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Speaking of Morro, after watching Monsters (which suffers from a heretical lack of zeal for killing the abbhorred xenos, but is otherwise a fine film) I feel I have a much better idea of the mating ritual Morro acted out in that Christmas story. Aaargh

Don't share it. I've already given part of my sanity to this project due to the...incident. I don't wish to give any more.
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Freedom! With school so close (and a back-up job I'm now working), I've quit my soul-sucking position at Wal-Mart. Since my secondary job requires me to be on the PC with an internet connection, I'll be posting more regularly now.

I rejoice in your freedom from the evil wal!

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This quote came into my mind

I have walked this earth for near two centuries. I have seen all my closest brothers die around me one by one in the course of the Great Crusade. I saw my own kin slaughtered on Terra by the Emperor's armies. I fought the Great Crusade before even Icarion Anasem. And now, I am being asked to kill my own brothers.

My younger brothers may roar their spite of them to the sky, slaughter them, hate them, feel rage burning through their veins as only a betrayed brother can. Yet that will never wipe away the truth. These astartes who they now call traitors may be traitors, but they are still our brothers. Our brotherhood was forged in two centuries of fire and blood. Such bonds are not easily broken. They will always be our brothers.

And we will always hate them all the more because of it"

Ancient Ærrion during the Blood Crusade.

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Njaghaghanjghaghaaahahhaa *sobs and laughs in a dark corner* Eagle... gnjhanjha... Warriors *maniac laugh* STORMBIRD *Runs out of corner with bloodshot and crazed eyes and keeps on laughing like the emperor in episode 3*

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Do all our Legions have warcries sorted?

Nope. I doubt the VE have an unified warcry, and I can't get one that fits the Warbringers (though it would likely need the word kneel)


Kneel or be kneeled?

Kneel or die!



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Every time I see Return of the King, I tear up a little more. Partly because it's a great movie, but also because that's the happy ending I want for Khârn, Ellan, Nibaasiniiwi, Alex and all the rest.


And are they going to get it? Are they feth.

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"Kneel before your new liege, or be crushed by his storm"? "Your new liege" being replaced by The Emperor at first, then "the Stormlord", "the Suzerains", and ultimately "the Paragon".

Also need to find fleet/flotilla-specific warcries for the Eagles. "Unleash hell" seems fitting for Second Fleet.

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The Wardens of Light:


Ave dominus Lux




Praetor:TO END ALL WARS!!! (Gus crìoch a chur air gach cogadh !!!)

Marines: CHAAAAARGEEEE!!! (cosgaiiiiiiiiiis!!!)

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