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Well the longer something takes the better it is generally, so that's a good thing....right?

Its mostly taking time because, in the day, I'm at a Metal Festival thats been running from Friday to Sunday so no real time to actually sit down and write up anything :p


..Fluff takes me longer than Rules in terms of giant bricks of text..

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I feel the same way Slips. I have a much easier time writing rules than I do fluff, particularly story pieces such as simison gifts us with so frequently. To give you an idea of where I'm up to. I have Legion rules, units, primarch, unique rite of war, relic and equipment all written out for the Grave Stalkers yet I'm still working with unwritten vague ideas for most of their fluff. The Scions of the Abyss have basically no fluff but Legion rules and primarch are both written up already.


All my rules are pending additional re-writes for balance and sense-checking from the community, but I would prefer to have a developed concept in place before releasing it onto the interwebs.

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I feel the same way Slips. I have a much easier time writing rules than I do fluff, particularly story pieces such as simison gifts us with so frequently. To give you an idea of where I'm up to. I have Legion rules, units, primarch, unique rite of war, relic and equipment all written out for the Grave Stalkers yet I'm still working with unwritten vague ideas for most of their fluff. The Scions of the Abyss have basically no fluff but Legion rules and primarch are both written up already.


All my rules are pending additional re-writes for balance and sense-checking from the community, but I would prefer to have a developed concept in place before releasing it onto the interwebs.

I work in kind of the same way but in reverse order: I need a Story to create rules to. I can't just BS Some rules up without background since they might end up being unrepresentative of my idea for the Character/Unit/Rule.


After that, rules come easy for me :p

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I can understand that. I tend to start with a base framework for what I want to do and then develop from there. For the Grave Stalkers I knew I wanted a Pariah with influences from the Aztecs and Mayans. Other things came from those first ideas, but for whatever reason I can do rules more quickly and they help give me a better idea of the whole.

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I can understand that. I tend to start with a base framework for what I want to do and then develop from there. For the Grave Stalkers I knew I wanted a Pariah with influences from the Aztecs and Mayans. Other things came from those first ideas, but for whatever reason I can do rules more quickly and they help give me a better idea of the whole.

Oh you are going for a aztec vibe as well? awesome! My eagle warriors also use the Aztec-middle america vibe

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Yeah. It seemed to me to be one of the few martial culture that was unrepresented amongst the legions. I'm probably not taking too much from them and the things I do take would probably make a historian cry. But I'm not a historian or a history buff really so I'll do what I like and accept the criticism of those who know better.
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So are we deep enough into ideas to start putting together a rough outline of major event for this universe?


Anybody have ideas on pre "heresy like event" allies matrix. We have the listing in the first post but that is more or less the end rather than the beginning?


Oh and "Hail the Warmaster"! Good work on the writing Simison.


Lots of interesting ideas from the group. Well done all. Carry on.

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I'm glad everyone enjoyed that piece. Now, to put it into some context. Horus was the perfect choice for Warmaster, perhaps too perfect because of his later ability to swing the loyalty of half the Imperium. Alexandros has the opposite problem. On the surface, he does look like a solid choice for Warmaster. He's a master politician and diplomat who has brought dozens of planets into the Imperium's fold without firing a single shot. He commands one of the largest legions and, among his brothers, is the most veteran save for Icarion. Combined with his penchant for meeting with the common citizen, he enjoys a lot of popular support from the common man. 


However, he has several issues. Because he's such a successful politician, he doesn't rely nearly as much on his martial ability as his other brothers. And, if human natures tells us anything is that battlefield victories make for more impressive propaganda than pretty speeches. He's just not as renowned as his other brothers specifically because he's often takes the diplomatic option. This is compounded by his habit of giving away battle honors to his brothers. He also has a history of dissent, though not flat out disobedience. He's infamous for his pro-xeno views and his desire to offer different options to rediscovered human colonies other than the method of Compliance. So, while he has an excellent reputation among those who have served under him and the common man, the farther you get from him, the more mixed his reputation becomes, especially to the hardcore supporters of the Imperium.


