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The Beast Arises


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I wish Vulkan died for good on Istvaan V. I've seen nothing that was worth keeping him alive.

Agreed. That is bugging me most of all. There hasn't been anything ...epic... Going on with that aside from giving the Born again Sallies a catchphrase....


More on topic, this series has it's ups and downs so far, but I am overall enjoying it. Just figures that they have to quest for Vulkan again and again it is so far a plot that seems superfluous.

Orcs are great though. And it is fun. To see the Heresy era Imperium shifting towards the 40 K one.

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It's great to see the Orks so powerful. They've always been a bit of a joke species in the grim dark.


That said, it was beginning to look like the Imperium had no chance of killing such a large Ork. So the brief introduction of a "legendary hero" from the Crusade era seems like the only thing that could possibly help.

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I wish Vulkan died for good on Istvaan V. I've seen nothing that was worth keeping him alive.

Agreed. That is bugging me most of all. There hasn't been anything ...epic... Going on with that aside from giving the Born again Sallies a catchphrase....


More on topic, this series has it's ups and downs so far, but I am overall enjoying it. Just figures that they have to quest for Vulkan again and again it is so far a plot that seems superfluous.

Orcs are great though. And it is fun. To see the Heresy era Imperium shifting towards the 40 K one.


Why would it be superfluous? The in-book explanation is pretty clear and makes a lot of sense. 

1) the Codex was implemented for a reason

2) Koorland is basically going against everything Guilliman laid down

The other Chapters know this, there's literally zero chance he'd ever get anyone else besides the IF successors to follow him unlesss he found a legend to lead them. 




I wish Vulkan died for good on Istvaan V. I've seen nothing that was worth keeping him alive.



You could say the exact same for Perturabo, Lorgar, Mortarion, Alpharius/Omegon, etc etc etc ... everyone should've died in the Heresy and that's that. 

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I'm not sure if I'm in the majority or minority on this, but I don't want this to be the 'end' of Vulkan. Some sources state that he led his chapter for a lot longer than this after the Heresy. What's more I just like Vulkan. Call me a noblebright or care bear player if you want, but the endless damn grim dark does get to me after a while. I dream of happy endings, not Chaos winning.
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I wish Vulkan died for good on Istvaan V. I've seen nothing that was worth keeping him alive.



You could say the exact same for Perturabo, Lorgar, Mortarion, Alpharius/Omegon, etc etc etc ... everyone should've died in the Heresy and that's that. 



Perturabo and Lorgar serve multiple purposes post-Heresy. Perturabo curbstomps the Imperial Fists at the Iron Cage, they lead their Legions to new homeworlds in the Eye, they serve as central figures around which Legion politics revolve. They ascend to the Great Game, and bow down to Abaddon, crowning him the real Warmaster. Hell, Perturabo even go wreck imperials with some Nurgle plague.

As far as we know about Alpharius, he dies. But then it's Alpharius / Omegon. Who knows ?


While Vulkan's thing is that he can't die. Because awesome. Or something. Boring. He only serves in stucking the Salamanders (who I like a lot, they are my second favorite loyal Legion after White Scars) into some strange and awful limbo where they seek him / believe / refuse to believe he's alive. And they do nothing appart from that. And I sincerely loathe it.


You can't compare Vulkan to Perturabo or Lorgar, who actually are useful for the story. Vulkan was originally absent. They chose to make him into some freak that haunts the Salamanders. At first I wasn't really into it but could understand they wanted to make something out of him in order to bring a new layer to the Salamanders. Since even that miserably failed, I just stand by my original opinion : it sucks. Please retcon him into dying.

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You can't compare Vulkan to Perturabo or Lorgar, who actually are useful for the story.

It's really a matter of taste. Vulkan certainly has a purpose...esp. if he's the last primarch in M32-M33.


Some readers may simply dislike that purpose

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I wish Vulkan died for good on Istvaan V. I've seen nothing that was worth keeping him alive.



