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Riot Earps Blood Angels and Imperial Allies

Riot Earp

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Had my first HH Game with BA against Blood Angels.


I fieled this.


Praetor                       165


Iron halo                    

Blade of Perdition                 

artifact armor            


Chaplain Consul                     125


artifact armor            




Apothecary                 130



1 x Power Weapon               


Quad Mortar               120





Assault Squad            x14      280

2 x Axe                      


Art. Armour               

Combat shield                       



Assault Squad            x14      280

2 x Axe                      


Art. Armour               

Combat shield                       






Javelin Attack Speeder                     70

TL Laser                    

Assault Cannon                     



Deredeo                     220

Heavy Bolter             

Alosius Launcher                  


Leviathan Siege Dread                      300

Storm Cannon                      



Heavy Flamer                    

Pod                 100


Fireraptor                    210

Reaper Autocannon               




I fought against Alpha Legion

With one named Charakter

2 x saboteur consul

3 Laser Rapier

Some sort of  8 vets with ds3 amunition in rhino.

2 x 10 Troops in Rhinos

1 Vindicator

1 Sicaran with Laserturrets

1 x 3 Bikes with tl MM

5 Terminators with combimelter


WE played mission 2 with dawn of qar deployment. Sorry for the bad pics. Sunlight was not in our favour.
















He got first turn and i failed to seize on (5+ through warlord trait).

I hide my quad mortar but he was able to destroy the deredeo in cover.


in my first turn i deep struck both blobs of assault marines and the leviathan.

My Praetor squad misshapped and was promplty wiped out. so i lost a quarter of my army with one dicetrow..

The Chaplainsquad landed critical in terrain but we said some units had to test dangerous terrain. All survived the hit.

I shot with the leviathan @ the sicaran but he did nothing..

Quad did not wound the rapiers and the assault squad could not pinn someone because everything was embarked in rhinos.


In his second turn he deep struck his terminators in front of my assault squad.

Biker and one saboteur came in.


Leviathan get pepperd with shots but survived shaken and immobilized with one hp.

Termiantors killed 2 guys. Rapier failed to shoot the assault squad.

Some tacticals embarked to shoot @ the assault squad but my seargent tanked all the bolters.

Saboteur fired @ the land speeder destroying his lascannon.


In my second turn the Raptor came in.

He shot @ one rhino and the command rhino as on the rapiers. doing only two hull points on the troop rhino.


The quad mortar fired @ the disembarked marines. Killing 7 (20 wounds  ftw).

The assault squad fired @ the terminators killing two and wipping the rest in cc.

Axes did not need to swing. consolidating to the wall.


His third. the second saboteur came in and took the raptor one hp.

He fired @ my raptor making him jink. (loosing another HP)

He killed my leviathan with his mm bikes.

He disembarked his vets and the other troop unit and shoots again @ the assault squad. Seargent ends up tanking every single wound.

He charged the speeder with his saboteuer destroying him.


In my third the quad pepperd the vet squad killing 5.

the fire raptor made a break turn to fire @ the vindicator took him two hull points.

the assault squad jumped in front of the rapiers to fail their charge.


His 4th. He embarked with 3 tacticals in the command rhino and drove forward to my objective.

he took the raptor anther hp with the sicaran and fired @ the assault squad with no cassaulties.

In my 4th the assault squad crushed the rapiers finaly :wink:

The quad trageted the full ten men squad and destroyed 56 marines.

The raptor hovered in an attemp to destroy the command rhino with the tacs but he took only two hp but destroying the vindicator with his quad rapier.


his 5th. he killed my chaplain with an lucky laser shot from the sicaran and the seargent.

the mm bikes destroyed the fire raptor at last.


in my 5th i missed the charge to his tacticals and called the game as he would drive to my objective and secure it.


I would have no chance in my 6th to secure his objective as he got a lot of victory points in his first round.


Would have got a chance winning the game if my second assault squad would not have been killed in the attemp to deep strike.


I wiped a good bunch of his army and the additional manpower could have turned the tides.

Sadly my praetor (count as sanguninus) never saw some action.


Although the game was fun. After turn one i thought my opponent would have an easy time to win but i was able to make this win difficult.

Lookinf forward to the next HH Game.


