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Greetings all.
This is a thread dedicated to my efforts to build a GIANT Chaos Crusade consisting of 3 Chaos Space Marine War bands, a number of Renegade forces, and a Host of Daemons.
I had been running this Plog on another forum (Heresy Online), but following some Tec issues the site had I couldn’t reliably access it (aka, work blocked it following some issues with add wear). Anyway the thread was called Uveron’s Iron warriors, and will have more conversations about the development of this force.
The first  post in this thread, is a VERY LONG Re-conditioned post from my archive detailing this year’s push for progress in 40K. (Please excuse the English in these posts, I only speak English, but some days… that’s debatable, and when editing the syntax of these posts, bits may have slipped though.)
First Complete Model of 2015.
Painted up the First Tank, A bit of a Test
I then played with some weathering powders, to try and make it look even better
I think I like the powders, just needed to get a bit more practice in on them. It does make the tanks look dirty, which is nice.  
Next up I sat down and got 20 Iron Warriors together, a few Dark Vengeance Marines, a few parts from my ‘Back in the Day collection’ (the havoc) and some resin parts with CSM and 'zerker kits. 
From this I was able to build a CSM Squad and a unit of Chosen.. A start. 


[Photo link broke when Hosting Site died] 

Edited by Warsmith Uveron
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[Lost Photos of my Raptors] 


Although the Iron Warriors are mostly unaligned, but  cults of khorne do occur the most within the Leagion. I will also have some plague marines and Thousand Sons, but they will be 'fluff wise' derived from the other legions whom have joined up with the ‘Grand’ Company for their own survival; mostly in the scouring, where Iron Warrors who form the core of my Black Crusade were a Garrison for traitor Industrial world, and it became a hub for fleeing units after the death of Horus and in the millennia since they have been absorbed into the force that forms the Crusade.
Edit: I am aware of the Horrific Lines on the jet-packs, these were one of my first assembled troops when I got back into the hobby. (Another reason this was the first unit painted for the army)

And then just before Christmas, managed to get 5 Iron Warriors all painted up... not bad for finishing up at 6:30am! After a 12 hour painting marathon.. (I was about to start working nights, so was staying up all night)


Finished my first HQ choice!.. as such may I present Captain Trakas of the 1st Company, 1st Battalion.
The Model itself is magnetized so I will be able to switch out the the war-gear. But I decided to start with the Combi-Melta and Chainfist as it is more fitting the Iron Warriors.
I painted the base separate from the rest of the model, which is something i will be doing for all my marines. Though I will not be doing so for my cultists, as well that's a little to-much work!


I was able to get up the Local Store and get a few 750pt games in and get some photos of the Iron Warriors on the table.
So here we have the complete 750pt force*, as you can see I have been able to get the new 32mm bases on the Space Marines, and overall Iam very happy with the look of the whole force (*the Chaos Spawn needs a bit of a touch-up, and the Chimera is not in the current list)
The first game of the night was against some raven guard, don't have many photos of the game itself but I have some of the set-up.
Story wise, Captain Trakas of the Iron Warriors has sent a scouting force to recover an artifact for the Warsmith. The Raven Guard arrived to give battle and scupper the plans of the forces of Chaos.

We were playing 'The Scouring' and I castled-up behind some defense lines and once the loyalists got close the marines engaged leaving the cultists to hold the objective. It was a fun game, which ended in a close victory with only 15 cultists left and my chaos lord. But a win is a win.

The next Game was against an elder player, following the victory against the Loyalists, Captain Trakas established a perimeter at the 'Dark Temple' but before he could recover whatever artifact he needed a detachment of Eldar set out to stop the Captains plans.

The Eldar player brought a Wraithknight, some dire avenges in a wave-serpent and a squad of guardians, the first two turns I targeted the Wraithknight with the whole army, and finally finished it off in assault (which was every unit I had apart from 5 marines)..
After that it was just a few turns of moping up the rest of the Eldar... but it was a fun game all the same and it could have gone a very different way.
I think the army looks very nice on the table, and I hope that as the year progresses I will get more fun games in.

Edited by Warsmith Uveron

Three units. Finished!
Top of the list is the one I have a little more work to do on, is the defiler.

The other photos I took look bad and he does need some more earth shade wash, (and some weathering powders) but that will be in a week or so.
After this I was able to get another 7 Cultists done!


Again these may need a slight earth shade touch up (ran out of it as I was finishing them), but otherwise this brings me to 30 painted Cultists!)

Before an Apoc game I was able to take a photo of the whole force,


Think I had at this point 3000'pts of assembled troops. (Though only 1000'pts painted).

Pictures of all the Tanks... Just finished my 2nd Rhino and added weathering powders to the Walkers as well..


Edited by Warsmith Uveron

Combined Army Shots from The  Apoc Game!






















A  long break until the ELT when I finished the next 2 squads and another HQ!

Just need a some more transports now.




Edited by Warsmith Uveron

Next up will be a Combo 40K/AOS Deamon force. (As my local store is going to be running a AOS Escalation league) 


Going to try and get this guy + his minnons sprayed today. 


[Photo died when hosting site went down]

Edited by Warsmith Uveron

@ Xenith, The prince will not be in the IW colors, Going for another group that makes up the black Crusade.  

@ Beachmike, The Axe is the one from the box... one of the few no converted bits on the model! 

@ Magic Man "reading an old WD article"... Thanks! Quite the compliment! 


Now for progress, I got all my Daemons Sprayed.. going to start work on them tonight. 

First Test Khorne Deamons after first nights painting. 



Quite happy with them Need to finish the bones, and then paint the swords.. 


[Photo lost when hosting site went down]

Edited by Warsmith Uveron
  On 8/5/2015 at 9:25 AM, Dragonlover said:

Ooh, I like those. You gonna be keeping the flamey theme through all your daemons?



That is my current plan, not sure how to do it for Plague Bearers, or the other Nurgle demons, but will be trying to keep it for the Khorn Cohort.

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