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I finished something too: the captain.


I also started building the biker apothecary of my command squad. To continue the 'prolonged siege battlefield' feel I'm trying to achieve for my fists, I gave him lots of supplies and even a servo-skull with a pincer to help him with his duties.



What do you think? Does he need anything more?

Thanks for looking and for your feedback. smile.png

I think he looks awesome.

And about my captain, I wasn't sure, but we just started a local campaign, so now, as part of his back story, he lost his left arm and leg to Warboss Razok and he's headed for the planet of Dysaria to exact revenge, since Waaagh Razok has been spotted there.

In other news, I've been applying decals, trying to finish up my first squad and it hasn't been as easy as I hoped, even with the Micro Set and Micro Sol I purchased. The Fist symbols have a hard time conforming to the shape of the shoulder pad, until I started notching them. But the tactical arrow decals went on much nicer. They didn't take long at all. I had to scrape off one of the fist symbols, and touch up another with paint, but got them looking better too. About three of them I'm just leaving as-is. There are a couple tiny place where the decal folded on itself and sticks up, but they're barely noticeable. I went over them again with Micro Sol, but that makes like the fifth time I've done that so I don't hold out any hope they'll be perfectly smooth. I wasted a bunch of decals though, so I'll be ordering another FW set. I didn't notice either, that the regular GW decals sheet doesn't have the tactical arrows in black, and the FW one only has ten of them. It does have a few other that look slightly different, so I may use them, and may just go ahead and order one more set anyway. By the end of the night, I should be 'ardcoating the shoulder pads, and matte spraying tomorrow, then applying static grass and be done with my first squad.

Then I want to assemble my dreadnought with the FW seismic hammer, which did not have instructions with it, and I hope it's easy to infer from the regular ironclad instructions. I need it for Sunday.
Edited by Dosjetka
Corrected weird formatting.

Sorry for double-posting.  I'm not sure how that's looked on around here.


I'm not done with my vow yet.  I still have my captain and my librarian to go, but I finished the first tac squad.  I'm pretty happy about that.  I was very happy with the way the 'ardcoat took the matte spray and lost all its shine, but I know it's still there protecting my models. 













Edited by valhalla130

@Valhalla: those look great buddy! Big ups! :tu: About double posting: it's not particularly frowned upon, but perhaps using the 'edit post' option is better. Also: when commenting on a post, it's also better to just say "@Augustus b'Raass: blablabla your comment here blablabla", instead of quoting the entire message you're commenting on, including images. Remember that a lot of Frater use a mobile device, and it's kinda redundant to have to scroll through the same images twice only to read you say "these look cool" or something like that. ;) :tu: 


I finished the Apothecary on Bike that was the second and last unit in my fourth vow - which is now complete!


More pics of the apothecary in this post in my WIP




I'm also revowing:


I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Imperial Fists Adeptus Astartes Chapter to paint and present at least one Attack Bike with Multi Melta and one Whirlwind on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.

WIP pic of the Whirlwind



WIP pic of the Attack Bike


Whirlwind and attack bike finished.


More pics -including a group shot of the three whirlwinds together- in this post in my WIP





And here's a shot of the Attack Bike. I still have to base it, but as I'm going for the fairly large oval bases, I thought I't use an 80mm round base for this one - so I need to wait for it to arrive. Also, when I did the photo shoot with it, I realized I made the multimelta black with red cables, instead of red with black cables as is the way I was supposed to do it. I'll fix that as soon as I base the bike. For now, I'll count him as finished.



