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We decided to settle that latter on, when I got more stuff of them done to see where their path will lead to.


I also got a new version in which the betrayal occurs, nearly the complete Legion is annihilated besides 2 depleted chapters (one being in orbit and consists of the last terran members; and one consisting of the Mardumian survivors of Terra) and Andezo is heavily wounded and placed in stasis, hidden in an unknown place.

Those two chapters devide as they are construing his last words differently: one becoming true traitors and spreading itself across the Imperium, founding cults to unleash chaos, etc. and one trying to redeem themselves and find another way of fighting against chaos, leading to their return as blackshields.


But it's not yet to be decided.


I honestly just mentioned the betrayal as a running gag. Forgot to use a smiley. :smile.:

Edited by Kelborn
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I guess that puts Azus in a prime position to a) fulfill the Raven Guard/White Scars role and b) show us how morally questionable the Loyalists can get.

Ooooh. I like the sound of b. ;)

Edited by Big Bad Squig
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Friends! Humans! Brothers of the Lost! Lend me your ears for I have both queries and ideas.


Once again I've run into the stumbling block of not knowing what happens between Insurrection and Escalation while working on the summary of events so far in Escalation. I've already outlined my ideas for how the galaxy would be looking after Icarion's empire building offensives and simison seemed to approve and nobody objected so I took that as an orange light to start tentatively working on the background of Icarion's first offensive towards Terra(I think it was agreed this would happen?).


The sketchy outline of what I imagine each legion doing during this time of all out war is as follows: #

Outskirts of Segmentum Solar

Harbingers are pushing towards Terra alongside two legions who've not received much screen time as of yet but are fairly brutal. I was thinking Drowned and maybe Warbringers? They are resisted by the Halycon Wardens and Scions Hospitalier who fight alongside the Imperial Army trying to hold the line at the gates of the Segmentum Solar but are gradually forced back until Alex issues the edict of emancipation which stops the traitors, creating the bulge I keep talking about.


Eastern Fringe

My idea was that the Dune Serpents have been fighting on the Eastern Fringe and raiding the borders of Icarion's empire, denying him territory in the east but at the cost of being forced to operate pretty much independently of Terra, meaning they'd be slow to react to Icarion's new offensive. Icarion sends the Stygian Jackals and Warriors of Peace to pin them down and keep them on the defensive.


North East

Icarion gets tired of looking at a patchwork of conflicting loyalties each time he looks as the north east so he sends the 'Serkers of Uran to tidy up a bit alongside the Grave Stalkers. The Grave Stalkers launch a campaign of terror across the north east of the galaxy while the 'Serkers go and annihilate people like the Interex and Auretian technocracy.


South West

I had the idea that the Fire Keepers and Predators could be fighting a genocidal campaign of annihilation against one another over here but Kel's just said the Predators might be fighting in the east which leads me to my first query, when do the Predators turn traitor? Has it been decided yet? Cos if we want to build up beef between them and the FK now would probably be a good time to start.


That then leaves me without ideas for the what the following legions are up to:

Crimson Lions

Void Eagles

Eagle Warriors



and I'm making the assumption that the Wardens of Light are still doing their neutral, guarding refugees thing.


Can we please discuss the events that take place in Corruption? It would make it a lot easier to write the summary of the Insurrection so far as I wouldn't need to query every single thing I write about it

Edited by Sigismund229
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Naaah, I just said that their homeworld is in the eastern fringe.


It was about, who could be there to diss Icarion over there. Nothing more, nothing less.


I'm still for a campaign Keepers vs. Predators


Although I'd prefer to decide their time of changing loyalty after writing at least somethin about Andezo and their history, it seems that I have to start with their ending priorly, hm?


There are two main versions of their end.


The first involving the betrayal durring Terra. Biggest dickmove ever. An event which will be remembered, I'll bet on it. But I do see that there is the chance of having not enough time / space to develop their character quite enough to reason this curse. Having sided with Icarion for now (but for their own reasons), they change their strategy. Instead of trying to defeat the Imperium with one single blow (at Terra), they spread themselves across the Imperium, raising cults and revolts to destabilize governments. When that happens, the Legion strikes. Therefore, their hunting turns into annihilation.


Second version was recently posted and is now updated:

I also got a new version in which the Predators might side with Icarion early on (for the same reasons of defeating chaos), nearly the complete Legion is annihilated on Terra, only 2 depleted chapters (one being in orbit and consists of the last terran members; and one consisting of the Mardumian survivors of Terra) remain and Andezo is heavily wounded and placed in stasis, hidden in an unknown place.

