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ART - Symbols, Icons and Badges


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I also prefer this "Taiji" as an emblem. How about a chinese sword sticking through the middle ?

However, the "Qilin" could feature prominently in their iconography (Legion Banners for instance)



@Slipstreams ? How about a dual version of the helix, in a cross ? Or else a stylised version of the Caduceus, only using a sword instead of the sceptre ? (Or a rod of Asclepius)


For the Nightguard, what about a variation of the Inquisitorial I/eye, that has "rays of light" coming from it, as if the =][= were a lantern ? Or is that too cheesy/green lantern-esque ?

Edited by Lord Thørn
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Though of that but was thinking it would step on the generic Apothecary Symbol a bit.


If you can roll with the cross idea and make it suitably unique, I'm allllll for it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Skal has reminded me through the Grave Stalkers thread that the Godslayers still lack a symbol.  I for one have been struggling with that problem since the legion's inception, and I took heavy cajoling to even come up with a name for them.  So, seeing as I'm lost, I wanted to open the question up to you guys.  Fire away!

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Given the themes of toughness/endurance I would suggest either a shield or something containing the ouroborous in the infinity shape. If you do go with something with an eye on it though, I'd suggest it be a closed eye rather than open to symbolise their shielding against the third sight and the powers of the psyker.

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What was their cultural background?


The Zbruchans are feudal Russians (in essence) and the Terran recruits were drawn from tribesmen, the largest tribe being called the Godslayers (who believed before induction into the Imperium that it was their vocation to hunt down an evil terran deity.  However, the colourscheme of the legion comes from the heraldry of the first legion master, who was one of the emperor's lackeys.  The way I see it, I have three routes to go down:


-The Zbruchan symbol (which risks being stereotypically russian)

-The Terran symbol (which has the potential to be interesting, but I don't know how to approach it)

-Thyris' symbol (which runs the risk of not actually depicting the character of the legion itself)


@MikhalLeNoir:  I had previously considered using the eye in some way.  After the legion's transformation and the whole 'now may you see' thing it becomes very relevant.  Perhaps I could use an eye in which the image of a star is reflected, which then darkens after the Insurrection (maybe a chaos star instead).  I'm not sure.

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So I wanted to run this by everyone; I noticed there isn't an "official" symbol for the Insurrectionists, so here's an idea I had:

Insurrectionist Symbol


I wasn't sure how chaos-y it should be, but I figured I'd give it a shot. The final iteration of this will probably be going on one of the signature banner designs I'm working on.


And please let me know of any suggestions or criticisms! 

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Oh. Actually there is an official symbol;) or the idea behind it.


As fsr as I am able to describe it we have a skull and the mouth the skull upper side and thesides are ripped open by the lightningnearers symbol. And then there are diagonal arrows which stand for a chaosgod.


Grifft made ha kitbash somewhere



Maybe we can combine the skull with your symbol. I like them both

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If I'm honest I never liked the design with the Star bursting from within the skull, it just seemed... Cluttered? Busy? I don't know how to describe it, it just didn't agree with me.


Personally I always imagined the Insurrectionist symbol (and by extension the Harbingers) symbol to be pretty much Drakzilla's 2nd design, albiet in the usual golden colour and with the diamond-shaped gem still in the centre, maybe without the arrowheaded prongs on the main arms of the star too.


So I wanted to run this by everyone; I noticed there isn't an "official" symbol for the Insurrectionists, so here's an idea I had:



@ Big Bad Squig: Hey Squig, I did some thinking and I've found two ideas for a Legion Symbol that might fit the Godslayers.


1. A sword piercing an Omega symbol, inspired by the Bible quote from Fallout 3 about God being "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."



2. A sword piercing an eye, given that the eye is often a symbol of mysticism and it's often claimed that Gods see all this feels fitting to me.


Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Yep, that does look a lot nicer, have to be honest. Would it be going to far to paint the arrows a dark red ?


Now that we're talking about it, we haven't got a symbol for the Reformists either have we ?

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