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Death Company, your salvation is near...


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In order to keep the Black Rage in check, on the eve of battle the Blood Angels bend their thoughts to prayer and to the sacrifice of their Primarch so many centuries ago. Chaplains move from Frater to Frater, blessing each in turn and noting those amongst the brotherhood whose eyes may appear a little glazed, or whose speech is slurred or over excited. Some, almost all, overcome the ancient intrusion into their minds. Much of the Frater’s training is directed at controlling it, beating it down into the depths of their being, but for some the imprint of Sanguinius is too strong, the memories too loud and demanding. As the Captain Semper dictates the E Tenebrae Lux, - the Bolter and Chainsword’s very own Mass of Doom - the chosen ones fall into the arms of their priests, and are taken away to form the Death Company.

To join the Death Company is to consign oneself to destruction. These Frater seek only to atone for their failure; a last chance at salvation is far preferable to the slow slide into blood-madness. Their armour is repainted black, and decorated with red saltires that symbolise Sanguinius’ wounds at the Arch Procrastinator’s hands. Honour scrolls are affixed to their wargear, commemorations of their actions in life and affirmations of their worth, even in these dark times.

It is to the Chaplains that the task of leading these lost souls normally falls, for their zeal can cut through the madness of their Death Company brethren and help shepherd them toward the foe. However, strong-willed Blood Angels heroes, and even the gold-armoured Moderators, have demonstrated the ability to direct these fallen warriors into the fight. It is the duty of these individuals to ensure that their comrades’ tragic sacrifice counts for all that it possibly can. After all, every Blood Angel who succumbs is a heroic protector of Humanity, and has more than earned the opportunity to attain peace. Furthermore, the Death Company can be a fearsome and tide-turning weapon if properly deployed.

However, the Death Company never take to the field alone...

The rage within us is the Blood Angels' darkest secret and greatest curse, but it is also their greatest salvation, for it brings with it a humility and understanding of their own failings which make the Blood Angels the most truly noble of the Frater Domus. Take to the field with these lost souls, help them cast aside their rage and reclaim their honour, help them finally gain their salvation.


1st Sept 2015

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Cool will be watching this. I'd forgotten how long it takes to build units up from just the 'fresh in box' state and combined with the impending end of summer I just havent made the progress I would like, maybe this pushes me forward.

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For those curious, there's also a sister thread for this event over in Amicus Ades.


For those who haven't yet clocked it, I've been given permission to revive From Rage to Salvation, a BA painting event that ran back in 2013. RTS exists as a motivation tool to push those of us with half finished models, with rewards to collect at the end should we complete our vows.


As you may have noticed, those who failed their vows have been formed into our very own Death Company - the list of The Lost can be found here. These Frater will be automatically entered, with the expectations being that they complete their ETL vow and thus, can cast aside their Oathbreaker banners. In short, they cast aside the Rage within and attain Salvation.


However, as per the BA fluff the Death Company rarely take to the field alone and to mimic that, this event is open to all. It is the perfect time to finish that unit off, to paint something new, to possibly explore something that is BA specific but not ETL related (more on that later).


To answer a few questions:


Unsure of what it is, or who can take part. Do I need to start getting models ready? What models?


The exact ruleset will be revealed when the even begins, but for now anything you have that BA, a legal unit and between 0 and 50 % painted will be fine. It's just a casual event, so no pressure :)




Q: What about my penitence vow?


Feel free to do it alongside, or to enter it after your ETL vow is complete. Certainly, there is no limit to how much or how often you can enter. However, the RTS is all about finishing those ETL vows first and foremost!

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It is the perfect time to finish that unit off, to paint something new, to possibly explore something that is BA specific but not ETL related (more on that later).



Ooo interested in this. I've already started buying models for next years ETL. I've only done ETL IV but I'm hooked!


This new project sounds fun. I've got a few un finished bits. Tycho and a couple of Baals spring to mind.



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I've got 5 primed Death Company marines that would have been my third ETL vow if I'd been a bit faster (only just barely finished vow 2). I think they and a brother Death Company Dreadnought may be needing finished come September...

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Ahhh so this is what you have been teasing me with!!!


Sounds like the perfect opportunity to finish off an old assault squad! Not that i really need to add to my workload at the moment! But i will anyway!!!


I look forward to more details!!

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Ahhh so this is what you have been teasing me with!!!

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to finish off an old assault squad! Not that i really need to add to my workload at the moment! But i will anyway!!!

I look forward to more details!!

Fear factory??

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Ahhh so this is what you have been teasing me with!!!

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to finish off an old assault squad! Not that i really need to add to my workload at the moment! But i will anyway!!!

I look forward to more details!!

Fear factory??





I'm also disappointed that I can't think of a suitable pun for your comment regarding this Replica event...

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