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1850 Word Bearers for event


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Hey guys, I am going round in circles trying to write a list for an 1850 heresy event in a couple of months.


I have settled on Word Bearers for the event and have the following models on hand right now


30 tactical marines

5 Gal Vorbak

Mhara Gal

Zardu Layak and 2 blade slaves




I can also lay my hands on drop pods (I have several on sprue) and am happy to spend some cash at FW to make it work



My original idea was an orbital assault force but I keep running out of points!


Zardu, Chaplain, 2x10 tacticals in pods, gal vorbak, sky hunter jet bikes, a flyer of some kind...


But in 40k you want at least 5 or more pods and I cant seem to make that work in 30k.


Any help appreciated.



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The Drop Pods will be hard to use with what you have, as the Mhara Gal and Gal Vorbak cannot take them. Are you expecting many flyers at this event? Being only 1850 points means people may struggle go fit them in their lists too. If you pick up another 5 Gal Vorbak and a Spartan, this list could work:



Zardu Layak, The Crimson Apostle: The Dark Brethren 175

Chaplain: Burning Lore; artificer armour; bolt pistol; melta bombs; refractor field 140



19 Tactical Space Marines: add chainswords; legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 325

9 Tactical Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Tactical Sergeant (melta bombs) 165



Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought 305

9 Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren: 2× power mauls; + 1 Dark Martyr (artificer armour; bolt pistol; boltgun; power fist; melta bombs) 400



Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield 340


1,850 points


The GB ride in the Spartan with the characters. You have a big Tactical blob to move up and take enemy objectives and a small one to sit backfield on your objectives - take a gamble on which you choose for the "Signs & Portents" rule. The Mhara Gal can do a number on anything really. And having a couple of Psykers can give you an edge against other Legions. Actually, the Spartan's 2 quad lascannon can do a half decent job of snap-firing at flyers too.


Have a good look through the Tactica forum, especially the Word Bearers thread. :)

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Yeah, taking a Dreadclaw from Fast Attack is the only way. That's 405 points just on a single Dreadnought though - a normal Contemptor with dual Grav in a Dreadnought Drop Pod is only 270 for comparison.


Gal Vorbak can Deep Strike in, yes, but they'll be sitting ducks for a turn. There's a lot of AP3 in 30k. That's why I suggested the Spartan (or a Kharybdis).


Throw a list together and we'll have a look! :)

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Thanks for your help Caillum!


How does this look?


Zardu Layak

Centurion, Burning Lore, Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, refractor field


10 tactical marines, vexilla, dark channelling, artificer armour, combi melta, melta bombs, drop pod

10 tactical marines, vexilla, dark channelling, artificer armour, combi melta, melta bombs, drop pod


Contemptor Dreadnaught, 2 CCW with Grav, Dreadnaught drop pod

Contemptor Dreadnaught, 2 CCW with grav, dreadnaught drop pod


8 Legion Seekers, 4 combi melta (or plasma?), artificer armour, power weapon, melta bombs, drop pod

Xiphon Interceptor


1850 spot on with 5 pods.


It still feels very light on models but then again its only 1850. I wonder if I would not be better off with Erebus in this case just to save on HQ points? I also wonder if a tactical support squad with Volkite or Plasma would be better than the Seekers. I could also swap the contemptors for standard dreads to bring the cost down.

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Looks pretty good man!


Needing a 2nd HQ is the issue with Word Bearers - there's not a cheap way to do it unless you take a 50 point Centurion with nothing on him. Erebus on his own will cover the Dark Brethren requirements, but you still need another HQ as per "Charismatic Leadership". I actually really like Erebus & Kor Phaeron together - KP's Warlord Trait is pretty good and the set is good value £-wise, so you could try that too.


Zardu will have to be your Warlord, but he has a useless Warlord Trait in your list (I'm still trying to find a way to make Ashen Circle work). I'd fill the Seekers with combi-plasma personally (find the points to equip all 8 for sure) - Marked For Death grants Preferred Enemy against 1 unit, so you'll be re-rolling to hit and wound with them! Maybe drop Dark Channeling? Won't do much on minimum Tactical Squads... And Ground Tracking Auguries on the Xiphon are, IMHO, mandatory.

