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So I saw something the other day that, if it's true, will make me play blood angels immediately...

Supposedly the Flesh Tearers Strike Force FOC lets you take an all walkers list with 2x Librarian dreadnoughts, Cassor the Dammned, 3x Furioso dreadnoughts and 6x Drop pods. What are the points on that? Is it possible to turn that into an all dread list?

I don't care if it's competitive or not, I just love Dreads SO MUCH. So is it real, or was the guy who posted that smoking crack?

Also, I suppose, could it be competitive?

I'll be honest, if this is doable, I will write the fluff about a successor legion that was almost wiped out but turned into dreadnoughts just to run this list.

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The Flesh Tearers Strike Force includes a compulsory 1xHQ, 1xTroop, and 1xFast Attack. Plus optional extra 3x Troops, Elites, and Heavy Support, and 5x additional Fast Attack.


No Dreadnoughts I know of are Fast Attack, so I'm afraid your crack-smoking suspicion may be true...


You could of course just go Unbound and field as many Dreads as you like! (I love them too)

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No, technically I think that list is legal, isn't it?


Flesh Tearers Strike Force

HQ: 2 Librarian Dreadnoughts (fulfilling required 1)

ELITES: 3 Furioso Dreadnoughts

TROOPS: Cassor the Damned (fulfilling required 1)

FAST ATTACK: 6 Drop Pods (fulfilling required 1)


It's going to run you at least 1025 points, though.

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I already fielded once a seven dread list. It wrecked a necron decurion list pretty well. :)


Kombiniertes Kontingent: Blood Angels
***************  2 HQ ***************  
Librarian Dreadnought, Meisterschaftsgrad 2, Sturmbolter
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.
 - - - > 210 Punkte

Librarian Dreadnought, Sturmbolter
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.
 - - - > 185 Punkte

***************  3 Elite ***************  
Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.
 - - - > 165 Punkte

Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.
 - - - > 165 Punkte

Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Blutfaust, Sturmbolter
 - - - > 190 Punkte

***************  1 Standard ***************  
Cassor the Damned
 - - - > 140 Punkte

***************  2 Sturm ***************  
Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
 - - - > 35 Punkte

Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
 - - - > 35 Punkte

***************  2 Unterstützung ***************  
Deredeo Dreadnought with Aiolos missile launcher
 - - - > 220 Punkte

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank, 2 Heavy bolter sponsons
 - - - > 155 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte Blood Angels : 1500

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Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte

Why not replace that storm bolter with a heavy flamer? Same total point costs and seems like it be more effective than a storm bolter.

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UGGGH! And here I was... Oh well. Guess you can't trust everything on the internet. What is the way I can fit the most dreads in an army you can think of?

I'm kind of obsessed with Dreadnoughts.


Iron Hands out of the Space Marine dex, and in particular the Clan Raukaan supplement. You can take Dreads in both Elite and Heavy Support, and are 1-3 per slot. Potential for 18 Dreads in a normal CAD.

Space Marine Dreads are also cheaper than their BA equivalents, and have more base attacks.

In addition Iron Hands Dreads also get "It Will Not Die", with the Ironstone relic from Clan Raukaan boosting IWND to a 4+ in a 6" bubble (and repairs weapon destroyed and imbolised on a 6)

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Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Sturmbolter, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte

Why not replace that storm bolter with a heavy flamer? Same total point costs and seems like it be more effective than a storm bolter.


Sorry i fast rebuild my origin list. forgott to change it into flamethrowers. it´s my fave setup since years. :)

Did you not have problems with hull point stripping by Gauss weapons against Necrons?

Sometimes the sixes are not showing. I losed 1-2 Hullpounts to Gauss. Either i was totally lucky or necrons got problems with such an amount of mech.

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UGGGH! And here I was... Oh well. Guess you can't trust everything on the internet. What is the way I can fit the most dreads in an army you can think of?

I'm kind of obsessed with Dreadnoughts.


Iron Hands out of the Space Marine dex, and in particular the Clan Raukaan supplement. You can take Dreads in both Elite and Heavy Support, and are 1-3 per slot. Potential for 18 Dreads in a normal CAD.

Space Marine Dreads are also cheaper than their BA equivalents, and have more base attacks.

In addition Iron Hands Dreads also get "It Will Not Die", with the Ironstone relic from Clan Raukaan boosting IWND to a 4+ in a 6" bubble (and repairs weapon destroyed and imbolised on a 6)


In 1850 Points it is difficult to squeese in 18 Dreads.  You also dont have our sweet fragiosos wich get more output vs Marines and so on after podding. The most dreads get also down in concentrated fire where iwnd not help. The base attacks are very good i hope the bloodies get in line with the rest of the dread galore.

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Why not the Baal Strike Force, not that red thirst helps, but 1 extra elite slot for another furioso? biggrin.png

Why would red thirst not help? +1 init on all your dreads is very nice against things like wraithknights or imperial knights.

When I run multiple dread lists, I always run them in a Baal strike force. Init 5 dreads are great.

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