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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally collected the bitz I need for my grand Christmas conversion project..

I will be bĀ“converting a proper Abaddon the Despoiler for my Black Legion force, after all, all Black Legionaires need to swear loyalty to him personally :P

here's the bitz so far, except for the Terminator Lord box:


Comments and Critique most welcome.

- Luther..

  • 2 weeks later...

small update, my semester project is done, so now I can rest at last.

also, I recieved the bitz for Abaddons base yesterday, can you guess the unlucky victims and the reason for this?


that's it for now.


Had some time to do hobby stuff today, so here's some more progress on Abaddons base (and Drach'yen for good measure)

First: Drach'yen


Next up, a Blood Angels Sergeant that met an early end, first Front


then back:


and a Blood Angels Captain that met the same fate at Abaddons hands.


and a mock-up of the base as it'll stand.


that's it for tonight.

C&C Welcome.

Luther ..

A minor update. I cleaned some old miniatures up to join the legion. on that account I now need to buy 50 Shoulder pads more for the Legion, and the total number is now 80 Marines and a helbrute so far.



  • 3 weeks later...

Brothers. I have not been idle.

As mentioned, I've begun the long process of induction other forces to my warband.

This also means that these gentlemen along with several other units will be joining the Legion soon.


The force as it stands now is as follows:

Abaddon the Despoiler (Conversion) Ready for primer

Chaos Lord Luther - Done

7 Chosen - 6 Done, Standard Bearer Conversion in progress

30 Chaos Space Marines - 10 Done, rest primed

24 Khorne Berzerkers - Ready for Primer

5 Possessed - Ready for Primer

3 Obliterators - on sprues

5 Warp Talons - Need shoulder pads

10 Raptors -- Ready for Primer

5 Khornate Terminators - Ready for Primer

1 Helbrute - Done

and some 50 Cultists, some painted, some assembled, some on sprues.

this leads to a total force of 90 Marines and a Helbrute plus a lot of cultists.

- Luther - the Fallen.

  • 4 weeks later...

Brothers, I have not been idle.. I am currently seeking the favor of Khorne, I've been working on some Hounds of Abaddon with plans for 25 total (3x8 Berzerkers and a Lord on Juggernaught), and so far this is my progress:


C&C Welcome.

Luther - the fallen

  • 1 month later...

I am still alive..


I've been fighting with school and moving to another city, so I haven't had time to do work on the army, but during this move, I've found another 30 CSM for the force (for a total of 60 CSM) as well as my future sorcerer and two squads of Rubric Marines (they will be done for the next Call of Chaos). For now I need to finish my Berzerkers and their Lieutenant.

The warband will be divided into several sub-factions as will be seen below.


I now have the bitz/miniatures for:

Abaddon the Despoiler conversion

Luther - the fallen - Lord Commander

Tsekani - Sorcerer

7 Chosen Bodyguards for Luther


the Martyrs:

6x10 Chaos Space Marines

10 Raptors

5 Havocs

(Still need 10 Raptors and 15 Havocs for this sub-faction)


The Blessed Ones:

5 Possessed

5 Warp Talons

3 Obliterators

(Still need 5 Possessed, 15 Warp Talons and 3 Obliterators)


The Butchers (Hounds of Khorne):

Lieutenant Grull'Phor

3x8 Berzerkers

5 Khornate Terminators


The Black Coven:

2x9 Rubric Marines

(Still need 9 Rubric Marines and 5 Terminators)


and some 50-60 Cultists (haven't actually counted them, I just have a lot lying around.)


I also need some Plague Marines and Noise Marines as well as a LieutenantĀ  and Terminators for each of these Gods, and 20 more Terminators for the sub-faction the DesolatorsĀ as well as a Dark Apostle to lead the Cultists.


so that's the general plan for now..



  • 4 weeks later...

With the ETL coming soon, I'll be returning to this force again. a long time lack of heart for painting has kept these guys waiting, but no more. The Challenge has been heard, and soon, it will be answered.


Stay tuned for more.

  • 2 weeks later...

I, Luther - Ā the fallen,Ā rise to the challenge of E Tenebrae Lux V and vow to complete:

ā€œThe Butchersā€ - C: Khorne Daemonkin:

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury - 250 pts.

Chaos Lord ā€“ Axe of Khorne, Plasma Pistol, Juggernaught - 165 pts.

8 Khorne Berzerkers ā€“ Powerfist - 187 pts.

8 Khorne Berzerkers ā€“ Power Sword, Plasma Pistol - 197 pts.

5 Possessed - 150 pts.

5 Terminators ā€“ Powerfist, Chainfist, Combi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 206 pts.

ā€‹For a total of 1155 pts. Painted as Hounds of Abaddon, ā€‹for the Glory of Khorne and the Warmaster!



ā€‹with this I entered the ETL V, stay tuned for the Butchers


ā€‹- Luther

here comes the pictures of the Butchers (apart from the squad I've already done):

Group shot:


Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury:gallery_10707_11380_38112.jpg

Lord Grull'Phor:


Khorne Berzerkers Squad 1:


Khorne Berzerkers Squad 2:




Khornate Terminators:


so far so good.. now I just need to get them painted :P


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