Thanks for looking. Feedback most welcome. :tu:

@valhalla: thanks buddy! The weathering is actually the easiest and least time and effort comsuming of the whole tank. You shouldn't say "I'm not good at that" if it is followed by "and haven't really tried it". If you haven't really tried something, you don't know if you're good at something or not. Practice makes perfect! And I can tell you that weathering does not require a lot of practice to make it look good. It really does not require that much effort or skill. Here's how I do it:

  • Damage: Take a piece of sponge, plunge it in Rhinox Hide, dry it off by dabbing it on a newspaper or something, and then start genly (or less gently when the paint on the sponge starts to dry) dabbing it on the tank. Especialy on large surfaces like the top, and on edges that would be scraped or dinged in real life. Then, take a brush with some bright metallic colour (I use VMA Steel) and edge highlight any spots of brown along edges that are larger than microscopic.
  • Rust streaks. Simply take the appropriate colour (I use Typhus Corrosion and Reikland Fleshshade for mine) and a very fine-tipped brush, and streak it downwards. Do it anywhere, but especially where you'd imagine rain pooling and then letting go - like rivets, adges, etc. Super easy.
  • The weathering powder on the tracks. This is shamefull how simple it is. Mix FW Fresh Mud weathering powder with a bit of alcohol (water will do fine too) and just slap it on with the biggest brush you have.
Have a go yourself! Really, it is easy to do, don't be afraid of it. Just practice on the underside of the tank - no-one will spot that anyway.


@jimbo: Thanks, mate! Yeah I thought that yellow dudes on yellow bikes would be a bit overkill, so I decided to use the FW IMperial Fists colour scheme for the FW assault marines on them - and will do it by extension on all future bikers and assault marines.

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Edited by Augustus b'Raass

I DSS7 vow on the honour of the Executioners Chapter to paint and present one Captain on or before Dec 15,2015. I promise to at least 2wips updates. I vow to bring honor to Dorn and the Emperorby completeingmy vow. And not fail my Battle Brothers.

The Laughing Axe-man Captain 5th,co.





I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Imperial Fists Adeptus Astartes, to paint and present at least one squad of five Devastators with two Lascannons and an Armourium Cherub and one squad of five Tactical Marines with a Missile Launcher on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.


WIP picture of the devastators!


Hi B&C...small update on my current vow....I am doing detail work on the bikes and it is slow going yet pretty rewarding when I get to assemble model pieces. I'm about half way through the detail work on the bikes themselves. I aim to finish the bike detail on or around Thursday. After that I will start concentrating on finishing the details on the riders and their guns. Hopefully I can apply the oil washes and decals over the weekend finishing up the totality of the squad by Sunday. The forgeworld grav guns are pretty nifty looking. Nice as they are, the FW grav guns are not without issues. Many of them are broken inside the package meaning I will have to reassemble the guns with super glue before I can use many of them...I'd say more than half of the guns are messed up...kind of annoying. Anyway here is my current progress. Next pics will be of the finished models:





WIP shot of the contemptor mortis. Pre yellow glaze and still have to paint the leg joints and what not. I apologize for the prolonged updates. Between work and interviews life got hectic.... But it seems as though I have finally prevailed!!! Hazaah!!!


Dosjetka- Used the sepia wash on this gold to get a softer/browner vibe. Thanks for the tip.


August- IN LOVE WITH YOUR FISTS. I hope to see more of the alt scheme


Deathspec& Armond- It seems as though you are both competing for Fafnir Rann medal!!!!


Maybe another small fluff piece as well if there's any interest...... Let me know.





I, Nusphigor, vow on the honour of the Crimson Fists to paint and present at least Captain Ashor Drakkor, Chapter Master Pedro Kantor, Librarian Majoris Fernandez and the Master of the Fleet Schneider on or before the 15th of December, 2015. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.

Ave Imperator!


Chapter Master Pedro Kantor

Master Of The Fleet Schneider

Epistolary Aikos

Captain Ashor Drakken

Here's a link to the plog, just say DORN and he will guide you there.
Edited by nusphigor

Is he based on the 2nd edition rules book cover?


Yeap, it's the 25th anniversary marine GW made awhile ago.




I stuck some magnets in the bottom of mine so I can have it on an ordinary base or the large base, it's still waiting for a basecoat...


As for my hobby progress update, I've made a copy of Krakenfiends Yellow recipe, bought the paints and today I got time to cut up a box to use as an airbrush booth. One step closer to making some paint happen! :)

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