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Admech Tactics and Force ideas for a League.


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I'd leave off the Arc rifle on the Vanguard and put it on the rangers as a second one. Due to the sniper nature of thier guns they have a chance to hurt AV and otherwise you're wasting the Vanguard shots which hurt everything but vehicles.

Otherwise it's quite nice smile.png

How are sniper rifles hurting AV, unless you're talking about shooting at AV10 vehicles? That said, it's a good idea to keep the special weapons consolidated so as to not lose firepower. I like arc rifles on rangers, they are a bit more mobile with Move through Cover.

I guess Snipers no longer get S4 +2D6 for armour pen huh?

I'd pop in a flamer on mister fist, but that's me.

A fun army for sure tongue.png

Terrible idea. A single flamer, even with torrent, isn't a good fit for a unit with a bunch of S6 AP3 guns.

One bot per data smith can fire at a separate target each turn - lets you get some decent horde clearance while your other guns murder something else. Not exactly a "Terrible Idea" as your army would be a single unit....

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i personally find them rather fragile especially in small games and only tried the neutron laser version so far. new tweaked list, turns out my math was a bit off like it was pointed out, oops. dropped the arc rifles and went for more plasma goodness :)



Cult Mechanicus Congregation


> Dominus, Phosphor Serpenta, Raiment of the Technomartyr, Conversion Field: 150

> Kataphron Destroyers, 1 extra member: 220

> Kataphron Destroyers, 1 extra member: 220


Skitarri Maniple


> Vanguard, Full Squad, Omnispex, Plasma Caliver : 140

> Rangers, Full Squad, Omnispex,  : 130

> Vanguard, Full Squad, Omnispex, Plasma Caliver: 140


Total: 1000


the cohort cybernetica sounds nasty but the load-out i want is 810 points (all with phosphor, both relics) and not sure what else i would add to the list.

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One bot per data smith can fire at a separate target each turn - lets you get some decent horde clearance while your other guns murder something else. Not exactly a "Terrible Idea" as your army would be a single unit....

It's a single flamer. A regular S4 AP5 flamer. That comes at the opportunity cost of a phosphor cannon. You're right, it's not a terrible idea, it's the worst idea ever.

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One bot per data smith can fire at a separate target each turn - lets you get some decent horde clearance while your other guns murder something else. Not exactly a "Terrible Idea" as your army would be a single unit....

It's a single flamer. A regular S4 AP5 flamer. That comes at the opportunity cost of a phosphor cannon. You're right, it's not a terrible idea, it's the worst idea ever.

Stop i'm laughing too hard x.x your terrible. Be nice x.x.  its not soooo bad. Its just... you need to get money templates to make it worth while. For instance lets say you get 5 vanguard tier models you'll do the same amount of wounds as if you were shooting at a unit of vangaurd out of cover with the phos blaster. The problem is to get a good flamer off you need to be in 12 to use your whole template to get that money hit. You might not get this shoto n the first or second turn, and by the third you want to start charge or you may even be charged. So really the phos blaster at worst does the same thing as the flamer, and at best is waaaaaaay better.


Also @Charlo The rangers in no way have the snipe special rule. They have precision shot. This only means that when they roll 6's to hit(? or wound) they get to pick the model they wound. Doesn't make them any good out side of armor 10. Additionaly, If they did have snipers. It would mean they only get to roll as if STR 4 against armor... which is nothing. Your thinking of the arcubus that has armorbane. 

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Nah I'm thinking of old sniper rifles from fourth edition and that the rangers basic weapon was also sniper. I've not poured over the Skitarii codex in a while.


Fair enough Terminus, you have your opinion and I have mine. But there is no need to insult me for it.

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Yeah my cohort is set at a constant 810, both relics, eradication ray, 3x phostelans, and a fisttelan. If you still wanted to go with this. You could drop the rad ray and take full vanila squads of vanguards(which are VERY nasty obviously) or two min vanguard squads & a vanilla onager.


I think the 2nd option thier will always cause you to give up first blood, but might give you some units that can run for objectives as needed. The full vanguard squads will just wreck stuff if you find some cover for them.


If your gonna stick with your current list a neutron onager would replace the rangers nice. I think they do a good enough job at getting where you want them. Sure they can run, but with the scout move and no terrain fear they are pretty quick.

