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Uveron’s, Renegade and Heretics, Battle Reports

Warsmith Uveron

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Two Friday's ago I played a Game against an Adeptus Mechanicus list in the ‘Winter Escalation League’. As Expected this round of the League has an ‘Interesting Twist’, this moth it is that you earned extra points if your army was fully painted, and even more if it was also fully based.

Game Set-Up.

Army Lists
My list is below the cut

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++ Renegades & Heretics: IA13 (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +
Renegade Command Squad [Flak Armour, Krak Grenades for the Squad]]
····Arch Demagogue [Covenant of Tzeentch, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Laspistol]
····4x Disciple w/ Lasgun [Melta Gun, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Lasgun]

Renegade Enforcers Cadre
···· 2 Enforcer [Carapace Amour, Plasma Pistol, Combat Drugs]

+ Troops +

Renegade Infantry Platoon
····Platoon Command Squad [Krak Grenades for the Squad]
········Demagogue [Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Shotgun]
········19x Renegades [Flamer x2, Chaos Icon, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Lasguns]

····Renegade Infantry Squad
········10 x Renegades [2x Flamer, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistols]
········Renegade Chimera [2x Heavy Bolter, Militia Training]

····Renegade Infantry Squad
········10 x Renegades [2x Flamer, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistols]
········Renegade Chimera [2x Heavy Bolter, Militia Training]

Plague Zombie Horde
····20x Plague Zombie

Renegade Mutant Rabble
····10x Mutant w/ Lasgun [ Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistols]

+ Heavy Support +

Renegade Artillery Battery
···· 2 Renegade Medusa [Heavy Flamer, Medusa Siege Cannon]

Renegade Artillery Battery
····Renegade Medusa [Heavy Flamer, Medusa Siege Cannon]

Renegade Tank Squadron
····Battle Tank [battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter]

++ Renegades & Heretics: IA13 (2014) (The Purge) ++

+ HQ +

Renegade Command Squad [Carapace Armour, Krak Grenades for Squad]
····Arch Demagogue [Carapace Armour, Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Covernat of Nurgel, Warlord]
····4 x Disciple [banner of Hate, Command Net Vox, Plasma Gun, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Lasgun]
····Renegade Chimera [Autocannon, Camo Netting, Heavy Bolter, Militia Training]

+ Elites +

Renegade Disciple Squad
···· 4 x Disciples w/ Lasguns [1 Autocannon Team, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades]
Renegade Disciple Squad
···· 4 x Disciples w/ Lasguns [1 Autocannon Team, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades]

+ Heavy Support +

Renegade Heavy Ordnance Battery
···· 2x Artillery Carriage [Earthshaker Cannon]
········8x Crew [8x Close Combat Weapon, 8x Frag Grenades, 8x Lasgun]

Renegade Support Squad
····4x Missile Launcher Team [Close Combat Weapon T, Frag Grenades T, Missile Launcher]

Renegade Strike Battery
···· 2x Renegade Wyvern [Heavy Flamers, 2x Twin-linker Stormshard Mortar]

Renegade Tank Squadron
····Exterminator [2x Heavy Bolter, Exterminator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Militia Training, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers]

+ Fortification +
Aegis Defense Line + Quad-gun

My points were spent adding a second enforcer to the list. Bringing both the command platoon and the zombies up to 20 bodies.

My Opponents list was the following, not 100% sure on all the upgrades or weapons they had...
  • 1 Techpriest Domiuns
  • 1 unit of Kataphron Destroyers
  • 1 unit of Kataphron Breachers
  • 1 unit of Corpuscarii Electro Priests
  • 1 unit of Skitarii Rangers
  • 1 unit of Skitarii Vanguard
  • 1 unit of Sicarian Infiltrator’s
  • 1 unit of 3 Sydonian Dragoon’s
  • 1 unit of 2 Onager Dunecrawlers (with the Heavy Stubbers, and Eradication Beamers)
  • 3 Drop Pods
  • 1 unit of Blood Angels Scouts
  • 1 Sanguine Priest

And yes the bottom 3 units form the Flesh Tearers Strike Force / Taxi Service.

For the battle itself we played Deadlock, and my Warlord Trait was Tactical Genius (Discard 2 objective Cards if I wanted too). I cannot recall what Warlord Trait he got.

The Game.

The table was set up with some ruins in both table corners, a small woods were set up around the table and a courtyard in the center of the table with a statue was set up. And some craters were placed randomly on the table.

I got to deploy first, I set up all my artillery behind the ruins, putting my defense line out in a perimeter around it. I then put my Auto-Cannon Teams in the Ruins. On the far left I placed 2 medusas and the command Platoon with the Melta, then I placed my 20 man Renegade squad spread out to stop drop pods. Then my Zombies set up around the base of the Ruins. Next in the Aegis was the command Chimera and then the Remaining Medusas, battle Tanks and Chimeras filled in the rest of the space.

He set up is 3 Sydonian Dragoon’s behind some woods, 1 unit of Kataphron Breachers behind the ruins and then the Skitarii Rangers in the Ruins. And then 2 Onager Dunecrawlers sit in the back corner.