Now, these flaws don't sink him, except for one issue: Icarion. The first son to be found, Icarion has served by the Emperor's side the longest, by an extra thirty years compared to Alexandros, who was found second. Wise with a hint of mystery, Icarion's military service outshines all of his other brothers, and it's well-known among the higher echelons of power that Icarion enjoys the Emperor's trust to a complete degree. Powerful and dependable without Alex's controversial views, it was widely thought that in the highly unlikely event where the Emperor falls, it would be Icarion to step into his place. Hence, he enjoys the greatest popularity among the Old Guard and the nobility. 


(Athrawes, if I need to tweak anything about Icarion let me know.)


So, when the Emperor names Alexandros as Warmaster, everyone is shocked. And, while Alexandros works hard to be worthy of the title, there will always be some who believed the title was stolen from Icarion. 

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Alexos would have hated Alexandros ALOT. Alexos hates politicans, and does not like other people commanding him, he would also have disgusted Icarion, seeing him as a simple barbarian. Alexos would speak loudly on the events of Alexandros becoming warmaster, probably telling other primarchs his honest opinion


maybe this might be of intrest? sorry for tread-hijack haha

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Hail Warmaster Alexandros! Also I have to say even if he was a little jealous Daer'dd would have supported Alexandros over Icarion because he is a better diplomat, because he is a politician. As powerful and charismatic as Icarion is Daer'dd would have issue because of his charisma. The Warmaster is supposed to build an Empire someone else rules. Not be The second Emperor. And because of Alexandros' brilliant tactical acumen Daer'dd would have no issue in being the front line general for him, he knows he is an axe for the Imperium, while Alexandros is the hand that guides.


Also AO108, I have a feeling Daer'dd and Alexos would have clashed quite a bit.

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Yeah. It seemed to me to be one of the few martial culture that was unrepresented amongst the legions. I'm probably not taking too much from them and the things I do take would probably make a historian cry. But I'm not a historian or a history buff really so I'll do what I like and accept the criticism of those who know better.


Wait, I'm a historian. Are you going to make me cry, Grift?



Alexos would have hated Alexandros ALOT. Alexos hates politicans, and does not like other people commanding him, he would also have disgusted Icarion, seeing him as a simple barbarian. Alexos would speak loudly on the events of Alexandros becoming warmaster, probably telling other primarchs his honest opinion


maybe this might be of intrest? sorry for tread-hijack haha


Have no fear, you're on topic. In fact, I'm really happy with this line of conversation because this is the kind of material I need to write good stories. 


Based on what I've seen so far, Alpharius, I think Alexandros would've pitied Alexos. Something else I should add about Alexandros, for everyone's knowledge. I based him off the Fortune Arcana, and one of the aspects of it was this: "Like the Empress, Fortune will value personal relationships and attempt to draw his brothers together so they can understand their greater purpose."


In other words, out of the Primarchs, Alex is the younger brother trying to help everyone get along, which is why in the canon timeline he is Battle Bros with over half the other Primarchs. Not sure how well it'll work here, but I didn't want everyone to limit their thinking Alex as a straight-up politician. He's also the family man who tries to balance his mission with spending quality time.


Now, I'm sure that's not going to end well with Alex and Alexos because of their radically different views. And, once Alex becomes Warmaster, there'll be another edge of tension. In other words, excellent writing material!


I'm interested in learning more about Niklaas because that might be one of the few relationships where Alex would like to establish a strong friendship, but realize he has to be patient with his brother, lest he piss off Niklaas.


I suspect that Alex and Daer'dd are going to get along very well.


Finally, Athrawes and I agree that Icarion and Alexandros will definitely be close friends until the Civil War erupts. Because nothing says civil war like close brothers now fighting each other.