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That's a shame - I thought for a moment that Erebus would cover the need for both - which would make him amazing!


Slightly revised list sees...


Zardu plus blade slaves

Centurion with melta bombs, artificer, power weapon


10 Tacticals, vexilla, artificer, combi, MBombs, pod

10 Tacticals, vexilla, artificer, combi, MBombs, pod

5 Tactical support, 5 plasma guns, pod


Contemptor, 2CCW with grav, dreadclaw


Dreadclaw (carries Zardu and centurion)

Deathstorm pod with krak and assault rule

Xiphon with GTA


1750 on the nose. 6 pods here, can't quite squeeze the second without dropping the xiphon and even then - not sure what it should carry if I do.

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I have a very similar list I've been building. 
I'm not sure Drop Pods are the idea with this force. 
I think it's some what unfluff(I know every force has done just about everything) BUT I always think of MOBS/a riot when I think Word Bearers. 


At low points, I love Bloodletters. I find them to be great with their AP3 attacks. 

I'm not sure what your demon availability is however - ownershipwise 

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List is looking good man! Finding that 7th pod is crucial though...


Can you take 2 Deathstorms with Frag instead of 1 with Krak? They are pretty nice with the FAQ granting the Automated Weapons rule, and BS2 doesn't matter when shooting Blast weapons with Pinning. Creates some control zones!


Also, a Dreadnought Drop Pod might be better for that Contemptor (and it's 35 points cheaper).


I reckon with those changes you could even upgrade the Tactical Support to Seekers with combi-plasma!

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Needing a 2nd HQ is the issue with Word Bearers - there's not a cheap way to do it unless you take a 50 point Centurion with nothing on him. Erebus on his own will cover the Dark Brethren requirements, but you still need another HQ as per "Charismatic Leadership". I actually really like Erebus & Kor Phaeron together - KP's Warlord Trait is pretty good and the set is good value £-wise, so you could try that too.



You can't take Erebus and Kor Phaeron together in a 1850 list right? As they both have Master of the Legion?


I'm looking at a Word Bearer list myself :)

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Needing a 2nd HQ is the issue with Word Bearers - there's not a cheap way to do it unless you take a 50 point Centurion with nothing on him. Erebus on his own will cover the Dark Brethren requirements, but you still need another HQ as per "Charismatic Leadership". I actually really like Erebus & Kor Phaeron together - KP's Warlord Trait is pretty good and the set is good value £-wise, so you could try that too.

You can't take Erebus and Kor Phaeron together in a 1850 list right? As they both have Master of the Legion?

I'm looking at a Word Bearer list myself smile.png

Only one model with Master of the Legion per 1000 points. Erebus, Kor Phaeron, Zardu Layak, Hol Beloth, a Praetor or a Delegatus all have the Master of the Legion rule.

Personally, for my second HQ I'm a fan of a Legion Centurion with boarding shield and tainted weapon. The boarding shield gives his unit defensive grenades. The tainted weapon because with the boarding shield the Specialist Weapon rule isn't as big a problem, it gives you added protection against multi-wound models, can double up as a power sword if I change my mind and want to write my list that way, and is very luffy. Then depending on points, add melta-bombs and burning lore to taste.

The Legion Centurion with Early Crusade Honours could also work really well as a second HQ choice since he's cheap, has a great warlord trait and fulfills the Word Bearers chaplain/centurion requirement (asks for any centurion, not just the Legion Centurion). I've also been wondering about running him with Zardu Layak - making the centurion the warlord rather than Zardu - assuming I don't want to run Ashen Circle as troops or ally in daemons, since the centurion warlord trait is so much better. Anyone know if I can make the centurion the warlord, but still use Zardu's Master of the Legion rule to choose out a Rite of War? Thinking Pride of the Legion with Terminators as troops here with the centurion's warlord trait giving my Gal Vorbak the ability to re-roll 1s to wound (fishing for those rending rolls).

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