Turn 1.
I moved my Tanks forward to secure some objectives, the zombies and the Command Platoon spread out to make sure that the pods had to arrive in front of my army. In the shooting phase I started with my earthshakers and landed a solid hit on the Breaches, and I killed all but one of them. Next the Wyvens opened up on the Rangers, in the Ruins and I managed to wipe the unit out. The rest of my army the targeted the Dragoons behind the woods, and managed to kill two and destroy the weapon on the 3rd. The Breahers failed the LD check and ran off the table.


In my opponents turn. The Corpuscarii Electro Priests and the Skitarii Vanguard arrived with the help of the Flesh Tearers Taxis. They landed between my zombies and Command Platoon. In the shooting phase The Vanguards were able to destroy my pair of medusas. The Electo Priests fried 10 Renegades, and the dunecrawlers shot and destroyed a chimera.


Turn 2.

My Mutants arrived and ran on behind the Dunecrawlers. I moved the renegades and zombies closer to the Electro Priests. In the shooting phase the remaining Medusa took out both drop-pods and a few electro-priests, the flamers two renegade squads put a big dent in the Electro-Priests, with some lasgun shots managed to finish them off.. The melta from the command squad finished of the Dragoon. The remaining shooting took out all but 2 Vanguards, and I managed to score two hull points on the dunecrawlers, and a scattered earthshaker shot killed the final Breacher.


At the bottom of the turn the Kataphron Destroyers and the Techpriest Domiuns arrived via the final drop pod. The Scouts and the Sanguine Priest also showed up, moving into the woods that my medusas had been hiding in. In the shooting phase the Destroyers destroyed by Earthshakers, the dunecrawlers tried to kill the mutants and killed 4 of them. The Scouts shot at the Command Platoon and killed 4 of them.

Turn 3.

The Zombies turned around to start moving towards the Destroyers, as did most of the rest of the army. (My Battle tanks carried on moving in on the Dunecrawlers) In the shooting phase I started as I normally do with my Blast templates (to maximize hits). The battle Cannon fired at the Dunecrawlers it scattered and killed all my mutants, but it also took out one of the Dunecrawlers. The wyvens shot at the scouts and wiped them out, leaving the Sanguine Priest alone. The rest of the army shot at the Destroyers and the TechPriest, I was able to kill all the destroyers, and droppod, but was unable to harm the Techpriest Domiuns. The Chimera in the center of the table was able to finish off the Unit Skitarii of Vanguards.

In my opponents turn the Sicarian Infiltrator’s finally showed up. The Domius moved to attack the wyvens, the Sanguine Priest moved to get closer to the remaining members of the command platoon. The Duncrawler shot at my battle tank, it missed. The Infiltrators wiped out my unit of Renegades that have been sitting on an objective since the first turn when the chimera was taken out. The Domius was able to destroy a Wyven. The Sanguine Priest assaulted the command Platoon and killed all but one of them, but they passed the moral check and combat carried on).

Turn 4.


I skipped my movement phase and moved to the shooting phase, the leman Russ Exterminator shot at the Infiltrators and wiped them out. The Battle tank shot at the Dunecrawler and put another hull point on it. The rest of the army shot at the Domius and I scored a wound. In close combat the Sanguine Priest killed the last of the command Platoon.

At this point my opponent sat down to work out if he could manage to catch up with me on victory points. It was at this point 14 to 1, so he decided to concede.

Game Overview:

It was a crazy game, the Adeptus Mechanicus force came at my in bite sized chunks, and the army just ate it up. I was lucky when it mattered (the first turn taking out the breaches).
The game was great fun, I didn’t take enough photos but it was great both armies were fully painted and based so I looked incredible (it also got us bonus points in the league, putting me to the top of the league table. (Though the top player is missing a game so he will jump up next round).

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Sorry to hear about the bad game you had vs Daemons. I'm curious have you considered adding a Blight drone to your lists at all


bad games happen, I have been winning alot so not that broken up by a loss. I have thought about Blight Drones, but they are something I would need money to add to my collection. 

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Sorry to hear about the bad game you had vs Daemons. I'm curious have you considered adding a Blight drone to your lists at all

bad games happen, I have been winning alot so not that broken up by a loss. I have thought about Blight Drones, but they are something I would need money to add to my collection.

I know what you mean I've ordered a Blight drone for my Nurgle csm.

Congrats on the win vs mechanicus I cannot beat them with my nurgle army haha

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Hello Uveron.  Good  reports, please explain,  how you take for 10 and 5 man squads chimera?


Erm, not sure what do you mean. The Comand Squad can take a Chimera as a option and they start with 5 man units. The 10 man renegade units the same, but they start with 10 guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tonight I was greatly pleased to host the mighty Renegade Warlord Uveron in my very own home! Lucky for me, he was very gracious towards his fellow traitor and did not mind me suddenly having to jump on a work emergency at my computer for several hours as soon as he got here! Naturally I finished and sent it off about 10 minutes after he had to leave.


Next time we'll celebrate in style friend - I'm thinking decorating the road up to my apartment with the impaled bodies of loyalist Guardsmen.