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list option 2:



Cohort Cybernetica (800)


> Dominus, Raiment of the Technomartyr: 135

> Kastellan Maniple, Phosphor Blasters, 2x Carapace Phosphor Blasters, Autocadeus of Arkhan Land: 350

> Kastellan Maniple, Phosphor Blasters, 1x Carapace Phosphor Blaster: 315


Skitarri Maniple (200)


> Vanguard, Full Squad: 100

> Vanguard, Full Squad: 100


Total: 1000



one very strong unit that would be tough to crack, can shoot out a load of snap fire but i dont think it can offer as much tactical flexibility or as good at capturing objectives.

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You would have to switch the Autocadeus and the Raiment between Dominus and Smith I believe.


I played a 4 Kastelan cohort a few weeks agao against a 1500 point daemon prince heavy daemon list. I killed 1 prince turn 1, another 1 in turn 2, and then got blocked by belakor and a KoS. But by turn 5 I also managed to kill Belakor and took 2 wounds of the KoS. I myself had 2 out of 4 robots and the Dominus left. The rest of the army wasn't realy important. So against the Daemons this looks very solid.


Marines will die like nothing as well.


Dark Eldar Vehicles too.


Tau may be a problem I think, but if your Vanguard manage to get close to the Riptides because he is focused on your Cohort, they will die as well.



So all in all this list might work pretty good for your match ups.

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So the way the cohort works best for me is to be very aggressive with the bots. Spread the. Out in a line and March up the board as best you can. Really use that move through cover. Then us the lumigen to get 'fleet' and charge asap. You can start trying to charge on turn two and its not too tough to get alittle lucky. (No one is gonna overwatch you and if they do enjoy that bounce armor.)


It is tough because your vanguard will get shot at first thing. So you do kind of just have one unit.... You know. I think I have a good solution for your problem....


Elimination maniple:


Kastelans maniple 2x twin phos, 2x phos, technomayre


Kastelans maniple 2x twin phos, 2x phos


3x destroyers

3x destroyers


The destroyers do thier thing. Kastelans do thier thing. You trade IWNd, repairs, split fire, and 1/2 cognis on bots for flexibility and a turn or two of tier 2 canticles.

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Well the kastelans are still a strong mix melee/ranged unit, but it looses the fist, IWND, and repair options which really make the unit hard as nails. With this formation it lets you split the kastelan unit into two, and you save points on the domi to get enough for the other  unit of destroyers.  Which is a good upgrade from the vanguard as they can easily take out many threats such as rip tides, MCs, and tanks. While also being pretty beefy. 


Main problems i see would be move across the board quickly, but with skit/cult you'll pretty much always have this issue unless you take ongers or ironstriders.


As for the formation bonus. Well your warlord will be a data smith in a kastelan unit so nice and safe. Also you can clean up units your kastelans fail to remove with ignore cover and better BS. Only problem kastelans & destroyers are so good at hurting thing their should be few target that are left standing after a volley.  

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Nah I'm thinking of old sniper rifles from fourth edition and that the rangers basic weapon was also sniper. I've not poured over the Skitarii codex in a while.


Fair enough Terminus, you have your opinion and I have mine. But there is no need to insult me for it.

Sniper rifles really got the wind knocked out of their sails in 6th and 7th.


And I wasn't insulting you, no need to be so sensitive.

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yeah definitely a good idea, best of both

of those lists in my opinion :)


Yeah that's what I was thinking. I think all three of those list are solid and would fair well. I'm very kastelans bias so I couldn't really tell you honestly which is best :p. But I bet you could guess my opinion lol.


Hey terminus be nice to Charlo he's just trying to help and participate man ^.^ . no one uses snipers he can be drawn through the mud for not know the rule of an obscure gun ^.^

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Thanks for the help and suggestions guys, sadly i don't have time or opportunities to try out these lists properly. so ive decided to go for the list i feel most confident and comfortable using 


Cult Mechanicus Congregation


> Dominus, Phosphor Serpenta, Raiment of the Technomartyr, Conversion Field: 150

> Kataphron Destroyers, 1 extra member: 220

> Kataphron Destroyers, 1 extra member: 220


Skitarri Maniple


> Vanguard, Full Squad, Omnispex, Plasma Caliver : 140

> Rangers, Full Squad, Omnispex, Arc Rifle  : 145

> Vanguard, Full Squad, Omnispex, Arc Rifle : 125


Total: 1000


As it turns out i only one skitarri guy at the moment with a plasma caliver and not enough skitarri to make another squad. i do have a transuranic arquebus modeeled up but find it unsatisfying for the points cost.

I will of course post up details of my league progress as it goes :)

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