Andezo realised that he had made a terrible mistake. He betrayed his kind in order to hopefully defeat chaos. But the dark gods have fooled him his entire life.

Those two chapters devide as they are construing his last words differently: one becoming true traitors and spreading itself across the Imperium, founding cults to unleash chaos, etc. and one trying to redeem themselves and find another way of fighting against chaos, leading to their return as blackshields.

Furthermore, Andezo tasks the terrans under Thoruk that they shall keep an eye on Mardum. Worst case scenario, they should destroy it. No innocent soul of Mardum shall serve the gods. They are also tasked to destroy the shattered worlds, the legions fortress & forges and take what they need. These loyalists settle down within the canon Dominion of Storms, further, in the Waniku sub sector, forming the Blackshields known as Storm Blades.


To sum up:

Variant 1: biggest and most recognizable dickmove ever!

Variant 2: Probably more character development and more flexible outcome


Will not be able to answer any discussion until the late evening or tomorrow morning.


I'm willing to adapt to the groups will. But keep in mind, lletting them betray the Imperium during Terra would be another point to make us outstanding from the other alternatives.

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The North East will be protected largely by the Shepherds of Eden, so sending the Berserkers will make Raktra very happy. The Shepherds are effectively destroyed along with the Technocracy, and the main defence of the Loyalists in the region is gone. The entire defeat conducted in the most inhumane manner of course, with Raktra stopping just short of constructing a middle finger of skills.
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Friends! Humans! Brothers of the Lost! Lend me your ears for I have both queries and ideas. 


Can we please discuss the events that take place in Corruption? It would make it a lot easier to write the summary of the Insurrection so far as I wouldn't need to query every single thing I write about it


Yes, we can. The summary I was holding mentally wasn't particularly detailed. In the span of two decades, Corruption was to be divided into three areas. The first was Icarion's initial push. From Madrigal, he would begin his new empire and push outwards, eating through Ultima and begin pushing into the borders of the other Segmentums. We were thinking of having the Battle of the Forge be the campaign represented.


Area 2 was to focus on the Edict of Emancipation and the addition of xeno auxilia to the Loyalist cause. Hadn't thought of a battle yet, but it was to be the first major Imperium victory since the war started, outright throwing the Traitors back. For the next few months, the Warmaster takes advantage of his new firepower to push back the Traitors and to start eating into the Madrigal Empire. Icarion is able to stop the counter-surge shortly, and the stalemate begins.


Area 3 was the Blood Crusade. It was supposed to start off Icarion's outright use of daemonic power. 


I'm not sure if we need the nature of the Predators' betrayal so much as we need to know when they go Traitor. So, Kel, will they go Traitor before or after the Blood Crusade?


Also, Blunt, I thought you were the one who said that the Technocracy should be opposite to the Interex, putting the Technocracy in the Galactic South?

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Friends! Humans! Brothers of the Lost! Lend me your ears for I have both queries and ideas!



Yap, the Wardens of Light Protect their sector in the South West, ensuring a relativly safe corridor to Caerbanmog and the surrounding systems/planets the danger for refugee.ships are the unguarded territories where they are easy prey for the Jackals, Slave.Hunters.amd.Xenos. By the.way: where exactly is the Abyssii located? If it has no location I would put them north of Caerbannog but even more into the intergalactic void. Wardens wear then Abyssi pattern mk as you like^^. (they are one of the first Missions from gwal so why not putting them near his home^^)


And second by the way: which loyalist don't care for human lives. Maybe stop the ships amd take the males with them for military service.amd indoctrination. We are at war and soldiers.are.needed

Could give aome extra beef. So that the wardens really stay.neutral.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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(turns up nervously) So would this be ok?


The Darkest Dawn

With his empire’s expansion, the Stormlord judged that he now had sufficient resources to begin his offensive against Terra. The loyalist defences were spread thin across the Imperium and several legions had been forced to start operating all but independently from Terra, notably the Dune Serpents who continued to be a thorn in the Stormlord’s side with their resistance of his forces on the Eastern Fringe and their raids on his empire’s borders. While this independence meant that they were better able to prosecute the war against the Stormlord’s forces on a local level, it meant that they would be slow to react to an offensive being launched half a galaxy away.


