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I thought Askar might be a bit different, as you set them up as being quite similar to the DA and drawing on knightly imagery.


Will their colour schemes vary much between Clans?

Askar might be, true. However, they're commanded by the last of the Myrvalli to be a Terran so(while he'll still use a spear) they won't be that different. They may have adopted a few customs from Caliban though and the ones recruited from Caliban will probably use a two handed sword or spear when they can and wear more "knightly" looking helms. One custom which I thought of them adopting is personal heraldry, with each member of Askar quartering the clan heraldry with his own personal heraldry. It's also likely that less of their officers wear fur cloaks/aprons and instead wear more "knightly" ones. And they probably wear pieces of parchment chronicling their deeds upon their armour(as well as tatooing them on their skin in swirly celt like pictograms).


For colour scheme it won't vary much from clan to clan. The base will remain the same. The only bit that will really change is the appearance of the clan heraldry that they display on their left shoulder pad.


So for example, Clan Askar's emblem is a running wolf on white. They'd display that on their left shoulder pad(quartered with personal heraldry seeing as its Askar) but then the rest of their colour scheme remains the same as the other clans. Like Clan Enthos' displays a bronze hammer on grey on their left shoulder pad for heraldry.

Edited by Sigismund229
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Remind me we need to change his title from '"Lance of the IIIrd ", in that case. That other stuff we've already put in the Legion info.


Cool, that makes plenty of sense.

"The wolf of Mycenae"? I would suggest "The Last Wolf" but that's taken by Ancient Ærrion.
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Hey guys,


as some of you might have noticed, I'm currently working on my own version of the Dominion of Storms (see my signature ;))


Yesterday, I had the idea of an overall antagonist faction / leader for both of my loyal chapters and the imperial forces.


Long speech short, I hope that you can give me some advices (as you are the experts of creating lost Primarchs ;))


Some key facts:


Name: Void Stalkers

Culture: American natives / Aztek; demons = wraiths in their culture, totem warriors can fend them off, Primarch acted as high shaman and wraith hunter

Specialty: hunting cults + demons (was greatly inspired by the Lightning Bearers ^^), overwhelming strategies in combination with sabotage

Special units:

the Wraith Hunters, like their Primarch they ritually sacrifice their normal eyesight in order to gain the precious spectral sight which enables them to see the mortal and ethereal realm at the same time


the totem warriors: as the Legions philosophy drastically changes through the GC, they believe that in order to fight fire, you need fire. Therefore, they started to improve some of their warriors with unholy runes and sorcery, making them superior but fragile as well


Because of their radicalisation and their ruthless behavior, the Emperor sanctions them. During the GC, the Primarch met the Cabal and was convinced that mankind must die in order to defeat the dark pantheon.


I also created a sheet for their Primarch:




Here's his history:


Dillian, the Second Son, the Lost Brother, the Sufferer, the Betrayer


Dillian, the second son, was the Primarch of the infamous Void Stalkers Legion. While most of his brothers did not stay long in the ethereal realm known as Warp during their kidnapping, he stayed there for years. As he faced the ruinous powers of the Dark Pantheon right away, he changed drastically. He went blind, though gaining a strange but useful form of spectral sight, enabling him to see both, mortal and ethereal realm at the same time.


After his landing on a yet unknown world, he was raised by spiritual tribesmen, who taught him more about the phantoms, how they had called the demons. Shortly after his ascendence to become the new spiritual ruler of the gathered tribes, he was discovered by the Emperor, being the second to be found.


Because of his abilities and knowledge concerning the dark pantheon, something the Emperor wanted to keep a secret, Dillian was given control of his very own Legion. Together, they should prevent demonical invasions and hunt down those responsible for.

Over the time, Dillian met a Xenos race known as the Cabal. The convinced him that to defeat Chaos itself, its most precious prey had to die: mankind.


So what do you think? :)

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It's something that nags at me about Horus' model and a couple of others - they're just a bit passive for my liking. I'd rather Horus was depicted as he appears on the cover of Vengeful Spirit. Regardless of anything else about that book (I haven't acquired it yet, but I know it's divisive) that artwork rocks. Edited by bluntblade
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It's something that nags at me about Horus' model and a couple of others - they're just a bit passive for my liking. I'd rather Horus was depicted as he appears on the cover of Vengeful Spirit. Regardless of anything else about that book (I haven't acquired it yet, but I know it's divisive) that artwork rocks.

Seconded. The main reason I bought Vengeful Spirit was how awesome the cover looked(I was lulled into thinking it would be about Horus and the SoH kicking ass). I too wish his model was in the same pose as he is on Vengeful Spirit(I mean heck, even the SoH getting blown up to his left looks awesome).


By the way, I wanted to ask: does the primarch genetic material get wheeled out at any point during the Insurrection. Because if the Warbringers managed to get their hands on some gene seed made using that and then change it to fit Warbringers gene seed which would allow the Revolutionaries to rapidly expand their numbers and so offer substantial resistance 

Edited by Sigismund229
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Inspired by mhacdebhandia's poem about the fate of the cannonversw primarchs, I've attempted some verses for the BotL ones:


7:Raktra consumed by the Old Blood

Now sheds it for his patron god


16:The Dark Eldar betrayed Morro

Now he's a squid full of sorrow


17:The General had much ambition

But was killed by his creation

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