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Batrep: Imperial Guard vs Imperial Fists


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To the best of my knowledge, and I know my Land Raiders, none of them have assault cannons and lascannons at the same time. Combined with the armored ceramics claim, he either does not know his army or is swindling you. Ask to see the unit entry next game.

Further deliberations over the army list has concluded the following errors:
​- Erronous Landraider rules
​- Tricks regarding Honour Guard armour
​- 5 bonus Tactical Marines

​It's almost worth being cheated for the jokes I get to play on him for the rest of his natural life smile.png

​I'd surely like a rematch but I'm not sure if I have the aid of the PDF, since I didn't treat their equipment or personell so well last time.

​edit: cheated as in I've been done over, not as in he did it on purpose. Like being cheated of sunshine when you've got a day off.

Cheated might be a strong way of putting it after a single game, they could have been honest if stupid mistakes. When in doubt don't be afraid to ask for clarification on a rule or some such, worst comes to it you get to look at the codex entry and find out what it can do. Knowledge of the enemy and his capabilities is one of the stepping stones to victory :)

Cheated might be a strong way of putting it after a single game, they could have been honest if stupid mistakes. When in doubt don't be afraid to ask for clarification on a rule or some such, worst comes to it you get to look at the codex entry and find out what it can do. Knowledge of the enemy and his capabilities is one of the stepping stones to victory smile.png

Can you even get the twinlinked assault cannon and pair of godhammers out of a single box in order to build such a tank? Can you gain knowledge of the existence of the ceramite special rule and somehow fail to know that you don't have that rule unless your unit entry lists the rule? I have to disagree with you, WF. The only thing that could make the case for "this is a cheater" stronger is a confession righteously indignant denial from the perpetrator. If this isn't cheating, then the word "cheating" has no meaning!!!

I did mention "stupid" for a reason ;) Cheating it is, but I think there's a line to be drawn on intent which we can't know from what we've been told. That said, it's a leniency you should only get once as if you get some rules badly wrong and don't go off to correct this when informed then people are going to rightly question your sincerity. If I saw mention of it not being the first time it happened then we would very much be in agreement!

My other force is Grey Knights, I might be a little more... worried... about gravcents than stricktly neccessary from a Guard perspective. But as I don't do a lot of troops I still think they're quite bad. Three sixes will blow up any Leman Russ out of cover, and 15 shots re-rolling from three of 'em it's not terribly unthinkable.

Grav Cents are capable of taking out a vehicle a turn but that's a lot of points in a small package, and you can screen with cheaper units easier thanks to their shorter range. With the level of fire power Guard can muster low number units play into our hands. Those saves will fail, better yet they have no natural invulnerable and we have plenty of units that can take advantage of that.

Actually, it only takes two 6s, since that will immobilize the vehicle twice. Also, grave cents are almost never taken around here without a Shield Eternal character or Draigo to make them resistant to damage. I've had the most luck shooting them with plasma vets since they can move better than a Russ.


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