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The Sons of Jaghati (HHWS) CoC VIII distraction


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Thanks buddy I'm trying to make sure it's not a complete waste of effort.

So I'm a wee bit hung over this morning and whilst eating breakfast (consisting of French Toast bacon and maple syrup) I stumbled across this on TV.

now I'm not sure if it creepy or brilliant but I had to download this song as im inspired (creepily enough) to get some more work done

Thank you for that, my roommate now has another reason to think I'm crazy...


On a constructive note, that dark angel looks awesome. I like the mix of parts but I wonder if the helmet might be able to be recessed a tad more? Where it's at currently, It looks like he would have to strain his neck just to wear it... If it went back just enough for the chin to clear the gorget it would look a lot more natural.

Keep up the great work man!







Final day: 11:00CPT+8:00.

The Siege of Terra: Nord Merican Enclaves.

Legion Defensive Local: White Scars Vth Legion.

Legion Offensive Local: The Sons of Horus XVIth Legion.


Official report transcript CLSF:- Administratum Tactical disposition.


Extracts from Tactical data;


Commanding military presence; Kel'jagrr Assault Sgt of the Vth Legiones Astrates reference Brotherhood of the Tailed Beasts.


Combat strength -17.3% in local since the start of the Siege, highest casualties have been taken by the commanding Legion forces, Imperial army regiments have been kept in reserve holding the rear lines protecting the general population entryways into the fall out shelters.


High command has ordered all astrates presence to hold the fall out shelters, our last report states from the high Marshall of the Merican 107th Infantry that the khan of the Vth legion forces in this battle zone has abandoned his post and taken the fight to the entrenched enemy forces stating "if we choose to be written off as less than worthless then be his guest" before leading his chapter into the trenches. The high Marshall wishes to be granted permission to march in support along the white scars legion and to bring the local titan legio and any other militia reserves up in support of this counter Assault.








Exert taken from personal tome found on fallen astrates legionary:


the enemy think us uncultured uncouth and most of all barbaric, yet they are the ones stringing humans up as cattle. They will find that Lightning does not Strike the same place twice, we will become the animals they believe us to be and we will become the hunters.


The beasts have been released and it's not until we have truly made them feel fear that we will return to our posts.


Let their corpses fall alone and forgotten let us fight as no others of our kind do and bring the wrath of the Khan to our prey.


Bleed them and leave them as they lie, only their captains are worthy of being dipped in our molten steel the rest are but dogs.


end of exert.



So I finally got time to mock this up;




Need to gap fill and add a nice haft to the paragon blade and drill out the bolt pistol muzzle.


Might add a combat shield and some chains

Thanks kizz I went back to the praetor and changed it slightly and gave him the appropriate size bases.






now I've also got the fire raptors ready to base I'll also post pics of the finished Assault Marines and there painted bases, I added some tufts of flock but I'm not 100% on them.




I have to thank insane psychopath for the inspiration though.

So I just ordered two blisters of white scars upgrades from GW strictly for the use of my jetbike honour guard for my praetor.


And finally they were in Stock, however the white scars commander was not In stock which I was going to use to make my Storm seer.


So I still have to watch this space like a mad man.





so now I need to prepare and get my next 5 jetbikes

And sorry for the bad lighting but it's 6 am and im about to head to work;





I managed to finally finish the base pilot and cockpit, I'll probably try get better pics after work and add some rusting to the base. Now it's really only the last cockpit which I may work on tonight.

Thanks Atia I agree we are crazy but that's why we hate that GW give us the short end of the stick.


OSS I agree with you im just trying to crank out a playable ready force that's why I went for the GW kit as the aussie dollar isn't back to its peak I'm putting off my next fw order.


Now don't kill me people but I will be doing my Knight household very soon as the mech Cerastus sneak peak will actually work for what I want to do.


So list of to do;


15x Assault Marines

5x jetbikes

3x Land speeders

3x predators

1x fire raptor




Now some better pics to make the best of the post





That shot makes the flyer look,a thousand times better, and it didn't look bad in the original shot! Nice little army peak to, with the mech stuff slipping in. What do you have planned for the knight household, making your own or using an existing?

Well I'm thinking of using house hermetically for the household as red and sable look great.




I have even thought about messing with Weapon options and creating better Weapon options like an anti matter disruptor and a grav wave projector.


And geektom I'm thinking of using the javelin Land speeder in keeping with the mkiv-vii aesthetic

Thanks buddy means heaps as there's not many white scar blogs out there, really it's tge likes of one eye and geektoms successor chapter that have inspired me to try this army.


It's truly a collaboration of every technique and style I've learnt from each previous force combined into one.


I'm trying to get the bases right and im thinking I have to re do my realm of battle as its just bare resin and plastic, im thinking if adding basing material resealing and re painting to work alongside these bases.


I'm also re basing my world eaters to match the army and the sons of horus.


I found all my blood Angel models and decided to turn them into terrain and casualties so my plan is to turn the vehicles into parts of the board


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