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30K - 40K 1st Company Crossover


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I have a bit of a conundrum i need help with. Ive never played 30K but having pretty much finished building my 2nd company (blog to follow) id like to now move onto the 1st company, here lies my problem.


Id like a force which can be used for both 40K and 30K but look like 30K. The older MK's of armour suit the fluff of my force especially in the fact that they can be "relic" style when put next to regular 40K marines. The FW stuff look awesome and with the hopeful arrival of Sanguinius and one of (or both of) Raldoron and Azkaellon it will mean definate purchases.


So my question is will a crossover 30K army work for the 40K and also keep it with the codex: BA picture of the 1st company ie. Sternguard, Vanguard, Termies etc. I really have no idea what units already out for HH will work as these units.


Cheers for the help guys



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If you magnetize the weapons you shouldn't have problems.


Seekers can take combi weapons. So they are pretty much sternguard without the option to take special or heavy weapons.


Veteran Tactical squads work pretty much like 40k Tacticals, but they can take two special and/or heavy weapons, not just one of each.


Terminators can be used in both, but AFAIK only Salamanders and Imperial Fists can take storm shields in 30K, CMLs are in dedicated squads (not sure which legions can take them), there are no assault cannons yet, but you can have some other options (plasma blasters, TL autocannons, combi weapons).  There is no distinction between Assault and "Ranged" Terminators.


AFAIK there are no units similar to Vanguard Veterans in the HH rulebooks, but a 30K assault squad with a couple of extra power weapons (with magnets) should work well as VV.


BaC would probably be a good buy and everything could be used for both.

1 Captain/Praetor in TDA with an unpopular choice of weapons

1 chaplain

3 (Veteran) tactical squads with a special and a heavy weapon (AFAIK the BaC game even requires this contrary to the HH rules)

1 Cataphractii terminator squad with a couple of power fists and chainfists a heavy flamer and a sword on the sgt (no cataphractii rules in 40K as of yet AFAIK)

1 contemptor dreadnought with MM or Kheres Assault Cannon


You also get 3 combi weapons (flamer, melta, plasma), so these could be an option for the 40K sternguard otherwise they can go on the Tac Sgts.

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I'm hoping that we might get a specialist unit in a similar fashion to the Salamanders Firedrakes, the WE red butchers or the SoH Justaerin but I've a funny feeling we will just get some very elaborate HH style Sanguinary Guard.


The terminators I could just proxy for 40K games if I bought cataphractii versions.


Seekers sound interesting as far as sternguard I think that would work for sure

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Cataphractii terminators and a Legion seeker or veteran squad would work perfectly well as a terminator and sternguard squad  - if you use the archangels force org, that's your army right there. It also works perfectly for pride of the legion.


So buy the calth box, make a captain in terminator armour, make the marines into veterans, you can use in both systems.

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