Next Game is an Team Turnament @ 08.27.16 Iron (Red) Hands with filthy eldar against other unnatural shenanigans as alle fraktions cound as weapon brothers. :biggrin.:


Stay Tuned.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there here is a short report from the team turney with my iron hands along with eldar xenos scum. ^^*

We played against Eldar Astra Militarum. Objectives could only hold by both team partners. Game resulted in a Tie!






Game two was against Tau and Space Wulves with alot of ferensian wolves and some riptides.

We thought we would loss this hard matchup but we won. 14:01 :smile.:




Game three was against eldar and imperial fist with Quad mortars and droids in drop pods. Hard matchup but we managed a tie. :smile.:
Got Sadly no images from the last game.

We ended on 4th place from (16) and my eldar buddy won best painted with his serpent. :smile.:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Some Pictures from the last fight.


Turn one Angles arrived.



Chaplain and his Meltaguys




Grav Rhino drives forwardhttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3816_zpsbsurswkk.jpg



Chaos rising


Abadonn attacks





Turn 2 reinforcementshttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3824_zpstjonrv6o.jpg


Commander Dante arrived and is ready to charge the terminatorshttp://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3827_zpsizfyhnbe.jpg

Drakes turn the field into an inferno


One seargent tunrs into an deamonprince http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3829_zpsqj88wcmu.jpg





Blood Angels are defeated.http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3835_zpscon2pwfl.jpg

  • 4 weeks later...

I played yesterday the Lost Brotherhood with DC SF and Luciver ATF.


Blood Angels: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1650 Punkte

DC Command
*************** 3 HQ ***************
- - - > 165 Punkte

DC Strike Force

DC Chaplain
+ Gilded Crozius, 1 x Infernopistole -> 15 Pkt. Melterbombe
- - - > 155 Punkte
*************** 4 Elite ***************
Death Company Squad
8 Death Company Marines, 8 x Boltpistole, 7 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Energiefaust, Sprungmodule
- - - > 209 Punkte

Death Company Squad
7 Death Company Marines, 7 x Boltpistole, 6 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Energiefaust, Sprungmodule
- - - > 186 Punkte

Death Company Squad
5 Death Company Marines, 5 x Boltpistole, 4 x Kettenschwert, 1 x Energiefaust
- - - > 125 Punkte

Death Company Dreadnought, Paar Energifäuste, Sturmbolter & Melter, Magnagreifer
+ Lucius Pattern Drop Pod -> 50 Pkt.
- - - > 175 Punkte

Lucifer Task Force

Techmarine, Servo-Arm
+ Boltpistole, Bolter -> 0 Pkt.
- - - > 50 Punkte

Land Raider Redeemer,
- - - > 240 Punkte

Predator, Maschinenkanone, Seitenkuppeln mit Laserkanonen
- - - > 115 Punkte

Predator, Maschinenkanone, Seitenkuppeln mit Laserkanonen
- - - > 115 Punkte

Baal-Predator, Flammensturmkanone
- - - > 115 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1650




Chaos Space Marines: Kombiniertes Kontingent - 1230 Punkte
*************** 5 HQ ***************
Chaosgeneral, Mal des Tzeentch
+ 1 x Energieklaue, 1 x Energiefaust -> 40 Pkt.
+ Daemonheart -> 30 Pkt.
+ Siegel der Verderbnis, Chaosbike -> 45 Pkt.
- - - > 195 Punkte

Chaosgeneral, Mal des Tzeentch
+ 1 x Energieklaue, 1 x Energiefaust -> 40 Pkt.
+ Siegel der Verderbnis, Chaosbike -> 45 Pkt.
- - - > 165 Punkte

*************** 2 Standard ***************
10 Chaoskultisten
+ Champion, Maschinenpistole, Handwaffe -> 10 Pkt.
- - - > 50 Punkte

10 Chaoskultisten
+ Champion, Maschinenpistole, Handwaffe -> 10 Pkt.
- - - > 50 Punkte

*************** 2 Sturm ***************
5 Chaosbrut
- - - > 150 Punkte

Höllendrache, Hexenfeuerwerfer
- - - > 170 Punkte

3 Chaos Rapier mit Conversion Beamer

Cyclopia Cabal
Hexer, Meisterschaftsgrad 3, Veteranen des Langen Krieges
+ Psiwaffe, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
+ Kampf-Homunkulus -> 15 Pkt.
+ Chaosbike -> 20 Pkt.
- - - > 150 Punkte

