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IL IX - The Warbringers (thread 1)


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Plus we need more beardy Primarchs!

Well, if we take into account Russ and Magnus, we have a 50/50% ratio for bearded VS non-bearded primarchs (assuming Morro is on the shaved side, which I'm far too tired to check, and that Raktra doesn't hide anything behind that mask of his).

The BotL primarchs are also not affected by generalised baldness or tubes-sprouting-from-skull syndrome of the original ones.

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Funny, I don't think I've ever seen an official depiction of Russ with a beard, heavy stubble yes, but an actual beard, no.

He's on the no-beard side. Or did I fail something in my calculations?

Icarion, Russ, Yucahu, Raktra, Magnus, K'awil, Morro, Jackel, Pionus, Coch'ise

Hectarion, Daer'dd, Alexandros, Kozja, Koschei, Niklaas, Gwalchavad, Alexos, Azus, Jade

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Funny, I don't think I've ever seen an official depiction of Russ with a beard, heavy stubble yes, but an actual beard, no.

He's on the no-beard side. Or did I fail something in my calculations?

Icarion, Russ, Yucahu, Raktra, Magnus, K'awil, Morro, Jackel, Pionus, Coch'ise

Hectarion, Daer'dd, Alexandros, Kozja, Koschei, Niklaas, Gwalchavad, Alexos, Azus, Jade

Oh! You meant just the BotL Primarchs, I was thinking canon-verse, my bad. That said, ever since seeing Aerion the Faithful's interpretation of Rogal Dorn I always thought he could properly rock facial hair, be it horseshoe moustache, mutton chops or full beard.

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Good, adds character.


Oh. I am looking forward to tomorrow


Well you had good reasons to! For here is an entirely non-hardware-crashable sketch of Darzalas (admittedly the hair looks like crap, but that's what I get from starting with a pen), as well as possibly stupid notes and questionable handwriting quality.


Kozja Darzalas


Additionally, I've found a suitably grimdark end for him, but that will have to wait for when we get to post-Insurrection times.


Now, time to get to paint.

Edited by Skalpynock
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Weeeehhh great. And from the size like lorgar? I would make him a thad bigger cuz i realized that the head is a bit big conpared to shrink head lorgar ;)


I will try to tackle him as close as.possible. but you never know ;)

His armor is quite complicated for my skillz. But i have an idea ;)


His chestarmor. Should it be a massive armir like later knightarmor with obly 1 plate from chest to belly or is it layered?



Just realized, that fulgrims armor would perfectly fit

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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  • 2 weeks later...

Question: how does Kozja fight? Does he usually position himself close to the front lines to beat heads or does he prefer to command from the rear where he has stronger strategic control?

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Question: how does Kozja fight? Does he usually position himself close to the front lines to beat heads or does he prefer to command from the rear where he has stronger strategic control?

I see him as strategising from the middle lines, but coming to the fore during intense moments of battle to lead by example.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Will make that cleaner later, in brainstorming mode and don't have much time right now)


Promotion in the IXth was handled drastically differently from most legions. Whereas other legions used skill at arms, heroic deeds, or time of service as a determining factor, the Warbringers used a more ritualised and archaic mean. During his service, an officer, regardless of his relative position within the Legion, would name a successor and teach him the tenets of command in the even of his death. This could explain, in part, how each warrior of the Ninth would try to prove his worth to his sires, eager to impress them so that he may be chosen to take his place in time. It may also be noted that, although linear succession was the norm, there have been several recorded cases where a mere legionary was raised directly to the rank of Voiavode, in spite of the formal organisation. These irregular promotions are, perhaps, the source of the many known examples of Order emblems not fitting with traditional ranks of an officer.



Also trying to get a rough idea for an unit, but not knowing 80% of how the game works isn't helping. I've got this:

⋅⋅⋅Streltsy squad

Shooty PA elites, supposed to 'tenderize' heavy assets that the Auxilia can't chew through. Supposing Las/Auto-cannons though I have not idea if the latter are any good against armor, alternatively Heavy Bolters with special ammo à la Dark Angels. Likely Tank Hunter rule, now that I think of it.


⋅⋅⋅Legiones Astartes: WB

Lead By Example: may not take Destroyers or Rad grenades

A Line of Steel: Rapier batteries may be taken as squadrons of up to 3, but must all be of the same type


⋅⋅⋅Coordinator Consul

A Centurion may chose to take the Coordinator consul upgrade, allowing one units of Grenadiers or Inductee Levy (see Militia list) to join the army. May take provenances of War, but never Cult Hordes; the Cyber-Augmetic trait may only be taken if a Forge Lord is in play; the Gene-crafted trait may only be taken if an Apothecary/Primus Medicæ is in play.

