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Update, I've moved the Primarch Discovery Order and the sides of the genetic tampering up onto the first page. Whoever hasn't declared for a side (including the 'Don't Care' one), please do. Also, does the name look 30k-ish?

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Another thing to decide on is the fall of Alexos and Icarion.


Alexos seems to be fairly straightforward. He's never thrown away his polytheism and has ominous dreams. All it would take is a dream from the right daemon to set up a meeting point to 'enlighten' Alexos. That would start his path to Daemon Primarch-hood. Alpharius, what are your thoughts on this?

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Hectarion's main weapons are his chain axe, Godstooth, and his huge flamer, Hereahs breath. It would be awesome of Dear'dd made one of these. Although he also has a shield which might also be a possibility for something for Dear'dd to make.

Godstooth sounds like it'd be right up Daer'dd's alley. Do you have any ideas of it's design?

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Ohh I am, though I am not sure if I wanted to do something pre or post Alex becoming Warmaster.


Go ahead and do something pre-Warmaster. 



Yaas. that. You got it Simison. just one thing, Alexos LOVES to learn new psychic gene witchery, so he does listen to others, for his own gain.


Got it. 


And I have a gift for everyone.


Legion Relic:


The Aquila of the IInd Legion


The final sign that a Legiones Astartes was ready for deployment was when the Emperor bequeathed an Imperial Eagle. A standard with a golden eagle, wings open as it glared forward, ready for war. Not only a powerful symbol, the Emperor imbued each Aquila with a small measure of his power. Over the years, various fates have be felled these Eagles. Some forever secured in reliquaries. Others lost, a rare few tossed aside. Yet, the Halcyon Wardens still carried theirs into battle, a powerful link to their origins and assurance of their loyalty.


The Aquila provides all Halcyon Warden units within twelve inches of the relic with the Stubborn special rule. Additionally, the relic bearer may choose to use to activate the hidden power within the Aquila as a shooting attack in lieu of his own. The shooting profile is as follows:


                                         Range       S         AP        Type

Wrath of the Emperor         30'            7          2         Assault 4, Deflagrate


This relic costs 50 points and replaces one weapon on the current model. Only Praetors may purchase the relic.




Remove all of the references to the Wardens, and we now have a generic relic for any of the Brotherhood of the Lost (BotL) legions to use. Slips, this means your relic will become the new Warden relic of this universe.




Moving onto Icarion's corruption, let me add a bit more background. One reason that the Emperor didn't choose Icarion for Warmaster is because the Lightning Bearers have a unique secret mission they've been doing the entire Great Crusade. It is their job to slay daemons and limit the influence of the Chaos gods, of whom only the Emperor, Malcador, and Icarion know of. It is the Emperor's wish that Alexandros handle the Imperium, while Icarion focuses on his mission. 


Now, I'm not sure if Icarion will be granted a special title or office to give him more leeway from the Warmaster, but either way, the Emperor informs Alexandros that Icarion does have special dispensation. 


Currently, we have two theories as to Icarion's Corruption.


The first was suggested by Athrawes. In this scenario, Lightning Bearers from the canon universe cross the Warp and, unintentionally, end up in our canon. Confused as to this entirely different reality, they reach out to BotL's Icarion. They warn him what happens to the Lightning Bearers, how Madrigal falls, and the Emperor's purge of their legion. Combine this news with Icarion's hurt over not being chosen as Warmaster, and his descent of darkness starts there.


I have mixed feelings about this explanation. On the one hand, I'm intrigued of using the multi-verse theory to connect canons. On the other hand, I feel this detracts from our setting's originality and independence.


The second is a bit more traditional. Although Alexos thinks Icarion as nothing more than a barbarian, the chaos gods are quite clear. To defeat the Emperor, Icarion must fall. I don't want to write too much about it to give Alpharius ideas on how Alexos would do this. He'll have a couple of advantages. Icarion already has dealings with Chaos, and now his pride has been wounded. 


And, I am open to hearing a third scenario if anyone is up for it.

Edited by simison
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Are we going to have some variation on the Primarchs mostly all being on Terra for some period?

