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The Beast Arises


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Isn't the 23 chapters figures from the ultras from before the legions were made 100000+. I'd just be wary asserting that with such authority, because you quite literally can't.


They were broken down according to the Codex Astartes though, which specifies a standing marine limit of ~1,000 marines. The only reason they split was to enforce this, so I don't think it's unreasonable to assert that they are Codex-sized int his instance. 


It also makes sense numerically. The Ultramarines had what, 250,000 Legionaries at their peak? Then Calth happens. IIRC They lose around 100,000 from the Betrayal & Shadow Wars. You've then got the cleanup of Terra and the Scouring. This puts in scope around ~80,000 casualties from arriving at Terra to the Scouring and finally to the breakdown into Codex Chapters. Considering they were the least mauled Legion after the Heresy, this seems quite reasonable to assume there were ~25 1,000 man Ultramarine Chapters. 


Plus wasn't a Chapter 1,000 marines, even during the tenure of the Legions? I am at work so can't check the relevant book. 


We see throughout the book that most Chapters acknowledge they are more or less powerless against the beast without uniting together in a Last Wall style protocol. We know the Ultramarines pretty much immediately went full turtle after Istvaan, creating Imperium Secundus. Considering the Ultramarines are but a shadow of their previous selves - they would likely be utterly besieged and know that an Attack Moon orbits Terra. Considering their own predicament and their pragmatism, I don't think it's unusual for them to not make a beeline straight for Terra. Especially as they likely knew the Last Wall was happening. They might eventually link up with their successors, once their own realms are stable and then move onto Terra - exactly like they did during the Heresy. I will play devils advocate here and suggest they might be opposed to this, as they "sit tight and make our own Imperium" delayed them last time and they Emperor got shanked - they may feel slightly guilty that they were too late etc


Now let us consider other Chapters:


Salamanders - likely to have no successors. At most 1,000 to 2,000 Astartes. Not going to do much, likely very preoccupied with destroying their own attack moon. 

Raven Guard - again, likely to have no successors at this point. Same as above

White Scars - may have a few successors, but are famed for being secretive dicks. They did end up on Terra last time - so perhaps they're making an effort to arrive. 

Iron Hands - Likely to have few successors, are probably 1,000 times more emo robot than the last time Terra was threatened and don't really give a toss anymore due to cold pragmatism

Space Wolves - Likely caught up in just how much fun you can have with a galactic-scale ork incursion

Dark Angels - Renowned for pursuing their own motives over the Imperium

Blood Angels - IIRC confirmed besieged previously in the series, likely to have a few successors. Not sure why they wouldn't make for Terra though! 



Actually, I don't think that any of the legions are halting recruiting. In fact its highly likely that many are rushing recruits out the door. That also is the same for all the other Legions. They'd probably continue to recruit for the 7 years after the Heresy to the start of the Second Founding. So I bet that there are even Salamander 2nd founding chapters cruising the universe.

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Actually, I don't think that any of the legions are halting recruiting. In fact its highly likely that many are rushing recruits out the door. That also is the same for all the other Legions. They'd probably continue to recruit for the 7 years after the Heresy to the start of the Second Founding. So I bet that there are even Salamander 2nd founding chapters cruising the universe.

Last Space Marines codex states that there were only about 800 Salamanders when the Legions were split, so Vulkan asked Guilliman to leave his legion undivided. Then, the galaxy is a big place, so everything is possible

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Actually, I don't think that any of the legions are halting recruiting. In fact its highly likely that many are rushing recruits out the door. That also is the same for all the other Legions. They'd probably continue to recruit for the 7 years after the Heresy to the start of the Second Founding. So I bet that there are even Salamander 2nd founding chapters cruising the universe.

Last Space Marines codex states that there were only about 800 Salamanders when the Legions were split, so Vulkan Ashes Guilliman to leave his legion undivided. Then, the galaxy is a big place, so everything is possible



Plus we're talking 2,000 years of "peace" whereby the anti-SM fear has been built up. I doubt they've been expanding much in that time either.

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So I just finished reading the book. Wow, this one was definitely further down the grimdark scale than most. Guess with an Iron Warrior on the cover I shouldn't be surprised. Not the best book in the series so far, but it got the job done. Don't think I've read any Guymer stuff before so I'm hesitant to cast judgement.


Best/worst thing about the book? The planet Prax. Emperor save us... You know, I have this list in my head, a Heirarchy of sorts, listing all the factions of the Universe in order of which poses the greatest threat to Humanity. I used it to justify alliances in my head between them, see? Like, I'd sooner let Tyranids devour the Galaxy than let Chaos enslave us. Or the toss-up between Eldar and Tau. You see where I'm going with this? Orks used to be right about in the middle, tied with Necrons and under Dark Eldar. But after reading EotLW, I.... *shudder* Yeah, I think I'm going to have to redo that list. Humanity's fate under Greenskin dominance is making me feel sick to my stomach. Op, gotta go. *runs to the bathroom*

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I finally dived into the series yesterday after getting my hands on the first book. Already onto the third book now and really loving it especially for the different perspectives by the different areas of the imperium (the Assassin grandmaster is seriously awesome). I was a bit wary when I first heard about it but now I am hooked which has me pleased as I was struggling to find a good book series I haven't read to keep me occupied fo a week or two, just don't know if I'll be patient enough to wait for all of them to be released as I am a very fast reader :D
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As per Echoes of the Long War, the Ultramarines managed to crack an attack moon over Calth and the Blood Angels along with Novamarines downed one too. Valhalla is putting a hold to the ork advance as well.

So there, that should answer why those chapters aren't present yet

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In EotLW they reveal the name of the first Fists Exemplar CM, which made me think. We now know who ends up leading all the Imperial Fist 2nd Founding Chapters (Black Templars, Crimson Fists, Excoriators & Fists Exemplar) but not the IF themselves. Or have I missed it in the series - or elsewhere in the fluff?
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The first commander of the Imperial Fists Chapter is Rogal Dorn himself, unless you mean after Dorn's death. The first non-Primarch Chapter Master's name might have been mentioned at some point, possibly when Dorn's skeletal hands are mentioned, as the Chapter Masters have all carved their names into its bones.

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I should have been more precise; I did indeed mean who took over from Dorn. Someone must have had to step up like Bjorn did after Russ disappeared. We will have to see if they ever put a story to the names on Dorn's hands. The only one they have fleshed out (no pun intended) is currently a Fists Exemplar, so that will be interesting to follow in the remaining books.
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Doubt it, the later blurbs have Koorland returning at the head of the Deathwatch after the home system assault to finish the job after the first massed Legion assault fails miserably

mellow.png Spoilers man. Spoilers.

If this series goes over how vulkan goes poof, then I really wanna read more.

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Just finished Hunt for Vulkan


I'd say it was one of the weaker books in the series.


Light on politics, heavy on the war porn.



Also no explanation for where Vulkan has been for the last thousand years, other than he was aware of the general goings on of the Imperium and that Chaos is the true threat. He also promised to tell Dorn how great a son Koorland is


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More Hunt for Vulkan spoilers



Inquisitor Veritus told Koorland that Vulkan could be found and where to find him,


He welds a great hammer called Doomtremor, the book mentions his other weapons are long lost


Vulkan is not found till around page 150 and he still goes out his way to help normal people. Yes it is Vulkan


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