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+Noctem's Labyrinth+ Minotaurs Blog - Reinhardt 100%

Noctem Cultor

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Hail all,


Welcome to the Labyrinth, this will be my Blog for my Minotaurs force, im all in with bits ready for a 1500pts list and more to come after.

Currently I have HH:B@C, Ultramarines Upgrade Blister, Centurions Box, FW Brass Etch and a handful of bits.


Minotaurs Blog

I aim to build 1 Terminator Captain, 1 Chaplain, 1 Centurion Assault Squad, 1 Terminator Squad, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 2x 10 Man Tactical Squads and 1 5 man Devastator Squad.

Everything is ready


So while I was awaiting my FW Etched Brass I made up the bases and tried out my colour scheme based closely on the FW Art.


The Red Desert was chosen to compliment the chapter colours. I used Blackfire Earth, Martian Ironearth with a light red wash and Ryza Rust drybrush.

Base and Armour Paint Test

Base and Armour Paint Test

Base and Armour Paint Test

The armour Is Gold spray basecoat with Brass Scorpion on top, Runelord Brass Highlight. The red (as with any other details) has been sponged on to give it a painted on look.


Im waiting for my Contemptor Dreadnoughts Basecoat to Dry now Etched Brass has been added and he shall be the first to be worked on.


I hope you guys enjoy this one as ive been wanting to do a Minotaurs force since first seeing them.



The gold is just a tad too shiny for me, maybe add an extra agrax eartshade mixed with nuln oil wash over it, would help it tone it down, and make it a bit more dark and.. well, not so shiny,


but looks like a promising start!

Thanks for the feedback, its my first time doing pure Brass so I was careful with the wash but I'm not against a second wash to darken it. Now the I can build a full Marine I'll get a better idea on how dark to make the wash. Thanks for the feedback!

I present the start to Contemptor Dreadnought Baledin Reinhardt


Okay the main bulk of the assembly done with a slight leg reposition so he doesn't appear so static.

Contemptor Dreadnought Baledin Reinhardt Assembled

Contemptor Dreadnought Baledin Reinhardt Assembled

WP Contemptor Dreadnought Baledin Reinhardt Assembled


As you can see I added some of the Brass to give him the Minotaurs look nothing major but a start, ill be adding a shield with the Chapter Symbol to his CC Arm shoulder (later on ill convert an arm to have a plasmacannon so he can proxy the FW Minotaur Dread).

I wanted a slightly different look to the gun as ill be counting it as a Kheres Assault Cannon so I added a bit from the Blood Angels Dreadnought to bulk it a little. Arms are pinned but not yet set to lock into a postion.


I hope you guys like this start.



Just a small update one im very happy with, Flight stand base turned into shoulder shield for the Contemptor. Ive gone for a less shiny Gold to make a nice contrast not sure what detail will go on the cloth yet maybe Greek letters with his name etc.

Contemptor flight stand to Shield

Magnetised Shield

Shield size

A splash of colour on the shield

Just a small update as I only had 30 minutes of free hobby time today.

Contemptor update

First up some work on the Shields cloth, I added a few layers and in ancient Greek wrote:

+ Minotaur +


Rage + Hate

No Fear


Im not 100% happy with it so may clean it up in the future as I slowly paint up the Contemptor along side Squad Alpha. I also put a few bits of Boltgun Metal and Brass Scorpion on Reinhardt.


Parts assembled for the first Tactical marine

Ive gathered up the parts and basecoated them to put together and paint my first Minotaurs marine. I am going to try to make a small Shoulder pad bull head template so I can paint it on rather than rely on FW Brass/Pads/Transfers.

Unexpected break from playing SW:Battlefront has led to a 99% Finished Minotaurs Tactical Marine!

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

Complete Alpha Squad Tactical Marine With Standard

He is missing the Chapter symbol on his left pad as I am currently trying to figure out how to make a practical Template so I can sponge paint on the Minotaur head or as suggested by my Girlfriend (handy having a crafty nail tech to hand msn-wink.gif lots of stuff I can nick) I can print out the logo on clear sticker paper and then score with a knife so it doesn't appear so flat. With a Varnish spray I can see either working but the later being more practical and faster.

