with!) in, and they're holding it all together nicely for now...


Still, will be a fun build and the centrepiece of my Last of the Serrated Sun/Orbital Assault drop list.


The list is basically 20 Tacticals in Steagle, podded Gal Vorbak and Heavy Flamer squad, podded dual CCW Contemptor, and deep striking Assault squad with Chaplain, Ashen Circle and Tartarus with Praetor.


However, seeing as Deep Strike is no longer a thing in 8th, this is all up in the air as yet. Hopefully it'll all be made clearer, so we can avoid the endless jump infantry/Terminator Deep Striking rules interpretations...



Not sure on a chapter as yet; I have the transfer sheet but nothing stands out to me. I love the Serrated Sun but they and the others don't really fit my need to play these guys as antagonists in a campaign, being part of the Shadow Crusade through the 500 worlds. Character-wise, they will be made up of marines who are really disheartened with the truths that were discovered on pilgrimage. I was leaning towards something along the lines of 'Chapter of the Tainted Chalice', but alongside my bright red, it just gives the impression I want to paint Blood Angels...any suggestions would be very much appreciated. 



 Now onto the Ultramarines;


I make no secret of my desire to hellenise the XIIIth Legion, whilst they will always be a Greco-Roman legion, i think they lean too far in popular opinion towards the Roman, heck we even have to call them legions, mumble grumble...so I will endeavour to add a little Classical Greek flavour...





This is how I always envisaged Praetor armour to look like - large, bulky armour and pads with a relatively small helm, with iconic faceplate. Thinner arms for all that fatiguing sword and shield work. The torso armour is also reminiscent of Gladiatorial leather strap armour.The clean, angular lines of FW's Praetor stuff is basically knock-off MkIV, whilst I always envisaged it being knock-off MkII or III, so something combining both suits me.

 I'll be building a few like this! 






'Aias, who is called the axeman' - this guy plays on the more modern interpretations (Troy, etc) of Ajax as a brawler/berzerker character, so he got the axe. Somebody knocked his hat off, so somebody's got to die.







This guy has a more thoughtful, resting pose. (Also, there's only so much you can do with 2 right and 1 left arm pose) It's all about dat Greek helmet though.


They'll be getting huge red lambdas over (or rather under) the shield iconography. Can't get more Greco-Roman than that!


The Ultras will be a roughly 1000 points Zone Mortalis list, hence the Imperial Sector bases. Praetor and Cataphractii squad, Breachers, magnetised Support Squad (Plasma, probably) and then take it from there. Oh, and a tactical squad that is already sprayed blue.


Hopefully I can keep my motivation high, switching between the 2 legions so I don't get bogged down with one or t'other!


Thanks for looking!


Lovely work buddy! Obviously I've been privy to a few of these in the flesh as it were, but they just look great! You even pipped me to a steagle and obviously the 'characters not joining units' thing has made me concerned about buying one...good luck with the rest of it!


Like the posing of the ultras! Bring them next week for closer examination!


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