Hexer, Meisterschaftsgrad 3, Veteranen des Langen Krieges
+ Psiwaffe, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
+ Kampf-Homunkulus -> 15 Pkt.
+ Chaosbike -> 20 Pkt.
- - - > 150 Punkte

Hexer, Meisterschaftsgrad 3, Veteranen des Langen Krieges
+ Psiwaffe, Boltpistole -> 0 Pkt.
+ Kampf-Homunkulus -> 15 Pkt.
+ Chaosbike -> 20 Pkt.
- - - > 150 Punkte

Chaosdämonen: Alliiertes Kontingent - 194 Punkte
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Herold des Tzeentch, Meisterschaftsgrad 3
- - - > 95 Punkte

*************** 1 Standard ***************
11 Rosa Horrors des Tzeentch
- - - > 99 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1649


I won side he won deployment. He let me start.


I deployed the predators on the flanks and the landraider and dC in the middle.






Choas kissed the boarder. Brutes and witchers waited in a ruin.

Rapiers camped in the forest.





The DC Chaplain dropped in front of the rapiers which was shielded with cultis and an Lord.

I drove the landraider forwards as the DC units which also ran.


I put a wound on each lord and shot the horrors but they don´t loose one.


In his round he moved the brutes unit into an crater and moved him per spell in front of me.

He then casted technomacy spells upon my raider and destroyed him.




Snacking the DC inside




DC Dread got charged and immobilized.



Astoraths Squad got dezimated by the rapiers conversion beamers..


In my round the Flamerbaal came in and put 5 wounds on the brutestar.

Astorath and a fist guy charged along with dc chaplains squad the brutes.


Killing all but the lord (left with one wound)



DC Dread got fisted by the other Lord.




Lord charged in the DC Combat.



In the meanwhile astorath killed the warlord.




Rapiers stunend the flamerbaal..


Drake destroyed it in the next round



His second lord killed astorath after one round of cripple fighting each other. Got the instant death 6 but he saved..


In the last few rounds i got only my preds alive and scored here and there malstrom points but the horrors started casting daemons and i got overrun in points.


Nice match but Chaos was stronger.







Thanks man.


Yeah sadly i didnt come to fire the sideflamers. I want to use them for years. Had to get a huge dust pile of that landraider.

I would have stayed with my astorath squad more behind LOS. That rapier shooting round was very hurtfull.

As the LR got destroyed i should have disembarked on the other side so that he could not get a first charge of.

Waiting for Objektives before deep striking was hurting the most as i could have scored domination.

After the massacre i did everything right to save my ass. So the last turns where ok.


I´m not sure about Predators and the Landraider can also be one shooted. But i will try the Lucifer again.

Battlereport from the "24. Würfelgötter (Dicegods) Turney.


I played a full cybot army with the following list.


Flesh Tearer Strike Force

***************  1 HQ *************** 

Librarian Dreadnought, Masterlevel 2, Melta

+ Lucius Pattern Drop Pod -> 50 Pkt.

 - - - > 235 Punkte


***************  6 Elite *************** 

Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


***************  1 Standard *************** 

Cassor the Damned, Sturmbolter, Melter

 - - - > 140 Punkte


***************  1 Sturm *************** 

Drop Pod

 - - - > 35 Punkte


***************  1 Unterstützung *************** 

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought, Siege Drill +5, Cyclonic melta lance+ 20

+ Lucius Pattern Drop Pod -> 50 Pkt.

 - - - > 360 Punkte


Chapter Ancients Formation (Angles Blade)

***************  5 Elite *************** 

Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Furioso-Cybot, Energiefaust & Schrapnell-Kanone, Schwerer Flammenwerfer, Magnagreifer

+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter  -> 35 Pkt.

 - - - > 165 Punkte


Dreadnought, Energiefaust, Sturmbolter, Multimelter

- - - > 100 Punkte


Dreadnought, 2x Sync Autocannon

 - - - > 120 Punkte


Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1650


9 Dreads and 7 Pods on the nose.


First battle was against Eldar with 3x 5 firewarriors in Falcons and 3x Asurians in serpents and 5 Sniper


We played 18" from the Short Table Edge.