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Did you at least give him a beer and some Cheetos, or something? tongue.png

Well, I did let him look through all my Chaos OOP and Limited Edition books haha

Have you counted them since then? :P

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Sry for my bad eng smile.png Yes, maybe i mistake, so if squad more 12 man, they can't take chimera?

No worries,

The Rules are not clear... I think the intent is that they shouldn't, but nothing says they cannot (Just cannot get into it)

It says if the unit numbers 12 or less they can take a chimera. Doesnt look like you did that, so its all good!

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Ok Everyone, getting this Thread back on track.

I have a few Battle reports to write up, The League wrapped up yesterday. Been kinda running around alot the last few weeks (and on the road for quite a bit of the time as well, as though I did get to meet Lagrath! so its not all bad)

But anyway here is a picture of my Army at the start of the last game


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  • 1 month later...

I am back, going to try and wrap up these reports in the next few hours. Its been a few months now since the Leagues finished. But Since I lost my job my free-time has evaporated, but thankfully doing some short-term work now. Which has taken the pressure off and has allowed me to catch up on things like this!

Now these reports are going to be short and sweet, much like the first few reports. Going to focus on the key events (and the notes I took following the games)

So where was I!


For this game I added some Pyskers to my list, and gave my warlord the Rouge pysker upgrade. This was to try and make sure I could withstand the Pyskic powers I knew were going to hit me from the Grey Knights.

My opponent brought a list that looked something like this

- The Officio Assasinorium Detachment (One of each)

- A pair of dreadknights

- A pair of librarians

- A pair of paladin squads.

He rolled up some OK powers, but one of the librarians got vortex of doom, the other who was his warlord got the trait that allowed him to auto-pass reserve rolls.

For my warlord I rolled some OK powers from biomancy, and for the warlord trait I got Prophet of doom! I re-rolled for this, as I wanted this to mitigate his Deep Strikeing.

“FYI Prophet of Doom says “Every game turn, even opposing player's, warlord can choose to influence a single reserve roll, forcing it either to succeed on 2+, regardless of modifiers, or succeed only on 6+, regardless of modifiers”

I set up first, and put my gun line behind an aegis defense line, I put my command tank and all my medusa behind the defense line. The battle tanks held up on the far side near a bunker. My opponent set up behind a ruin (The dreadknights, and the librarian with doom and a squad of palidins). The Vindicare set up on the roof of the ruin, the Callidus set up in the middle of my army. The Eversor was on the flank with the tanks, the Culexus was on the other flank.


In my first turn I move forward all my infantry and tanks. The Artillary shelled the paladins and librarians… and wiped them out. He then droped his command squad behind my lines, and he took out one of my medusa. His dreadknights moved forward and destroyed some of my chimeras.


In turn 2, I was able to kill one of the dreadknights, a few of the palidins in my backlines. And my small arms fire was able to wipe out the culexus.

And that’s how the rest of the game progressed, his remaining palidins walked along my backlines destorying my artillary unill I was able to gun them down in turn 5.


The last dreadknight was tied up in a close combat until near of the end of the game when mass amounts of grenade hits were able to destroy it… (Alas pre-FAQ days).


It was a good game, but a bit one-sided.

But with that win, I was pushed to the top of the league and to face down a Imperial Knight Player in the final 2500pt game.

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After looking at your picture, I cannot wait to see the final game get written up. Hordes and armor versus knights is very close to my heart.


Thanks, I will try and get it up within the week. The game was played at the start of April... So its been some time, just had no time to write up detailed bat-reps.

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The last report. In the final round of the escalation league I mad made it to the number 2 spot on the league table, so had to play the as of yet unbeaten Imperial Knight player who has been dominating the league since day 1.

Note: Please note this game was played a number of months ago, so its going to focus on the key events of the game and not a turn by turn account. This post will out line the forces as I recall them, then next time I have some free time I will start work on the description of the game itself.

Game Set-Up.

I took for my army 2 formations

Detachment 1 - Unending Host.

One Command squad in a Chimera.

Four Renegade Platoons, each with 4 squads . Each squad as 15 bodies with maximum number of metlas and a meltabomb on the champ.

One 20 man blob of zombies

One 10 man unit of mutants, that also had a meltabomb attached

One unit of 2 laser destroyers

Detachment 2 – The Purge

One Command Squad with a melta gun.

Two Units of Disciples with a Autocannon in a chimera

Artillery Battery with a pair of Earthshakers

A Unit of Three Medusas

A Unit of Three Leman Russ’s (One Battle Tank, One Exterminator, One Demolisher)

A Unit of Two Wyverns.

His army was also built out 3 formations

Detachment 1 - Imperial Knight Baronial Court

One Knight Paladin

One Knight Warden

One Knight Crusader

Detachement 2 – Farsight Enclave CAD

One commander in a battlesuits

Two single battlesuits

One unit of 2 Stormsurge

Detachment 3 - Drone Net

Four Drone Squads with marker lights

Deployment we lined up facing each other… He got the first turn.



To be contiued…

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