Going to take a moment to re-focus on the timeline. Here's what has been locked in so far:


1st- Icarion

2nd - Alexandros

3rd - Leman Russ



11th - Mearann



18th - K'awil

19th - Magnus

20th - Jade General



We know Raktra is going to be near the end of the pack, and we have several people who want to be closer to the beginning. Any other opinions on the other other Primarchs? Also, Grift, I still haven't heard from Depth. For now, carry on with the 20th, until we hear from him.

Edited by simison
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Yeah. It seemed to me to be one of the few martial culture that was unrepresented amongst the legions. I'm probably not taking too much from them and the things I do take would probably make a historian cry. But I'm not a historian or a history buff really so I'll do what I like and accept the criticism of those who know better.


Wait, I'm a historian. Are you going to make me cry, Grift?


We know Raktra is going to be near the end of the pack, and we have several people who want to be closer to the beginning. Any other opinions on the other other Primarchs? Also, Grift, I still haven't heard from Depth. For now, carry on with the 20th, until we hear from him.


Well as I said I'm not a history buff, so I suspect that I will be perpetuating myth and innacuracies all throughout my work due to lack of knowledge on the subject. This in my experience makes historians wince at the very least.


I'll put some more info about the Scions when I've written some. As for finding order I imagine that Mearann would be found near the middle whereas K'awil would be towards the end. So about 11th and 18th respectively.

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Yeah. It seemed to me to be one of the few martial culture that was unrepresented amongst the legions. I'm probably not taking too much from them and the things I do take would probably make a historian cry. But I'm not a historian or a history buff really so I'll do what I like and accept the criticism of those who know better.


Wait, I'm a historian. Are you going to make me cry, Grift?


We know Raktra is going to be near the end of the pack, and we have several people who want to be closer to the beginning. Any other opinions on the other other Primarchs? Also, Grift, I still haven't heard from Depth. For now, carry on with the 20th, until we hear from him.


Well as I said I'm not a history buff, so I suspect that I will be perpetuating myth and innacuracies all throughout my work due to lack of knowledge on the subject. This in my experience makes historians wince at the very least.


I'll put some more info about the Scions when I've written some. As for finding order I imagine that Mearann would be found near the middle whereas K'awil would be towards the end. So about 11th and 18th respectively.



This is true, but, for better or for worse, I know little about those cultures. So, I'll be fine.


I'll update the list.



Are we going to have some variation on the Primarchs mostly all being on Terra for some period?


Also if at all possible I'd like to do a fluff piece on Daer'dd creating some serious arcane weapons for his brothers. So anyone that can give weapon preferences for their Primarch that'd be awesome.



It could certainly be done. If you're referring to the Primarchs individually, we know canon-wise, the Emperor trained most of them on Terra for brief stints of time with a few exceptions (Angron). If you mean as a group, I certainly think we can arrange things that way. One idea I came up with just now is the new Warmaster gathering all of his brothers on Terra to bid the Emperor good-bye and arrange for a family reunion of sorts before they start again on the Great Crusade. Alexandros would also take that opportunity to give our marching orders as needed. 


Actually, yeah, I just remembered. In Alexandros' fluff, his pistol is make by Vulkan, while his shield is made with Vulkan's guidance. So, I'm definitely up for Alex coming to Daer'dd to help out with his armory. Perhaps I should come up with a Warmaster lay-out for Alexandros too. After all, the Emperor gave Horus Worldbreaker as a sign of his new authority. Xiphos isn't exactly an awe-inspiring weapon, being a short sword. I'm thinking a new spear for the new Warmaster.

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Mearann runs around with a rapier that allows him to unleash a barrage of strikes on the enemy and a pair of Primarch scale bolt pistols. Either of which could be gifts from a creative brother.


K'awil wields a pair of short blades, which are very similar to Charnabal sabres. He also has a headdress type apparatus that amplifies his shouts into a banshee-like wail that has an effect like the neural shredders used by the callidus assassins. He tends to do badly with his broithers, but his use of Daer'dd's gift could be a singular link with on of his brothers, whom in general he mistrusts.

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So are we deep enough into ideas to start putting together a rough outline of major event for this universe?