Mission Cleanse and Secure + Crusade


I deployed my two cybots on foot on mission objectvies.

He deployed three serpents and let the rest in reserve.


I dropped Cassor Librarian an Fragioso and the Leviathan turn one.

Librarían went for technomancy and got the beam.

Hoping to pop some serpents open but i only removed two hullpoints but every serpent jinked at last.

The fragioso took care about the snipers killing all.






He then disembarked one asurians suqad to screen his serpents.


He got some shots of but it happend nothing serious.


In my second turn his falcon unit dropped in and started to melt my drop pods and fragiosos away.

They popped the pod from the Leviathan and losed some warriors in the explosions. They also tried to hurt the leviathan but he made 4 Saving throws.




In my turn 3 two fragiosos came down.


Cassor is ready to charge the asurians.





Fragios secured an objective



Cassor killed 5 asurians and they fled away.


My librarian charged the falcons destroying one and shake the other.



Leviathan got potms per psy power and shot at the firewarrior with autarch and one falcon but he jinked.

He wiffed his shots at the warriors and had to charge them. Killing all warriros but the autarch survied and fled.




cassor charged the asurians squad again. Killing another 4 in cc one lonly asurian fled.


In his round his meltas killed my warlordlibby and combined firepower of the falcons and firewarriors killed the leviathan too.

Forgott the explosion radius and strenght was higher but hey..






He also embarked with the other asurians and shot my dreads in the back to death



In my round 4 the last fragioso came in and flamed the autarch.



The dakkabot killed one serpent from far away.


He then killed my fragioso..



End turn five i´m leading in malstrom and eternal war but we get another turn..


I shoot a bit at his falcons.


He came with his falcons near my backfield. one serpent came near my multimelta cybot



Lonly asurian denying one objektive but it is not scoring for eternal war.



Asurians score.




Turn 7

i shoot and charge the serpent with my mm dread destroying it.




He scores linebreaker with his falcons and denys my eternal war missions. And put some asurians on the pyramid objektive.






Game ends 8:12 for him.

Game two vs. Necrons.


He played an typical decurion with 6 bikes 3 wratihs two pretorians and one lynchgard.


Mission was Emperos will and hidden missioncards.


His deployment.







I got first turn and dropped 3 Fragiosos into his lonly warrior squad on the left flank. One dread missed far away but controlled an objective in the middle.

Leviathan dropped near the stalker. Destroying him with the melta lance.

The fragiosos dropped the warriorsqad down to ten.


In his turn

he makes some several mistakes and charges my front 13 dread with his S5 Elite Necrons. They stuck in Combat. I killed one unit of pretorians.


He tried to shot up my leviathan pod but he held cover.


Wraiths and spider fled to the middle of the board.



In my turn another fragioso and cassor appeard.


Fragioso killed 3 biker and Cassor was just disembarking waiting for next turn to charge.



Leviathan Charged the warriors with the lord and killed three.


Lord hit back with armourbane but i saved like a young god.



Fragiosos had two combat phases thanks to chapter acients and wipped the floor with his lynchgard and prätorians.


Another fragioso which survived the fire from the warriors and extinctors flamed the warriors and they fled from the boarder. :smile.:



Dakkabot killed the scarabs with 8 shots


In his round he started to fire @ my dakkabot with his bikes but only took one hullpoint.






He moved further along with his wraiths and spider towards my boardedge in fear getting into cc with my dreads.

Closecombat goes on. i kill some warriors and lord gets three hp of butt i save two but lose one hp.


Mulidread secured an objective.



My fragiosodread in the middle fired @ his bikes and killed the rest in cc consolidating towards the wraiths.



Cassor joined the fight.



Pile of Drop pods standing on the relic.



Librarian secured an objective



Fragioso which killed the warrios survived the fire from the extinctors and killed them with shooting and cc.




I won the fight against the Necronlordunit as they fled from the board.


Cassor and Leviathan consolidating into the middle of the board.





Wraiths and spider are fleeing.



My Fragioso catches the spider and destroyes it.



Somebody called for angrydread?http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/DSCN3966_zpsy5mhjc0g.jpg


I fullfill domination and the game ends.