You could say the exact same for Perturabo, Lorgar, Mortarion, Alpharius/Omegon, etc etc etc ... everyone should've died in the Heresy and that's that. 



Perturabo and Lorgar serve multiple purposes post-Heresy. Perturabo curbstomps the Imperial Fists at the Iron Cage, they lead their Legions to new homeworlds in the Eye, they serve as central figures around which Legion politics revolve. They ascend to the Great Game, and bow down to Abaddon, crowning him the real Warmaster. Hell, Perturabo even go wreck imperials with some Nurgle plague.

As far as we know about Alpharius, he dies. But then it's Alpharius / Omegon. Who knows ?


While Vulkan's thing is that he can't die. Because awesome. Or something. Boring. He only serves in stucking the Salamanders (who I like a lot, they are my second favorite loyal Legion after White Scars) into some strange and awful limbo where they seek him / believe / refuse to believe he's alive. And they do nothing appart from that. And I sincerely loathe it.


You can't compare Vulkan to Perturabo or Lorgar, who actually are useful for the story. Vulkan was originally absent. They chose to make him into some freak that haunts the Salamanders. At first I wasn't really into it but could understand they wanted to make something out of him in order to bring a new layer to the Salamanders. Since even that miserably failed, I just stand by my original opinion : it sucks. Please retcon him into dying.


Perturabo did nothing after the Iron Cage. Legion politics and a campaign here and there ultimately serves the same purpose as having Vulkan around - i.e, killing some stuff and spoofing up the importance of some peeps every so often. 

Using 'should've died in X location' is just pointless, it means nothing because you're comparing events that you believe are more highly valued or rated than events that have either a) yet to be written about or b ) do have meaning, as in TBA.


And that's a hilariously gross overismplification of what the Salamanders do. Yeah, they search for him (and get some pretty wicked wargear while doing so), but that's not by any stretch of the imagination all they do, one only has to look at their rather illustrious Chapter History to see that the search for Vulkan is a largely a sideshow to running around and kicking ass.


I guess you're entitled to your opinion, I just don't see how it's grounded in anything.

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I am mostly with Vesper here. In the end, it's all in the eye of the beholder anyway.


And while I don't want to derail this threat further, what I have seen, read or heard about Vulkan in this is my beef with the subject in a nutshell. It's not that they have brought him back and went Jack Harknes on him. It's that there is nothing the STORY really gets from that. He (so far) has not done anything relevant in the Heresy storyline. In this story here, it's all the same again. It's not just the search for Vulkan. If they took, say, till the last three books searching for him because he is the last Primarch left and he is the master craftsman who finds a way to counter all that crazy Orc tech and rallies the Imperium to snap victory from the jaws of defeat. Who is the only one who can now stop the beast when the Horus and the Emperor team is not around like on Ulanor, because Vulkan just can not be kept down... That would be using the stuff. It would be EPIC. In short, he is a freaking PRIMARCH! He should not be wasted in a sideshow if they insist on bringing him back... That' s what is bugging me.

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Perturabo did nothing after the Iron Cage. Legion politics and a campaign here and there ultimately serves the same purpose as having Vulkan around - i.e, killing some stuff and spoofing up the importance of some peeps every so often. 

He bowed before Abaddon. And it's more meaningful to the story than literally anything we've read on Vulkan so far.


Using 'should've died in X location' is just pointless, it means nothing because you're comparing events that you believe are more highly valued or rated than events that have either a) yet to be written about or b ) do have meaning, as in TBA.

I liked when it was shrouded in mystery. I would've liked if he died too, because there was things to do with such an event. Instead, we've got more material to fuel the great "It's the Heresy, nobody really dies and nothing really matters" meme.


And that's a hilariously gross overismplification of what the Salamanders do. Yeah, they search for him (and get some pretty wicked wargear while doing so), but that's not by any stretch of the imagination all they do, one only has to look at their rather illustrious Chapter History to see that the search for Vulkan is a largely a sideshow to running around and kicking ass.