Anybody have ideas on pre "heresy like event" allies matrix. We have the listing in the first post but that is more or less the end rather than the beginning?


Oh and "Hail the Warmaster"! Good work on the writing Simison.


Lots of interesting ideas from the group. Well done all. Carry on.


Missed this one on my last read. We're definitely closer. Primarch discoveries are major events that affect the Imperium as grey Terran legions take on their true form. We have a general idea of the Prosecution, a vague idea of the Triumph, and now perhaps we have a Primarch Bash on Terra of sorts. We still need to figure out how Chaos gets its claws into Icarion and Alexos and the opening gambit. 


And the allies matrix needs work, but since that typically rests on Primarch personalities, that will naturally develop as our Primarchs meet each other.


What info I need for major events:

1) The [Lysenko] Prosecution - Proper 30k name, a list of the pro- and anti- side, who's being Prosecuted (Was it Alexos, Kozja, or someone else?) What event triggered the Prosecution? What is the Emperor's edict at the conclusion?

2) Triumph - Who was the enemy? (I'm trying to avoid Orks, if possible) Who attended and their reactions?

3) Primarch Terran Party - Everything? This one will fill itself out as we get to know the Primarchs


Thanks for the compliment!

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I'll start piecing together short stories for the weapons.


I think Eldar could be a GREAT enemy, as it is I think they are vastly under used in 30k, I mean this just barely after their fall and they had a massive empire, so there would still be trillions upon trillions of them, and many of them are ancient warriors with skill and speed to match Astartes.


And as far as placement for Primarch discovery goes, 4th or 5th would be perfect IMHO for Daer'dd.

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Alexos carried a custodian like obsidian spear, only sized to primarch size. might be intresting to have Dear'dd make a sword or axe for Alexos, and Alexos just breaks it in front of his brother, showing his disgust at him


Alexos should be found on the bit of a later side, making his emotional connection with the emperor even smaller, I was thinking about 11th or 12th primarch to be found.

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I'll start piecing together short stories for the weapons.


I think Eldar could be a GREAT enemy, as it is I think they are vastly under used in 30k, I mean this just barely after their fall and they had a massive empire, so there would still be trillions upon trillions of them, and many of them are ancient warriors with skill and speed to match Astartes.



Looking forward to it.


After some thought, I love the idea of facing off against the Eldar. Against a psychic species, our Pariah Primarchs will have a chance to unleash pure chaos upon them with their abilities, while our Divination Primarchs face off against the best of their Farseers. 


Which brings up a good question. Do we want to include the Cabal, Eldrad, and the other forces that try to manipulate the Heresy?

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The Rapier of Mearann.


I close my eyes, I take a single breath the air is dry, and to simply say it is hot would be quaint. I slow my hearts to only a few beats per minute. No, I am no poet nor wordsmith. I am just a humble blacksmith whom happens to be a Primarch.


I chuckle at that notion.


None of us are truly humble, only our father could out match any of us. We know this, and despite our best efforts, only we can truly understand each other.


That's why I make these weapons, weapons for a Primarch from the understanding of another Primarch, a bond.


The metal in front of me is for Mearann, a rapier it shall be. I've worked out the arcane for it, grav-suspensors to compensate for the weight of the alloy that is cooling, virtually unbreakable nano structures weave the alloy together like a spiders web. A two dimensional mono atomic construct edge, it has enhanced diamagnetic fields to part the hold of atomic fields. The handle is genecoded and perfectly formed to Mearann's hand. It becomes less a sword and more an extension. My masterpiece for it though, it's phase field. If the wrong genetic code is read the field activates, it removes itself from the third dimension in a sort of stasis field and sits there untouchable until it receives a verified signal from a small transmitter I made for Mearann. If confronted with a hyperdense material, say metal from a neutron star, it can simply phase through it. Though once made whole again the various magnetic fields could cause a very violent atomic reaction, so I'll warn my brother to only use the field like that in only the utmost dire situation.


This blade though, I am happy enough with it to laugh.

My brothers must think me odd.

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