In order to keep the Dune Serpents unaware of or unable to react to events, the Stormlord sent the Stygian Jackals to harass and harry them, engaging them in a mobile war upon the Eastern Fringe, keeping the Dune Serpents pinned in place and on the defensive. To the north, the Stormlord sent the Berserkers of Uran who would fight both the Sheperds of Eden and Iron Bears as they rampaged across the north eastern Imperium and to expand his domains in the north eastern Imperium, the Stormlord sent the Grave Stalkers who would launch a campaign of terror that would bring many worlds into the fold. However, all this was subsidiary to the main assault.


When Icarion finally unleashed the mailed fist he had held in reserve, it struck with enormous force. At the tip of the spear he now aimed at the heart of the Imperium were his own Harbingers, their strength still mostly intact, the Drowned and the Warbringers. With Icarion himself at its head, this hammer blow broke through the loyalist defences on the border with the Maelstrom. While they fought and died hard, for all their efforts those loyal to the Emperor were unable to halt the offensive and were forced to fall back, in many cases abandoning entire systems without a fight. As the Stormlord’s armies ground inexorably forward and his vanguard closed in on the borders of the Segmentum Solar many expected the Emperor to step down from the Golden Throne with his sword in hand to lead the defences in person. However, he did not, merely stating that the Warmaster had his full support.


In desperation, as the Stormlord’s forces began to hammer at the gates of the Segmentum Solar, the Warmaster issued the Edict of Emancipation, allowing xenos to serve in the Imperial Army and declaring that xenos were not to be engaged unless they were clearly hostile. So it was that battalions of Kroot, Kinebrach and even enigmatic Eldar took to the field alongside the soldiers of the Solar Auxilia and warriors of the Legions Astartes. While this outraged many who believed it to be against the ideals of the Great Crusade, a view expressed by many of the Warmaster’s brothers, the fresh tide of troops blunted the Insurrectionist advance.


All along the borders of the Segmentum Solar, battles raged as the warriors sworn to the Stormlord sought to break through the reformed Imperial defences rallied by the Warmaster and continue their advance. All the while, the Warmaster and the Stormlord maneuvred their forces in ever more elaborate strategies to try and outwit the other. Every battalion of human's or xenos, ever company of legionaries and every fleet was like a piece on a regicide board and every world or star was like a square with the Warmaster and the Stormborn being the players. However, try as they might they could not outwit each other. They were evenly matched in wits and resources.

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It's a high-quality piece Sig. Only two questions come to mind, where is the Technocracy and the Shepherds located? Blunt had left me with the impression that the Technocracy should be opposite to the Interex. So, when we discovered that the Interex was located in the Galactic North, near Huron, I assumed the Technocracy was in the South. Blunt further suggested that the Shepherds were fighting side by side with the Technocracy. 


So, Blunt, is the Technocracy/Shepherds located in the North or the South?

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Hey people, great, and a little less great news (ish) I guess:


let's start with the good news eh?


My back has officially been declared: healed! After the car accident it was impossible for me to do one of my most favourite hobbies/sports/semi-jobs: Boxing! I am a long time (for my age) boxer that used to box on higher levels, I wasn't able to do that, but now my back is healed, I will be diving fully into this again!


this does mean a few things, and also where the not so great news comes in:


i will have less time to spend on the forum, so SOME of my posts may seem like I need to catch up, this does mean that you need to forgive me for that, BUT: I will keep on doing my job as a chaplain for you guys, I know some of you have really enjoyed my services and I will keep on doing so! I love you guys/this AMAZINg comunnity, and will do everything in my power to keep on track with you guys.


So for now, have a splendid day, and enjoy sigi's amazing writing stuff he is fabricating at lightspeed

Edited by AlphariusOmegon108
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Friends! Humans! Brothers of the Lost! Lend me your ears for I have both queries and ideas!




I knew that you would post that. It was so obvious. And I like you for that. ;)


I'm not sure if we need the nature of the Predators' betrayal so much as we need to know when they go Traitor. So, Kel, will they go Traitor before or after the Blood Crusade?


The will go Traitor AFTER the Blood Crusade. Will ask AO if the Eagle Warriors already got a demon possessed member or leader who could fight against Andezo. Not as part of the Blood Crusade itself but maybe somewhere else.

This fight might reveal the truth to Andezo as I'd depicted it long ago.

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Alright, so Predators are Loyalist during Escalation.


Now, if Blunt can answer the Technocracy question...


Also, Slips, could you I pin the Qarith & Great Crusade threads?

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