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Been thinking on the idea of head hunting within the CL. It's something that was big in both early germanic and pre roman celtic cultures, so the Crimson Lions doing it would make sense from a thematic stand point. However, I've veered away from it as it seemed too Khornate. However, the SW were the Emperor's executioners and they take trophies and stuff so I wanted to ask what the group thinks. Should the Crimson Lions take the heads/skulls of fallen enemies as trophies or is that too Khornate?


And another point is that the Crimson Lions are Fidelitas Sine Recursu. Does that mean they would take up the role of the Emperor's Executioners with Russ and the Wolves gone?

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Executioner? Void eagles would fit as yucahu knows he is a weapon and just follows orders

Ah but there's the thing Yucahu knows he's a weapon and just follows orders, but as we've seen with the Morning Stars, that attitude doesn't necessarily extend to his sons. Given the deep cultural divides amongst the Eagles I doubt they'd be considered for the Executioner role, they lack the Wolves' unifying pack mentality and the alpha-dog loyalty to their Primarch.

Besides, all this is assuming the Emperor even cares to re-assign the title after Leman's sad fate.

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They adorn their armors with symbols of death. So what is creepier than enemy heads on the armor. Maybe their noses? That is a symbol^^

Or their shrunken heads? :wink:


And shrunken heads are more voodoey than plain skulls, which is more tribal and warrior trophy territory. 

Edited by Sigismund229
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I favor noses and especially ears. Maybe they glue them.to their helmets.after they elongate them.



Just to feel closer to their primarch^^ please kel...don't hurt me. It is my other personality. Ot couldn't resist. Now present us a pic of andezo so that i cam stop making jokes about jis silly elf ears

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Ok. So I know that I've mentioned this before, but as the book one legions come closer to completion I would like to try to get the Allies chart completed so that it can go into that book as a finished entity rather than needing revisions down the line. Here is how it stands right now. If you could check your legion(s) and help me fill in the blanks (the white skulls) I would really appreciate it. [Kelborn I don't know whether you intend to change the relationships of your legion or not, I guess it's entirely up to you. I will also update the name through the book too (Is the Predators their final name?).]




If you have any other revisions/changes you'd like me to make on behalf of your legion, just ask :smile.:

Been meaning to do this for a while. 


Grifft, could you downgrade the Void Eagles to fellow warriors and upgrade the Scions Hospitalier to battle brothers. 


Seeing as the whole EW fighting CL thing happened, downgrade the Eagle Warriors to By the Order of! and downgrade the Drowned to Distrusted Allies. 

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To say nothing of the Grave Stalkers

Very true, I imagine they'd indulge in all sorts of nasty practises. I can just picture a patrol of Loyalist Armymen marching through a thick 'Nam-esque jungle and just being haunted relentlessly by this distant rattling sound echoing from the jungle around them every now and then, always from different directions than before, the source always unseen. Slowly it drives the Armymen to the brink of madness as their rampant fear turns every little noise into a looming monster until finally they turn on each other, convinced one of them led the others out here to die.


Only when there's one man left standing, splattered with the lifeblood of his former friends, utterly broken in mind & spirit, does the single, solitary Grave Stalker emerge from the jungle brush, bone fetishes jangling against ceramite, to "reward" the broken soldier as armoured hands coil around his skull.



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How come the Scions are Distrusted Allies to the Wardens of Light and Godslayers? Also, after Baal they should really be Distrusted by the Warbringers, as Pionus is seen as having stitched them up during the Prosecution

Oh and the Crimson Lions should probably be either Distrusted Allies(at best) of the Warbringers or By order!

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