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By the way. Should de close this thread and open a New one for easier reading vor do de want to create the biggest moloch oft thread ever created on the BnC ?


I don't know what the guidelines suggest.

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Mayhaps we should pull relevant data that is now part of our canon from this thread and expand the reference threads and then leave this open for general talk and idea discussion.


And I don't really don't drink too much anymore, my prodigious size means it takes too much money to get a buzz, and getting drink takes way too much. That said I do enjoy Absinthe pretty regularly, I find it rather lovely.

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A slightly confused story about CL librarians pyschic powers


Cleomenes wondered away from the encampment of the Crimson Lions and Scions Hospitier. The two legions had been prosecuting the war for the Acheron Expanse for nearly two years now, the warriors of Clan Karalal and the Scions Hospitalier companies under Bepheros fighting side by side in a brutal war of extermination on the local xenos species. In all that time, Cleomenes had yet to get used to the auras of many of Clan Karakal's warriors. Recruited from the vast hives of Mortax, they were killers pure and simple. Every aspect of them, every fibre of their being was bent towards killing as many of their foes as fast as possible. They were constantly pacing when not in battle, flexing their fingers, their eyes alight with restrained savagery. Their humour was gallows humour and only made an appearance prior to battle. Even the Mycenaeans of Karakal had a savage air about them, and like all Crimson Lions, be they Mortaxian or Mycenaean, the space marines of Clan Karakal seemed to be ready to leap into an attack at any moment. While the Mortaxians had been lightened by their gene seed and now joked, albeit in dark humour, laughed and drank with their fellow Crimson Lions, to one attuned to the warp and to the auras of others the savagery at their heart grew tiresome quickly.


However, as he left the camp, Cleomenes saw another figure whose aura burned bright in the warp. Sitting atop a rocky outcrop some distance from the camp, he was clad in the red of the Lions, his arms bare and covered in tatoos, exposed to the wind.


Walking over to him, Cleomenes said "Greetings brother" at which the Lion nodded but gave no reply. Sitting next to him, Cleomenes saw that he hadn't removed his silver mask and it shone in the moonlight.

"Listen" he said to Cleomenes. Cleomenes did.

"I hear nothing brother" Cleomenes said "Just the wind".

"Precisely" said the Lion "The wind tells us tales brother. Tales of the wyrd, possible fates carried on the wind from the realm of souls".

Cleomenes tried again. "I hear nothing brother" he repeated "Just the howling of the wind".

The Lion nodded and said "That is because you don't know how to listen. It is something that must be learnt".

Cleomenes looked bemusedly at the Crimson Lion and said "I already know how to listen. I can hear you speak can I not?".

The Lion chuckled and said "Aye true enough you can hear me speak. But that is something so simple a baby can do it. This listening, true listening, is a far more complicated and tricky thing altogether. Only those with the ghost sight can truly master it, although others may attain a clumsy, basic understanding of it".

"The ghost sight?" asked Cleomenes.

"Pyskers. Witches. Seers. Whatever you wish to call them. They all possess the ghost sight" said the Crimson Lion "The sons of Delos and Madrigal seek to find the wyrd using their ghost sight, riding on the tides of the realm of souls. The sons of Mycenae seek the wryd in the wind, hear it as clearly as waves crashing on rocks. We can shut it off of course, revert to using just our mortal senses, but when we choose to listen, listen properly, we hear the wryd on the wind just as we may see others souls when we truly look and harness the winds from the realm of souls to conjure storms and lightning bolts when we truly reach out".


Intrigued, Cleomenes sat there. And he listened.

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Truth be told, most recent Warbringers fluff is written under netherlandish strong beer drank only by French hobos.

The main ingredients in my writings have been Speights Summit Ale, Monteith's and Whittaker's chocolate.

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If we were to post a bundle of stories in the main Fan-Fic section, it should probably be stories that introduce the individual Legions or their Primarchs. Reunion stories, or Great Crusade pieces?


I have idly started doing a piece with the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens dealing with Mexicatii, though obviously the details will need a lot of fine-tuning.

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If we were to post a bundle of stories in the main Fan-Fic section, it should probably be stories that introduce the individual Legions or their Primarchs. Reunion stories, or Great Crusade pieces?


I have idly started doing a piece with the Lightning Bearers and Halcyon Wardens dealing with Mexicatii, though obviously the details will need a lot of fine-tuning.

If I may, I think it should be a pair of legion's other than the I and V. The LB I see a reason for though so perhaps them and a primarch whose seen less screen time, like Niklaas.
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The thing is, no one is better suited to bring Mexicatii in line than Alexandros. The Lightning Bearers I have with the Emperor (it's the aftermath of the initial battle and extraction/capture of Alexos).


Niklaas is going to get plenty of screentime in the Fire Keepers story I'm working on now. I need to talk to Demus about how to portray him, but I'm thinking him masterminding and then executing the crux of the attack.

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Short question about our Wolves.


Did our Russ had any brothers close to him? Did even the canon Russ had friends among his brothers? oO


For now, House Harkon befriends the Iron Bears after the Vlka's demise.


If yes, whom? Daer'dd maybe?


If no, how of our loyal Primarchs could be interested in a Knight Household as an additional ally?


And as I remember, there was a small discussion about a couple of surviving Wolves. How did it end? Did we say that there are no Wolves on Fenris (he he ^^ couldn't resist) and the wider Imperium or did we decide that at least a handful of them survived?


Weren't some stationed on Terra among (jeez...what was their name again?) the representatives of every Legion or somewhere else?


Would like to create a Wolflord who might survive and becomes either a blackshield leader or an agent of the Imperium (either as a Nightguard or as an agent of Malc or whatever) as a little sidekick. :)

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Yes to the former - he, Daer'dd and Hectarion had a particular kinship with him, and Pionus learned many of his first lessons in real warfare from Leman.


Redd has the Bears taking in the surviving Wolves who garrisoned Fenris.


As for canon Russ, he's close to Horus but otherwise I don't really know.

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Okay, this might be a bit divisive or too much but hear me out, all this talk of a Space Wolf Nightguard has given me an idea; what if a single Thousand Son (maybe Ahriman or another notable TS?) foresees that Magnus won't be able to save the Legion/loses hope in a cure the Flesh Change and puts himself into stasis to survive the Legion's destruction? I'm uncertain at the moment whether the Nightguard find him and recruit him in exchange for helping him stabilise himself OR for an alternative, he's found by the Suzerainity after the Insurrection and the Jade General understandably takes a interest, resolving to cure the TS in exchange for his services and (cloned) samples of TS gene-seed to study.


What do you guys think? It is plausible?

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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