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White Scars 2000 pt Scout Cav list


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So...just brainstorming a possible Vth legion list ;)


I decided not to do bikes everywhere, rather I want to frustrate the forces of Horus with METAL BAWKSES!!! Here's my idea:



Delegatus [155]

+ jetbike, refractor field, power fist


Librarian (ML 2-Telepathy) [170]

+ jetbike, power axe, refractor field


Command Squad (3) [255]

+ 3 jetbikes, 3 combat shields, 2 power axes, 1 power fist (standard bearer)




Tactical Squad (10) [195]

+ Sgt. Combi melta, rhino DT


Tactical Squad (10) [195]

+ Sgt. Combi melta, rhino DT



Fast Attack

3 Attack Bikes [150]

+ 3 auto cannons, 3 melta bombs



Heavy Support

Sicaran battle tank [175]

+ lascannon sponsons


Predator Squadron (2) [330]

+ 1 w/plasma executioner, lascannon sponsons

+ 1 w/magna melta cannon, heavy bolter sponsons

+ command tank upgrade


Leviathan Dread [310]

+ 2 storm cannons, phosphex discharger, volkite calivers

+ legion dread drop pod [65]


Total - 2000 points



So for those of you wondering about the Leviathan, it's a Terran veteran fluff wise that's still around by the Siege of Terra, who's named the Silent Storm because his vocalizer unit is broken and the Chogorian legionaries are superstitious about him.


Now on to tactics - the attack bikes can actually be split into 3 separate units for extra annoying evil :devil: they are meant to flank medium tanks or dreadnoughts to strip hull points, or assault with melta bombs.


The Predator squadron will look weird, as it should. I could commit to a similarly equipped squad, but decided against it. This way I can move up and engage tanks if I want, or sit back and nuke drop podding marines/pods or entrenched rapier batteries.


The Leviathan is there to drop into enemy lines and provide an anvil to smash up against. With proper placement, it can annihilate the common grav or quad rapier batteries, or get rear armor. The real kicker is that oncoming flyers from reserves won't be able to hit it if it's placed in the enemy deployment zone, and it can get rear or side armor on them with 2 sunder weapons :devil:


The two rhino tactical squads are there to capture objectives from within their rhinos and possibly nuke a vehicle with a combi melta should the chance arise. The rhinos can do some shiesty stuff by blocking enemy LoS against the predators or Sicaran, or do the move and flat out to allow a squad to shoot out behind them, and regain cover. The rhinos are super handy for annoying Scorpii or bombardments as well.


Finally, the command squad/Delegatus/Librarian. An interesting mishmash, they flit out from behind the rhinos or cover to harass units. When a Death Star gets exposed, they jump on the opportunity and use telepathy to debuff before whittling the enemy down. Also, with the presence of 2 power fists, they can punch vehicles to death.


Sicaran is there to do what Sicarans to best.




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I like this list, it seems suitibly fast without going overkill on the bikes but scoring looks like a problem.


I feel like you might be a bit short on bodies. If you loose a rhino (which is certainly possible ), your force really loses half its object capturing power. I'm not sure you need both the sicaran and two predators, maybe drop a predator or the sicaran and take a support squad in a rhino. 


The Librarian, Delegatus and command on jetbikes should be a great assault unit, and your attack bikes will have some teeth as a harassing unit. The heavy support section looks vicious but comparatively because of all the points it takes, it makes you very weak in an objective mission.



Lack of scoring units/bodies is the only weakness I see in this list (at 2000 points) and its a weakness that can be easily remedied by trimming some weight from your Heavy slot.

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The list I won't comment on as I struggle with list building myself. What I will say from my extensive use of Jetbikes is that command squad really needs a Primus medicae. The command squad is really pricy and as much as I love Jetbikes ( I own 18 of them ) they still die really easy to plasma.


Best of luck

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The list I won't comment on as I struggle with list building myself. What I will say from my extensive use of Jetbikes is that command squad really needs a Primus medicae. The command squad is really pricy and as much as I love Jetbikes ( I own 18 of them ) they still die really easy to plasma.


Best of luck


I think the combat shields will help there. But a primus medicae would help make them a deathstar. Or should i say, A Starkiller Base?

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