Stripping tape on the shoulder pad

An example of why she is handy to keep around, Striping tape! I never thought id need such a thing but look at the pad it works great!

Okay so I decided its best for me to set the tone for my tactical squads and Devastator squad with their Sergeants 2/3 so far.


Tactical Squad Alpha Veteran Sergeant

Alpha Tactical Squad Veteran Sergeant

Alpha Tactical Squad Veteran Sergeant

I haven't finished this chap by any means but he needs brassing up before I progress. Pinned hands just encase I want to swap the load out. I decided the helmet crest wasn't right for me so I went down the Spartan route.


Vigilator-Sergeant Guido Deion my Count as for Gamesday 2014 V-S Kraatos

Devastator Vigilator-Sergeant Guido Deion

Devastator Vigilator-Sergeant Guido Deion

Devastator Vigilator-Sergeant Guido Deion

Still a little way off and with no clean up yet but using B@C Heavy Bolter and head and chest from the Ultramarines Upgrade set. 


Let me know what you guys think!




I hate putting brass on Shoulder pads, its too fiddly for me.

I have done a little work to turn the Dark Apostle from B@C into a Minotaurs Chaplain to count as Enkomi.

I haven't got the option anymore to swap out the backpack for a Jump pack as I dont want to mess the current one (good news my list doesn't use that set up). I converted a Dreadnought storm bolter for the assault Launcher and Spartan's up the Helmet and finally some etched Brass.


I'll post pictures when I've got better light to tidy up and base coat him.

Thanks! Moving on to a less Metallic character (his pads will be brass though)

Chaplain Naoyuki


No where near finished with the paint but I wanted to share. The brass on the cloak turned out terrible so I'm trying to fix and blend it in but the Greek pottery Bull on the leg is starting to look good.

I wanted to keep the look of the original model but with enough of a change to make him his own.

Hopefully a good paint job will do this guy justice as the base coat colours have got me excited.

I will take full angle pictures when the Martian Ironearth drys as just finished him on my Lunch break. I didn't want to go over the top but I think he looks fancy enough.

Chaplain now drying to complete

So here he is in his leading the troops pose I wanted.


Let me know what you guys think what with his random purple cloak and other choices.


Bit of a Photobomb this one. (Im very poor at photographing Metallics with my lightbox it would seem)


First up some group shots so far to show how they blend together.

Group Shot

Group Shot


Tactical Squad Alphas Veteran-Sergeant Lajos

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos and Marine With Banner

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos

Alpha Squad Veteran-Sergeant Lajos


Chaplain Naoyuki

Chaplain Naoyuki

Chaplain Naoyuki

Chaplain Naoyuki

Now that ive got my paint scheme mastered ill crack on with the contemptor along side trying to plow through the rest of Alpha Squad.
Hope you guys like.


The tacticals and chaplain look really cool. The Greek Bull imagery on his leg plate is well done. I probably would have went with a red cape, but then again its different and makes him stand out more. Keep up the good work.

Thanks im glad they have come out well. Cheers ill be ard coating it after a Matt Varnish on the full model so it shines like glazed pottery. I do have a pattern to the madness of a purple cape as red was the obvious choice, ill be doing a Scibor conversion for a Terminator Librarian after the 1500pts and he will have a blue cloak. Just small way for unique ranks to stand out.


Sweet stuff! Definitely looking forward to some army shots in the near future.

Thanks, I cant wait to be at that point as the brass looks sweet in uniformed squads.

An unexpected update today as I got more done after a Saturday shift than expected setting me up for tomorrows hobby time nicely.


First up a little fun between me and a friends challenge to each other to make an over the top Champion.


Using a Stormcast Eternal, Possessed Bull head, Thunderhammer, Combat shield And for added power input a converted interceptor backpack. This was before anywork to the helmet and armour which is still being worked on.

Un-named Champion in Artificer armour

Un-named Champion in Artificer armour


Now currently this chap has no name as I can't think of a name other than "The Bull" so please suggest names for this Giant of a Marine!


Also we have enforcements inbound! Alpha Squad is up to full strength!

Renforcements inbound!

Brassed (basecoat & Highlight) with an Ink wash. Just add weapon arms and details!


Hopefully tomorrow will be productive.



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