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sweet! Will make a  WIP thread after i get back from work and get some more pics in there.



I,  Wulfgar Ironmane,  vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 captain of the Hammerite Chapter and Sigismund of the Black Templars (yes i am making him as he is at the founding :P ) on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Ave Imperator!

WIP Post 1:

Got some individual shots of each of the command squad. I've blu-tac'd them together, but their arms and paldrons are mostly not attached to make for better painting.

Also whipped up some fancy bases for them, which are partially visible in some of the shots.






Thanks for the kind words folks :)


Augustus: That's from the Crimson Fists Command Squad Upgrade Pack, like some of the shoulder pads.

There's a lot of Crimson Fist stuff that is great :)


Wait for my second vow for more of that :p

Edited by nightwing1511

^^Are you guys sure? They look pretty different to me. The banner above on Nightwing's miniature has a laurel on the banner itself and a fist on top, while the banner from the CF upgrade pack has a scroll on the banner and a laureled skull on top.

Yeah krakenfiend, that yellow of yours is beautifully stunning (or was it stunningly beautiful?). I think you ended up inspiring us as much as this thread has inspired you.


Could you give us your yellow recipe?

The English language is funny that way with order of words.


Anyway, that is some awesome yellow for sure!!!


And here we go!


I, Armond, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least a 5-man Jump-Pack Assault Marine unit w/2 Flamers , Eviscerator along with a Land Speeder with Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launcher valued at 190 pts  on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Fafnir Rann, Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Ave Imperator!



Thanks for the kind comments everyone. As for how I do my yellow?...I cheat....I really really cheat....Air brushing is the cheatiest method for painting Imperial Fists:


1. Prime White

2. Use air brush to base coat model with Vallejo Model Air Golden Yellow (71.078)

3. Use air brush to apply thinned down Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (71.040 thinned 2 parts thinner to 1 part paint) to the models recesses and areas that would have a natural shadow (like the bottom of the thunderfire cannon side skirts).

4. I apply an oil wash in the recesses and around bolts to define these areas better.


And that's pretty much it.



All done!





Oh noez, it's a GIF! :D





Now I'm thinking really hard whether I should paint some more Imperial Fists or sell this mini to keep the temptation at bay. :P

I, Zopha, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least One unit of Legion Outriders (3 bikes) Of the Imperial Fists legion on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Ave Imperator!


I do not have a good history of completing objectives but this unit will be completed, a start on my 30k force as I slowly work on my 40k one.

Sorry for the lack of activity this last day or so, chaps. Not much time available, and whatever time I have is spent building Blood Angels to complete a vow I made and updating a couple of other threads.


Anyway, I'll be sure to post a reply and update the first post with the new vows by tomorrow lunchtime :)

No worries, Dosjetka. Lots of participation here, which is inspiring. (also: Blood Angels??? Those deviant gene-corrupted half-vampires? Their impurity is an affront to the glory of the Space Marine project! (Yes, I´m overcompensating msn-wink.gif))

Here's my mandatory second WIp picture of the scout vow I made here.

The yellow armour parts, the clothing and all metal parts are done. The green base of the grenades has been layed out.

Still to do: leather parts, the chest aquilas, boots and armour, as well as weathering, the base and lastly all visors and lights.


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