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+Noctem's Labyrinth+ Minotaurs Blog - Reinhardt 100%

Noctem Cultor

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A busy day but worth it, first my Sponge brush arrived and its awesome.

Yey Sponge brush


And Tactical Squad Alpha is now complete! Veteran-Sergeant With Plasma Pistol, marines with Melta Gun And Missile Launcher.

Tactical Squad Alpha finished

Tactical Squad Alpha finished

I will take better pictures in daylight soon.



You've cranked these baddies out quick!


I definitely want to see the results of the sponge brush for weathering.


Also interested in the sponge brush; not heard of that before and keen to see what results it gives.

Thanks guys and yes I was suprised by my own speed as well.


As for the Sponge it works great for making it look like the armour has detail painted on it, look at the Special Weapons chap torso as an example where it looks like its flaked at the edges. The Contemptor will show better examples of how this brush works when I get around to finishing him.


Anyways as promised better pictures of Tactical Squad Alpha!

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

Tactical Squad Alpha

And A close up of the Melta Gun chap as im really happy with how the heat stress looks on the nozzle.

Tactical Squad Alpha Melta Gun Marine close up


I hope you guys like them!




Okay so first a picture of my current focus, painting up the Contemptor and building the Centurions (who as a kit I love building). The Centurion Sgt has no weapons as I wanted a fresh day to do pinning so I make no mistakes.

Contemptor and Centurion Sgt w.i.p

Still a long way to go on painting but im making progress. Also Centurion bases have Martian Ironearth drying on them as I type!


Dry fit and armour trim for Captains head.

Second picture for today is a sneak peak as I wanted to dry fit my Terminator Captains head. He will have a spear in his gun arm and the chainfist will be a shield being held up as if hes blocking incoming fire put directing troops. I love the beard so I had to trim the grill but dont worry this will get cleaned up when I get to him.



Okay small update, I've built all three Centurions without weapons and based them gold. Can anyone advise if these are okay to in or if I'm going to have to play with magnets instead?


Okay a slight bit of Radio silence on my end as its that busy time of year! But updates first the Centurions have all weapon options cut off but not yet pinned, second its Sticker Symbol time!


These are printed on Transparent Sticker Printer Paper. You cut out the Symbol stick it on and then a quick varnish coat to keep it there and your done. (Your can also repose it easily)

Brass And Transfers over - Sticker time!

I printed on low ink to give a weathered look to the Chapter Symbols which works great as the gold comes through.

Brass And Transfers over - Sticker time!

Now I know most would like theres smaller but I like my shoulder pads full even more that the FW pads.

Brass And Transfers over - Sticker time!

So Alpha squad is 100%

Brass And Transfers over - Sticker time! Squad Shot

Shame the template idea failed due to size but im happy with how this turned out.

Another find by my Fiancee she is full of usefull things I can steal for the hobby tongue.png

I am finding this time of year damaging to my progress, so I am tempted to paint all legs and put them on base so I can get everyone glues without arms and weapons. This should allow me to factory line the armour for most pieces and then get onto the detail later on. Contemptor is pretty much complete but im not satisfied feeling he needs more paint work detail so he will be delayed while I decided on that.


Apparently me saying he is on the back burner translated to finish him now!


So Contemptor Dreadnought Reinhardt finished.

Reinhardt Fully painted

Reinhardt Fully painted

Reinhardt Fully painted

Reinhardt Fully painted


Nice and easy work and he looks like he belongs with his Brother marines nicely.



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