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Word Bearers, Muster for Calth


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Hi everyone, since I can't seem to find my old topic, may have died in one of the data purges/crashes that have happened recently, I thought I'd start a new one to chronicle the start of my new traitor army for Horus Heresy.

Some of you may remember the Sons of Horus I have painted previously, which can be found here: http://s107.photobucket.com/user/Sheep_06/library/Sons%20of%20Horus

And at my blog http//:www.sheepsforlornhope.blogspot.com.au

But onto the meat and potatoes of the post, new minis. As we all know, barring some notable exceptions, painting the same scheme over and over can be a bore, so changing pace can rejuvenate the painting mojo. This is how I fell into the trap of starting an army of Word Bearers, much like the Heresy itself I guess tongue.png huh.png


It is a scheme heavily inspired by the FW HH books metallic scheme. I just couldn't get the inscribing to work well enough to make it a feature yet, I'll keep trying though.

The red is a a Vallejo model air colour "Signal Red", with a couple of washes, the quick and dirty of which goes like this:

Grey undercoat

2x coats of Signal red

Dry brush mithril silver

Baal red wash

Serephim sepia

Nuln oil

Then scratches with mithril


It is a quite a hard scheme to photgraph unfortunately.


I'll post more updates when I get more time cool.png

Til then brothers, I hope you like them biggrin.png



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Wow guys! Thanks for all the love!

The scheme is obviously based on the FW scheme from book 5, so thanks for all the comparisons to those books :)

Dosjetka: The yellow eye lenses were a bit of a shot in the dark since the FW scheme has green eyes. I'm glad you all like them so much.

As to how they were done like this:


1: Vallejo German cam orange

2: Vallejo German cam orange mixed with white 50/50

3: Scorched brown mixed with black

4: Vallejo German cam orange mixed with white 25/75

5: Glaze with lamenters yellow

6: White reflections

(I realised I mucked up the counting mellow.png )

Things have been ticking over in Camp Calth Clout, with some freehand


Originally I was trying the unmodified Word Bearers legion icon, but it was alot of work, and so i simplified it using the tut by http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/how-to-paint-word-bearers-quick-and-easy.html

And ended up here


The only problem is having the battle damage them, it made me cry huh.png

More to come soon guys, thanks again.

Thanks again guys :)


Vel'cona: I agree, I really want to get a Fellblade or a Falchion to paint similarly to the one found in book 5, there will be vehicles though, I just have to paint some infantry first, or I'll end up with orphan vehicles.


paz: can't believe you chickened out! I'd love to see your take on this scheme.


Thamier: I know, I have a few more assault marines waiting to go, and then I have a 20 man tac unit still to assemble.


Salvation of reason: I agree mate, the last couple of free handed icons took alot less time than the first, and I think look a little more consistent too

Every army needs a general, and Word bearers armies apparently need 2 compulsory HQ's, so here's the first of mine, the "obviously a bad guy, I don't know how we fooled the Ultramarines at all" Diabolgist.




 Long time followers of the blog might recognize him as the WIP World Eaters Praetor from awhile ago, just modified somewhat.




Apart from some minor alterations, the majority of the model stayed the same, I replaced the purity seals with the more WB parchments, added some skulls to the jetpack, which were supposed to be from his victims at Istvaan. 


Oh and added horns, stops him wearing a helmet, but really drives home the fact he is an evil bastard, and the source of all the daemons I plan on painting for this force.




The book has a subtle hint as to what god the planned Daemons will be from.




The broken symbol he's standing on is a cast I made of an old Buldog buckle company key chain, I think it makes a nice broken symbol of Calth, and is symbolic of the betrayal of the WB's in that theatre.


Initially I had tried to paint the legion numerals of the Salamanders, Ravenguard, and Iron hands, on the skulls, but they were just too long and detailed to fit onto such a small space convincingly.


Leading from the front . . . gets you killed now days in 40k/30k.




This final photo has been included because I think the colour is slightly more representative of the actual tone of the armour.




Thanks for looking.

Speaking as a B&C user, amazing work. Truly awesome. I love the colour of the armour, the weathering, and most of all the look these guys have of being actual soldiers, they look totally believable and very realistic. How big is this force going to be?

Speaking as an Ultramarine, censored.gif

Beautiful, as ever, sheep.



so here's the first of mine, the "obviously a bad guy, I don't know how we fooled the Ultramarines at all" Diabolgist.


Oh, like that exchange between Luciel and Tchure on the Samothrace?


"There's these people that worship betrayal like it has power. It's a thing, y'know? Like there's something to be gained from it?"




"You know, like two friends of Legions that hate each other, say... coming together as ambassadors, right? If one of them were to gun down the other at the dinner table to please some gods of the warp you aren't even aware of yet-"


"Wait, so you're saying-"


"I'm about to kill you, yeah. Big betrayal about to go down. I don't know how many other ways I can word it."


"So, are you talking theoretical or practical when you say you're going to betray everything you stand for and kill me? I'm still not clear on this."


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