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++ Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - November '15 ++


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@Kor'vesh....melta gun is done so I declare my pledge complete...not doing bases yet as maybe going with just clear acrylic bases for these guys...

Also want to add 1 sons of horus marine for the traitors pledge :-)

Maybe something else before the month is up..


@Zedmiester....cracking work mate...love the colour you have achieved...

Nice work with the powders...


Great work guys...always nice to see cracking heresy minis :-)





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I've run into a complication with my pledge...the blue aint right.

I had previously done the blue turret a week ago, and now coming onto the body...it just isn't the same. So, unless I can work out how to fix it/what I did for the turret, this may be as far as I get this month :/ but other than that, it's all going well, laugh.png

Seeing some lovely models here guys :)



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I'll probably give it another drybrush with kantor, and pray. I don't want to wash the turret down to a darker colour, as that would wreak the lightning (tried it before). Problem is the previous two drybrushes made almost no difference. Or maybe a macragge blue.

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@Aeternas...doesnt look bad in the pics mate...looks more like the light is making the turret look brighter due to the turret being dome shaped...saying that, you know better as your seeing the model in front of you.......try making a glaze of your original blue..should darken the colour without spoiling the lightning (too much)
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Pledge complete! Well, apart from a final coat of Satin Varnish msn-wink.gif

Here they are along with the three crewmen I painted as part of the March challenge (I think)


Hmm, the photo makes the tracks look rusty. They're a bit more earthy in the flesh, ah well...

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At the risk of spamming, as requested: the entirety of my painted Alpha Legion. All done as part of a series of challenges on here (yes the Rapiers are now totally finished! Well, until I am able to order the missing Mk III shoulder pads from Forgeworld that is):



Also, now churning through 3 Thallax. Will have piccies for them soon. 


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I've run into a complication with my pledge...the blue aint right.

I had previously done the blue turret a week ago, and now coming onto the body...it just isn't the same. So, unless I can work out how to fix it/what I did for the turret, this may be as far as I get this month :/ but other than that, it's all going well, laugh.png

Seeing some lovely models here guys smile.png



Looks amazing, I'm not a fan of the Night Lords aesthetic but the work you've done this with the lightning etc are jaw dropping.

At the risk of spamming, as requested: the entirety of my painted Alpha Legion. All done as part of a series of challenges on here (yes the Rapiers are now totally finished! Well, until I am able to order the missing Mk III shoulder pads from Forgeworld that is):


Also, now churning through 3 Thallax. Will have piccies for them soon.

Absolutely top notch, loving these Alpha Legion.

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I hit level 28 and found more legendary equipment in Fallout 4.

Take it from me, unless you have the perk, never give a follower a Fat Man.


Also, finally found my first full x-01 suit!




...need to find the time to get some actual painting and modelling done v_v

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Giving up even trying to get the camera working properly this month... Really need to either get my old camera back or just... actually learn how to use this one msn-wink.gif


At least I can prove my completion of a pledge now... They do look better in real life, not like anyone here can verify that msn-wink.gif

Repledge: Build the Contemptor from Battle for Calth!


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Looking nice there Zed and Nev! Tech priests certainly have the grimdark feel :)


Given the blue another drybrush, now it's a colour I'm happy with. Aiming to do the other side today, middle tomorrow, and details day after..."aiming to". Just have to resist fallout 4.


On the turret may I enquire, which type of lightning did you like better? The overall, all over the place on the left(looking from end of barrel), or the more separated lightning on the right? Gone more the single flashes on the body, but it's never too late to change.




Gone with much more of the NL artwork theme, with the bone colour. Kinda like the spartan, if anyone has seen the art on that

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Well got one of the 2 terminators done aside from lightning on the armor. Posted two pics, one with my phones flash and the other without. Still trying to find what works best. Any input is welcome!





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I was working on Varan Rakor earlier and decided to do a little mock up with some green stuff. Very early WIP but it really gets across the ferocity I'm going for and I thought you all would enjoy it:


Keep up the awesome work everyone!

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You go away for a few days and then suddenly find that you don't have enough 'likes' for the thread... Jaw dropping work folks! I am thoroughly enjoying watching everyone's progress this month. 


Well, the Land Raider is complete. I had thought about weathering it, but decided against it. As one of the oldest surviving vehicles in Clan Tellum's motorpool post Isstvan V, I want it to look as if it is lovingly, almost obsessively looked after. Paint scheme vaguely 'inspired' by the IH land raider 'Wyvern' displayed in Massacre


Presenting the pride of the fleet, 'Heart of Iron'






I may live to regret this , but here goes - I'm pledging to build 1 Salamanders Consul, and paint 5 Raven Guard recce marines. 

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