Also if at all possible I'd like to do a fluff piece on Daer'dd creating some serious arcane weapons for his brothers. So anyone that can give weapon preferences for their Primarch that'd be awesome.



Koschei carries a knife and a power fist, the knife is a trophy, but the power fist could have been a gift.  Alternatively, Azus carries a volkite rifle which is essentially his baby, so if that was a gift it could have started a friendship between the two.



Update, I've moved the Primarch Discovery Order and the sides of the genetic tampering up onto the first page. Whoever hasn't declared for a side (including the 'Don't Care' one), please do. Also, does the name look 30k-ish?



Azus is pro-purity, unless the flaw in his legion is triggered at which point he would do whatever he could to save his legion, a la Mortarion.


Koschei could go either way, I feel.  How about him almost being convinced, but then deciding that it was too dangerous a prospect?

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For Godstooths design, I thought that it would be a plain chainaxe for the most part, just scaled up to fit a primarch. However, seeing as Hectarion is primarch of the Crimson Lions, it would probably have a gold Lion head on the pommel. Also, I thought that its teeth should be made from Stone Lions fangs edged in adamantium, much as Angrons axes use mica dragon teeth.
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How could anyone think of Icarion as a barbarian? He is grace incarnate, the emperors angel of light. He speaks softly and measured. Not to mention that he crafted for himself a sizable interstellar empire around the maelstrom with a rich culture of technological prowess...


And as for how he falls, why not combine both options. Have Alexos play a pivotal role in dragging warriors the alternate timeline in to bring Icarion low and convince him that the emperor could just as easily murdered him and his entire legion. That the emperor is a cruel being willing to betray them all.

Edited by Athrawes
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Because Alexos is a :cussing mean person ;)


How about that Alexos first tries to kill Icarion, but fails as Alexos is not a great fighter, that he then uses very subtle gene and mind manipulation to slowly pull Icarion into doubt, plantinf seeds of heresy in the first son ;)


Or go the way Athrawes just mentioned, i like his idea more

Edited by AlphariusOmegon108
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How could anyone think of Icarion as a barbarian?

Alexos/Alpharius' words not mine.


"And as for how he falls, why not combine both options. Have Alexos play a pivotal role in dragging warriors the alternate timeline in to bring Icarion low and convince him that the emperor could just as easily murdered him and his entire legion. That the emperor is a cruel being willing to betray them all. "


I like this. Instead of our universe being a passive recipient, it becomes an actor. It plays with the Warp's illogical nature and gives the key role to Alexos.

Edited by simison
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I had an idea of Niklaas gifting Alexandros with a suit of armor after the naming as Warmaster.


One detail from Niklaas background is that he developed a pattern of terminator armor. If anyone deserves artificered terminator plate it's the Warmaster.


Like the idea of facing Eldar for the Triumph. Or perhaps an unnamed xenos race that may or may not be Tyranids.

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I had an idea of Niklaas gifting Alexandros with a suit of armor after the naming as Warmaster.


One detail from Niklaas background is that he developed a pattern of terminator armor. If anyone deserves artificered terminator plate it's the Warmaster.


Like the idea of facing Eldar for the Triumph. Or perhaps an unnamed xenos race that may or may not be Tyranids.

Alexandros is very much a footslogger, so terminator would be perfect for him.


Another vote for Tyranids. I have an instinct to reject it out of hand because it's so far from canon. Then again, we are establishing our own universe, and there's no reason why a Tyranid Hive Fleet couldn't be scouting ahead of the rest of the Hive. I'm curious how Pariahs interact with the psychic connections between the Hive Mind and it's thrall a.


That and *spoiler alert* in the Warden-Berserker continuity, Alex has an unusual, twitchy relationship with the Eldar that allows him to escape the Imperium.


Here, it could play into the Xeno debate, but would be ruined by fighting Eldar at the Triumph.

So, I could go either way.




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I had an idea of Niklaas gifting Alexandros with a suit of armor after the naming as Warmaster.

One detail from Niklaas background is that he developed a pattern of terminator armor. If anyone deserves artificered terminator plate it's the Warmaster.

