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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - November '15 ++


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November is going well, both personally (I've almost finished my next four marines) and on the board. Awesome work all around.


Mortis - just as I expected, fantastic work on the Eaters of Worlds. I'm going to have to learn to do weathering one day, you just make it look too nice.


Kriegriss - Thanks man. I'm just glad this is still going despite me having a bit of a lull lately. I always love looking at the work in here. Your Cataphractii are excellent, I love your use of purple, and that you used the tartaros axes with them. They are damn fine axes! I think you deserve some points for finishing this month - Half points for the pledge sir.


Raktra - don't run off to some mechanicum fools - the gorgon needs you! Great work as ever sir, looking forward to your army picks.


Zed - looking great. Nice to see the Heavy bolter rapiers getting some love. Do you have some cunning Alpha legion tactic for them?


Brief Update


Well, we have a fight on for a change this month, here are the basic stats so far:


Members:                    Loyalists 17 - Traitors 9

Pledges completed:    Loyalists 2* -  Traitors 2

Points pledged:           Loyalists 96  - Traitors 86

Points Scored:            Loyalists 12 - Traitors 2


So we actually have a competition on this month - Traitors have a rare chance to take a win here. Lets see those fans of Horus get painting and pledging!

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@Dantioch...thanks mate, how goes you?

Back to the ultramarines soon then? What happened to the iron ivth?

Too many choices lol...and sons of horus????

But on a serious note...get back to the ultramarines, (so i can steal your ideas haha)


@Zedmeister...cracking work so far on the quad bolters...and props to you for giving oils a go..if your not already, i can thoroughly recommend "mig abteilung oils". Just make sure you use a hair dryer on low setting after you finish the oil work, they can stay active for over 2 weeks!

Have you considered using enamels instead? quicker drying times and much easier to work with and loads of different products to choose from...anyhoo great work.


@Kor vesh...great write as always...and thank you for your kind words...you could learn weathering, but with freehand flames of that quality your already on to a winner ;-)

Will we be seeing another few marines frm you this month??


And will it be a traitor win this month??

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@Zedmeister...cracking work so far on the quad bolters...and props to you for giving oils a go..if your not already, i can thoroughly recommend "mig abteilung oils". Just make sure you use a hair dryer on low setting after you finish the oil work, they can stay active for over 2 weeks!

Have you considered using enamels instead? quicker drying times and much easier to work with and loads of different products to choose from...anyhoo great work.



Thanks chap. I'm using Windor and Newton oils at the moment. Will keep any eye out for the MiG ones. Also, noted on the hair dryer. It's been two days since I did them and I'll give 'em a going over when I'm able.


Must say, I haven't really thought about enamels much. Bought a few of the AK-Interactive enamel effects a while back, but never used them. One to add to a future experiment I think.

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@Kor vesh...great write as always...and thank you for your kind words...you could learn weathering, but with freehand flames of that quality your already on to a winner ;-)

Will we be seeing another few marines frm you this month??


And will it be a traitor win this month??


I'm four legion emblems away from completing my next four guys. This is unprecedented pace for little old Kor. I might manage a whole squad this month!



@Random Marine - for Horus of the Emperor?

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Well I've gone and done my vow! Suprising, I know, but here are 3 more Salamanders for your perusal...







Seven more marines and a predator will finally finish the painting on my 1000 point list... Onwards.


I, Kor'Vesh, feeling the flush of a small victory, pledge to paint 4 tactical marines for the eighteenth legions, Salamanders, in the month of November.

Love the mixed armour.

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I get a feeling this thread will get a lot of pledges mid-month...

Next month, in my case smile.png What's kind of scary is that I've now spent more money on MKII forgeworld bits and kromlech chainaxes than I did on the BaC pre-order. By the time that lot turns up, I don't think I'm going to have enough time to get anything finished this month alas.

I'm planning on doing mid heresy World Eaters (i.e. pre-red armour), so a mix of MK II, IV and some V bits. I am hoping to play the board game with the missus, so I want to complete the squads from that first. I think Blood Angels may take the other side, with some suitable swaps so I can keep the rest of the Mk IV and cataphractii for later. Should be done in a year or so at my painting speed...

