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You can run all dreads with the Archangels force org from the same book


Not quite. HQs are TDA only, which means you'll probably want to run at least one squad of Terminators to put him in. Also cuts off access to Librarian Dreads too sadly.

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Wasn't there a way to do this back in 5th edition as well?? When DC were troops and you took two of them along side the Libby dread and filled the rest with Fragiosos??


I can only imagine how awesome the army would look on the table, and how fun it would be to play it!!


End of Line


Not quite. DC Dreads were troops, but you needed at least five DC for each DC Dread you took. So it was ALMOST all Walkers, but not quite.

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In the meanwhile i get 2 Libby Dreads 2 Fragiosos 2 Blood Angel Contemptors with Kheres Assault cannons (thank you betrayal of calth) 1 Cassor the Damned 1 Tactical with Razorback and one Deredeo dread in my 1850 list. Most of them with pods except the deredeo.

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The Leviathans look like normal dreads should look.

Great Rules but realy expensive.

Maybe i get one when my painting queue is finished in three months. ph34r.png


Maybe they'll grow on me like the Deredeo did...

Just imagine it in black with red saltires. Moriar, reborn! drool.gif

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The Leviathans look like normal dreads should look.

Great Rules but realy expensive.

Maybe i get one when my painting queue is finished in three months. ph34r.png


Maybe they'll grow on me like the Deredeo did...

Just imagine it in black with red saltires. Moriar, reborn! drool.gif

You've just given me an idea.... I see darkness – black beyond black – and some hard highlights picking out the hull of this monster...

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Did you not have problems with hull point stripping by Gauss weapons against Necrons?

And don't forget that Scarabs munch through armour too on a 6 with a bunch of attacks.


My regular gaming buddy runs a full-fat Decurion and I struggle to put up a fight with my Destroyer-toting Eldar. I am pretty sure my BAs would be eaten for breakfast.

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The scariest thing about them is they Move Through Cover - there was no escape for my Sicaran even moving flat out! It makes sense though - I can imagine this ceaseless moving carpet of mechanical bugs swarming and munching through everything in their path... Kinda like the spider things in Uncharted *shudders*
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