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Is Steel legion a viable list


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Yes, yes it is. I play it the most. Vets in Chimeras, Russ, CCS, Steel Host, and, perhaps, some hellhounds. A solid concept to roll with, but treed lightly (see what I did there) because it has a few poor matchups and needs excellent target prioritization to work.

Absolutely. You'll need a bunch of Chimeras, some Leman Russes, and your choice of support (Wyverns, Manticores, Vendettas...)


A typical list for me looks something like:


HQ: Command Exterminator (lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons), Eradicator


CCS (Chimera, 2x Plasma Guns, Medic, Carapace Armor)




Veteran Squad (3x Meltaguns, Bolter, Chimera)


Veteran Squad (3x Meltaguns, Bolter, Chimera)


Infantry Platoon (PCS w/Chimera and Missile Launcher, 2x Infantry Squads each with Chimera and Flamer)


Fast Attack: Hellhound (Dozer Blade)


Heavy Support: Leman Russ MBT




This is exactly 1500 pts.

Agreed, Mech Guard can put a lot of AV12 on the table. With Vet squads you can mount some serious fire power inside too - if you mechanise Platoon, well you're going to run out of points before options ;) As mentioned it requires some attention to pull off as you can't just batter at the opponent but there is a lot you can do with a mobile list. Remember to keep a good balance and that you still need numbers so don't get drawn to too many toys :P

I really like how the steel legion look, I just hope they come out with plastic models soon.

the list lukash posted looks great I have used a similar list in the past. I am not 100% conviced of the effectiveness of the eradicator, but I have not used it much so I may be missing something

Agreed. The Eradicator is a good option for a more balanced list, cheap and extremely effective. As said if you're expecting to face a reasonable amount of Marines though an Exterminator is a better alternative so you can splat some light armour/transports quickly.

The way GW has handelled Steel Legion models shows a remarkable lack of insight as to how people play mech guard. As an example, the special/heavy weapons available from GW for SL models are, the rocket launcher, the grenade launcher, the lascannon,  and the plasmagun. In a mech list the only two of these that will see any use is the lascannon and plasma cannon. No melta, no flamers. Also I am not a fan of including special weapons in metal kits, since it forces you to buy multiple kits to put together one squad. To put the final nail in the coffin, at least for me, the models do not even look as good as the plastic cadians, and that is a very old kit. Overall price, quality, and necessary kitbashing for special weapons mean that until the model line for steel legion is updated I will not purchase them and would not reccomend others do. The guard have the next codex after chaos according to rumors, so wait until a new model line is released.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of the steel legion models. They're beautiful and much better proportioned than Cadians in my opinion. The carbine lasguns and weapons are very nice. Their missile launcher models are great. The sergeants are characterful, imo. Them and the Tallarn come so very close to making me ditch Cadians but the cost was always too much and now just getting the models would be a pain.


As far as specialy weapons, converting the grenade launcher into a meltagun would be relatively easy.

but for a less ranty post how does this list lookit is based off of lukrash_'s list, but I added some MT and a manticore, but I removed the CCS hellhound and wyvern. 

1500 point list
LR Exterminator lascannon LR eradicator 280
Platoon Command Squad Heavy Flamer Flamer Chimera 110
2x Infantry Squad Flamer Chimera 220
Veterans 2x Meltagun Chimera 145
Veterans 2x Meltagun Chimera 145
2x Scions 2x Meltaguns 180
Fast Attack
2x Armoured Sentinel lascannon 100
Heavy Support
LRBT 150
Manticore 170
total 1500 points

I took a second look at the SL and agree that they look great, but the cost is way to high, and the special weapons they come with are IMO useless for a mech list, since they are mid to long range weapons, and the point of mech is to get up close and personal, or at least that is how I play it.

The models are old, from a different time and a different game so the options they have are limited. That's what conversions are for though ;) Mech Guard need to tread the line between mobility and numbers after that it's all about target prioritisation and how you go about that. Ideally you want to isolate and destroy targets so they can't effectively attack back (vehicles are very vulnerable to close combat) but that is often easier said than done as your opponent is impolitely trying to prevent that :P

What do you think about adding the scions? They are pretty squishy but having deep strikers gives you a lot of mobility. I gave them melta beause they can get in melta range as soon as turn 2 if you are lucky. As for another word on the steel legion, rumors say the IG/AM are getting a new codex after chaos sometime in february/march maybe we will get an upgraded model line with plastic Steel Legion/vostroyans. Honestly I wish that the other plastic line was something other than Catachan, I have never liked how they look or the regiments personality. I perfer the SL.

I think the Scions add some AT that should be able to hit hard against the right target and could make a big difference, but you've got a fair few meltas already so maybe they might be better off with plasma? Still a threat to most armour as they'll be striking side/rear armour but allows them to shoot other hard targets too.


I've not heard any Guard rumours, where did you hear about a new codex?

In a thread I was reading someone mentioned that their local GW shop owner had said that the next books are tau, chaos, then guard. So far he has been right about tau, and chaos and guard are the only two major faction that do not have a 7th edition codex, so it would make sense. I will see if I can find a link to the thread.

here is the direct quote

Months ago I spoke to my local GW manage about when AM would be getting an update. He said that Tau would likely be released, then Chaos and then finally AM. So far his been right about Tau. Chaos is sure to be next. So a new AM codex/army isn't too far away.

here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/3pgj7c/ig_codex_not_7th_edition/

On another topic what do you think of the sentinels

I think I remember now. Sadly from the mouth of a GW manager usually means very little but it is a fair enough guess that we roughly agree with. Time will tell, hopefully sooner rather than later!


I know not everyone likes lascannon Sentinels but they've proven useful stalking the battlefield for me offering some variety in the advancing lines for a mech list. Very fluffy for Steel Legion too but I wouldn't take more than a couple as they are a little expensive.

Obviously it would be preferable for GW to releasse the new AM codex next month, where they add plastic vostroyans, death korps, mordians and SL. However that will not happen so som etime in february-march seems more reasonable. I have a question about the steel host, does the HQ choice in the detachment count as an HQ choice for the whole army? also I know that the detachment gives you 1 more HS slot to fill with the hydra can you take any choices on top of that?

Sentinels are hit-or-miss as far as performance goes but I still take a unit of them in every game. They are quite fluffy (armored at least) for SL. Armored with lascannon was refereed to as "Armageddon pattern" in one of the old books (4th?).



Yes it does count as a HQ but you have to run an unbound list to take it anyway. It is a tank commander, 3 squadrons of leman russes and the hydra. So at minimum you need 5 russes and the hydra, as the tank commander always need another tank with him.


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