First things first though; clearing the spare room sufficiently to set up my airbrush and painting gear again! I haven't painted marines for a looooong time. Seeing all the posts here is really inspiring!

One question; do I have to assemble and paint as part of the same pledge, or can I build this month and paint from unprimed next month?

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Arkhanist: You can do a build pledge if you're just assembling. Like: "I pledge to build 5 mkIV marines with bolters". Just note that if you want to do more than your initial pledge you need to actually assemble them, post a photo and then go "Oh and I will now build 5 more marines".
Edit: note that a build pledge is not worth as much as a fully painted pledge in our mostly statistical points determining how awesome I am...eh...we all are!

Welcome aboard!


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Hehe. Black_out. You too? I'm going down a slightly Imperial Fist-y way in Fallout 4. I am FORTIFYING EVERYTHING. Death to the Traitor Raiders!

On a more painting related note: Almost done with the second of the  two Tech-priests... (I did pledge tech-priests this month, right?)


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@Nevindar....dude, it's bad. I work 10 hours a day and I'm been internally debating what I'm gonna do as soon as I get home lol....plus the base-building has cost me hours of time!


@chaplain mortis....your World Eaters are amazing....the damaged white armor is just excellent. If only I had the ability to paint white

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Four more done. 7 marines in 11 days is unprecedented for me!




http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/sallieVex_zpsr1t1gmg6.jpg   http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/sallieVexSide_zpstkwq77kt.jpg


http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/sallie8_zps3os7qqr2.jpg   http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/sallie9_zpsvhyccp8l.jpg




@Black_out - Its two cataphractii, you can do it despite Fallout!


@Nevindar - Yep, two tech priests sir. Thanks for sorting Arkhanist! The emperor expects!


@Mortis - Great work as ever sir. So do you add transfers before painting them to get the damaged look?


@Arkhanist - Welcome to the crew! Get a building vow up here, 1/4 points for those sir.


@Gab - Thanks man. I really like the mixed armour look for Salamanders. I think it fits both their individualism, and their skills at craftmanship.

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Thanks Guys.


Black Cohort - I don't necessarily disagree. I think part of it is the photo, as I'm not great with a camera - they do look better in person. My colour mixing can vary too though, I think I'd like it a touch more subtle, and to have a touch more brush control... some bits look a little sloppy. Still, I'm proud of the unit, and glad you like them!

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They look great and you're throwing them out at lightning speed!

I love the mix of armour mk's really gives each model an individual character.


chaplain mortis, Fantastic work! The weathering is just right, makes me wish

I'd done some wear and tear on my Ultramarines.


Great stuff all round.

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@Black_out, cheers mate! Gotta say an airbrush really helps things with white armour...just hate going in with the clean up work after :-(


@Kor vesh...whats going on this month MR! Cracking out marines at this pace...is there a prize this month your not telling us about haha

As regards the decals...yer i put them down pre-weathering, it allows me to build up the look i need as i go rather than add them later and have them look outta place... Something your. Thinking about????

Great Sallies mate, mixed armour and those bases look awesome! And well done with your progress ;-)


@Jud cottrell...thanks for your comments, very appreciated :-).. Is it to late to add wear and tear to your ultras??


@Kriegriss...thanks for your words mate! As regards the weathering on these world eaters..so far its just "sponging" being used...by using various amounts of paint on the sponge and using different pressures it can create different effects..i:e fresh mud/ dried mud etc...also a few micro scratches were down with a very small brush

Still gotta add weathering powders and enamel dust to finish these off... Hope this helps and let me know if you want more info.


Thanks guys for all the comments and likes :-)

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Good job black cohort. You've done great with the cloak, and I like the use of brown hide, rather than the more common green or red.


Can I suggest you add a brown wash to the white wrappings on tHe staff though? They look a bit stark to me. What is the plan for shoulder pad matkings? You have transfers?

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