Like the idea of facing Eldar for the Triumph. Or perhaps an unnamed xenos race that may or may not be Tyranids.

Alexandros is very much a footslogger, so terminator would be perfect for him.

Another vote for Tyranids. I have an instinct to reject it out of hand because it's so far from canon. Then again, we are establishing our own universe, and there's no reason why a Tyranid Hive Fleet couldn't be scouting ahead of the rest of the Hive. I'm curious how Pariahs interact with the psychic connections between the Hive Mind and it's thrall a.

That and *spoiler alert* in the Warden-Berserker continuity, Alex has an unusual, twitchy relationship with the Eldar that allows him to escape the Imperium.

Here, it could play into the Xeno debate, but would be ruined by fighting Eldar at the Triumph.

So, I could go either way.


I'll write up the armor presentation. What other primarchs should be present. It would be after the Triumph as the Xth wasn't at Ullanor canon.


On xenos enemies, what if, the not Tyranids are actually an advanced race that uses a variety genetically engineered bio forms as their military forces. That could give some underlying tension as the more genetically liberal primarch try to salvage some of the xenos genetech. Think Asgaard from StarGate but with focus on genetics, building various different classes of "soldiers".

Edited by Demus Ragnok
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I had an idea of Niklaas gifting Alexandros with a suit of armor after the naming as Warmaster.

One detail from Niklaas background is that he developed a pattern of terminator armor. If anyone deserves artificered terminator plate it's the Warmaster.

Like the idea of facing Eldar for the Triumph. Or perhaps an unnamed xenos race that may or may not be Tyranids.

Alexandros is very much a footslogger, so terminator would be perfect for him.

Another vote for Tyranids. I have an instinct to reject it out of hand because it's so far from canon. Then again, we are establishing our own universe, and there's no reason why a Tyranid Hive Fleet couldn't be scouting ahead of the rest of the Hive. I'm curious how Pariahs interact with the psychic connections between the Hive Mind and it's thrall a.

That and *spoiler alert* in the Warden-Berserker continuity, Alex has an unusual, twitchy relationship with the Eldar that allows him to escape the Imperium.

Here, it could play into the Xeno debate, but would be ruined by fighting Eldar at the Triumph.

So, I could go either way.


I'll write up the armor presentation. What other primarchs should be present. It would be after the Triumph as the Xth wasn't at Ullanor canon.


On xenos enemies, what if, the not Tyranids are actually an advanced race that uses a variety genetically engineered bio forms as their military forces. That could give some underlying tension as the more genetically liberal primarch try to salvage some of the xenos genetech. Think Asgaard from StarGate but with focus on genetics, building various different classes of "soldiers".



Strictly speaking, the Xth could be present at this Triumph. We're not limited at what happened at Ullanor. But, if not there, I am warming up to the idea of Warmaster Alex calling all the Primarchs for a meeting/briefing at Terra to give out orders/farewell party to the Emperor. Or, Niklaas could choose to give the armor when it's just the two of them. Your call.


And, dang it, you people and your intriguing plot ideas. Making it hard to choose one over the other!


Also, a slightly important thibg we're missing out is which primarchs are going to be present at the triumph? Like Alexandros and Icarion are obviously going to be present but which others?


I haven't forgotten, but I admit this is one of the harder questions. Ideally, who's there will reflect which xeno we're killing, but I also want to give some screen time to the Primarchs we haven't heard much from yet. (Morro, Yuchau, Jackel, etc.)


At Ullanor, there were 5 eventual Traitor Primarchs and 4 Loyal Primarchs. I'd like to keep an even split from the main factions, so, if nothing else, I think Kozja needs to be there to represent the future Revolutionary faction.

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I really really really don't want it to be tyranids. It is so far from cannon that for me it would damage the immersion of the setting. Why not invent some kind of hostile alien race instead of relying upon the big bads, orks and eldar.


And also on that, I'm not so keen on the idea of whatever alien race we choose to exterminate being as mindless as tyranids. A hive mind is fine, I would much rather have the emperor and his sons match wits and swords against a cunning alien super threat.

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