During the Heresy, that's pretty much all they do. At least the Iron Hands are moving forward. What of the friggin Salamanders ? Vulkan is all over the place and what about them ?


I guess you're entitled to your opinion, I just don't see how it's grounded in anything.


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I'm not sure if I'm in the majority or minority on this, but I don't want this to be the 'end' of Vulkan. Some sources state that he led his chapter for a lot longer than this after the Heresy. What's more I just like Vulkan. Call me a noblebright or care bear player if you want, but the endless damn grim dark does get to me after a while. I dream of happy endings, not Chaos winning.

I'm with you on this. Vulkan seems like the most humain primarch killing machine from what ive read so far (all HH Kyme works) and i like him that way. He cares about the weak and only want's to protect, even to the detriment of himself. Many of the other primarchs show these traits but there's something about Vulkan that just has me liking him more than most.

We know he is a perpetual but the future novel summeries of the rest of TBA series really paint quite a grim dark picture of where the series os heading, not that that should surprise me lol! It is with trepedation that i will be marrothoning books 6, 7 & 8 though, expecting the worst but hoping for the best and Vulkans survival!

As for happy endings, i think we're past that point in 40k now, but we can hope! laugh.png

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Vesper, Vulkans arc is only just starting in the heresy, it's what happens next which will determine if he's a pivotal character with his legion


Exactly that. We're getting at least one final novel in Kyme's trilogy, which will round his whole idea for the character off. We already had glimpses of what important things he might be needed for in Vulkan Lives, The Unremembered Empire and elsewhere. We've been teased over and over with him having an important part to play in the rest of the Heresy and after, which is why even Eldrad (iirc) wanted him back on the board to tip the balance back in mankind's favor.

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I'm looking forward to Vulkan allowing the Imperium to win and just as they're about to rejoice, Trazyn the Infinite pops up in a cloud of blinking, polka-dotted smoke, zaps Vulkan with his TV remote and teleports away giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush with his life-sized mandolls collection's latest showstopper.

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I quite enjoyed the story, sets the scene for the imperial fight back.


I would really like to know where the Salamanders are, they make no appearance and don't even seem to be mentioned. Also Vulcan appears to have levelled up significantly from previous depictions -literally unstoppable.

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I quite enjoyed the story, sets the scene for the imperial fight back.


I would really like to know where the Salamanders are, they make no appearance and don't even seem to be mentioned. Also Vulcan appears to have levelled up significantly from previous depictions -literally unstoppable.


I'd say it comes down to how Vulkan was always holding back, and we never really got a full on Vulkan Unleashed story in the Heresy. There was a bit in Promethean Sun early on, but it was also still a Marine story on top. By Vulkan Lives, he isn't in a position to really run wild, and in TUE, he is hulked up but mad as a hatter.


If the final Sallies novel from Kyme for the Heresy shows Vulkan post-Fulgurite letting go of his reluctance to fully utilize his power, I don't see a problem with him being powerful on this level. He was the physically strongest Primarch, after all. Besides, Corax too went ham on tanks and what not on Isstvan (didn't he even rip off a weapon off a tank and used it to gun the traitors down for a bit?), and Angron held up a Titan's leg before getting buried and digging himself back up.


Seeing what feats other Primarchs have been capable of when they really went for it, I'm not surprised that Vulkan annihilates the greenskins.

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I seem to remember that Vulkan asks himself why The Emperor won't do something about The Beast.

What exactly is he expecting a corpse locked on a throne to do?!

This reminds me that at the beginning of Throneworld & the Eldar incursion, it was written from their perspective as if they could reach the Emperor and speak with him psychically. Even their leader spoke of him as if her were still alive. Their arrival also details how being so close to his psychic force affects them.

There has to be life left in him… one day he must return! biggrin.png

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