Edited by Skalpynock
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Sounds interesting. I like the idea behind the nominated successor promotions. It sounds like there's a pretty heavy master/apprentice vibe there, which is different. I'd just like to write some bit about the other ideas so I don't forget to later. Maybe they'll even be helpful :P


Legiones Astartes: The limitation on taking destroyers/rad grenades feels quite thematics, it makes me think of the Warbringers as quite a noble group, who protect rather than destroy. For the other rule. Currently Rapier batteries can already be taken in units of 1-3, so I think the rule wouldn't do anything. If you are looking for other ideas your notes on the Streltsy to me brought to mind the Ultramarine rule of re-rolling ones if shooting at a target that has already been shot, which might be something to take inspiration from.


Streltsy. I have to admit the first thing that came to mind for these was having a unit with autocannons as a base and giving them rending against vehicles (can't recall if there is already a specific rule that does that atm). That in combo with Tank Hunters would make a pretty effective heavy unit, which can hurt anything even with only autocannons. The tenderise also gave me ideas for making it so that other units that shoot at the same target might gain some advantage if the Streltsy shoot it first (Maybe re-roll 1s to hit, or +1BS?).


Coordinator Consul. Like the idea of this, though not sure how it would work out with the provenances due to how the points for them are front-loaded onto the HG choice in the militia list. Would the unit taken be a bodyguard as per the Praevian? Or more like the automata units that are unlocked through a cortex controller? If you go the bodyguard root I would suggest giving them a bonus of some kind as long as the consul is alive (Maybe re-roll Ld tests?).


Anyway as I said some interesting ideas, look forward to hearing more.

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Master-Apprentice I'll to the Fire Keepers. Here it's more of a Knight-Squire or Liege-Vassal link, which is exactly the same thing but with different words.



For the other rule. Currently Rapier batteries can already be taken in units of 1-3, so I think the rule wouldn't do anything.

I knew it! It somehow escaped my mind at the time. I had something else in mind to make them more relevant/accessible, but it had too much potential for abuse: allowing a Veteran Tactical squad to forgo additional marines in exchange for one. But I guess I could just go with a RoW that gets them as troops.


Regarding the Coordinator (whose name is still a placeholder until I find one more suitable in historical resources), I was thinking of him less as a Prævian, and more as a Cortex-Controller bearer, unlocking units without having them around him (though a guard of augmented pseudo-Ogryn would be a sight to behold). I honestly don't know what to do with the provenances, though expanding on the Novadeca Regiments and giving them set profiles will help.


Regarding the Streltsy, I really like your suggestions. Having an autocannon as a base goes in the direction I was aiming graphically, that is using the new underslung weapons for their alternate backpacks. The fact that the new one (Kalibrax-pattern) looks like older real-life machine guns helps, too. Will give a look in Conquest for them, re-rolling 1s to hit on pre-shot targets seems good.


Had another one for the Legiones Astartes (WB):

Stigmata of the Prosecution: apothecaries and Primus Medicaes cost an additional 5 points.


I really need to get a look at the Armies of Dark Compliance rules in book 6, but it'll bee a while until I can buy it.

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  • 1 month later...

Here my excuse, why I again won't get the veterans finished for the challenge...forgive me Mr.Squig...


I present you the other Lord of Bling^^


He is still very WIP, but the base and the pose is kinda right. now comes the difficult part...add the bling^^


The Base I have in mind will be great. (Hint: Madrigal Purge^^)




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The hammer on the last pic was just for posing reasons. I guess the Mace/Sceptor is acceptable^^

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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I present you the other Lord of Bling^^


"One bling to school them all, one bling to blind them. One bling to bring them all and in the grimdarkness refine them." ;) Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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That is an impressive beard.

Just wait for niklaas. Although i am still not sure how to add thst beard into a terminator suite....



That's one groovy looking Primarch! I think he does deserve something either on his head or behind it (like a large golden halo, or a set of aquila wings... ?)

Golden halo ? Hmm. I could use the eagleneck from garro.i will try this out. But i am not sure if it is too much (he isn't supposed to overbling.Gwalchavad)

But first i have to add the cape

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  • 1 month later...

Sooo, since it seems that the Halcyon Wardens are going to get a heavy weapon wielding legate, I was wondering if you'd be interested in seeing an Artillery Captain ? Could be an interesting character both in fluff and in rules :)


If you do decide to go down this route, I'd suggest that he could be mounted in an Artillery Vehicle or be an independent character that is purpose built to buff Artillery/Rapier pieces...

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