He pulled linebraker with his wraiths but i lead 27 to 1 so i get my first 20:00 victory!

Game three against Deathwatch and Tiggiconlcave


Standard placement.


Big guns never tire and missions 6 - 1


My opponent played some veteransquads in 3 pods with 2x frag cannons and one rhino, one lonly terminator along with a tiggy conclave.


He won the roll of and had let me to start.


I dropped the leviathan infront of his conclave in a ruin and the libbydread and one fragioso on one objective.

Another Fragioso dropped onto one ruin where tiggy and one librarian camped.


I shot @ the conclave but only managed one wound on an libbybiker thanks to nightfight. so no firstblood.


He dropped two pods in. One near my libby drop pod and made it to explode.


The other on one objective which he needed.


He casted invisibillity on his conclave and his warlordsquad (on the needed objective).

He also summoned some pink horrors on another objective. scoring 4 objectives and first blood. (i had 3 first turn)

He also fled with his librarians down the ruin. Running into the arms of my leviathan.


In my second round came every other fragioso and one dakkabot. My multimeltabot stayed in reserve.



Cassor dropped in. Securing an objevtive with his pod.



Fragioso walked towards the horrors.



Leviathan and Fragioso shot the conclave (Invisibillity was toned down to Bf1 and hitting with templates normaly.)



They both charged the squad. Eleminating the conclave.


Fragioso charged the horrors. Killing seven in the charge.



Becaus the Lucius was an assault vehicle my Librarian was able to charge the Veterans which destroyed his ride. Killing 4.



In his turn he dropped his last veterans behind Cassor. Destroying him with the frag shots. (S9 DS2)



He also beamed his rhino with vetrans behind my dakkabot and destroyed him also.



In my turn my mulimelta dread came in and took a potshot @ the invisible unit.



I casted magnetokenesis on one of my fragiosos and moved my dread infront of the enemy warlords unit. Flaming a good bunch of them.

Dreads in the backfield had nothing to do. Walking back towards my own tableedge.



Librarian and Pod missed the lonly vet which fled out of the combat with the libby.



His Veterans shot my multimeltadread to bitz.



In the following turns.

He missed to cast invisibillity and i evaporate his warlordunit with the meltalance of the leviathan.

I destroyed the rhino and chased the veterans into the ruin. Getting them in the last turn for a total wipeout!



I won 18:02.


With one minor loss and two good victories i made the second place. First place was an Gravstarlist with Greyknights (Draigo etc..) third was eldar with bikes and warpspiders.


I never thought that i would place so high but i got the right enemys against my list (of course an eldar bikerlist where a much better victim as firewarriors.)


Tournament was a lot of fun and as i won an starterticket as the price i will attend end November on the next tournament @ dicegods!

Many thanks.


The big deal of this list was mass frag and flamer shooting which can hurt 3++ 2++.

Mass strenght ten would have helped against multiwound models and negating fnp if there would have been any. It helped alot against the reanimation protocols from the necrons.

Lucius drop pods where very helpful to keep my core units (Librarian Warlord and Leviathan) alive.

Front 13 armor is good but when your opponent brings melta and lances it becomes irrelevant but many armys have problems to handle them in cc. Khornedogs do nothing against them. Marines cant grenade them. Many rifles are ineffective against front 13 like bolters but you have to guard your back!

The invulnerable save of the Leviathan tanked alot of wounds and helped me to get rid of the necronlord.


From the Psykerpowers Magnetokenesis helped me a lot to zoom fragiosos over the field and to negate the speed difference.


Also if you drop 4 Dread in the enemys face he has only one round to get rid of them. More Lucius drop pods help such a list.

Playing also more contemptors like in this list. http://spikeybits.com/2016/08/undefeated-dreadnought-army-goes-6-0-at-the-atc.html May improve the army overall but it reduce your amount of dreads.

  • 2 weeks later...

Next Tournament will be 1025 points cad or Armyspecial Organisation chart like (BSF, FtSF).

Some niche armys getting 50 Points more.


FW is allowed. Will bring. corbulo, 3 fragiosos in pods, scouts, fire raptor and two quad mortars.
Corbulo is for reserve rerolls if one of the two fails. He will hang out with the quads in the backfield for t7 3+ fnp5 goodness

Alternate version is Sangpriest and ML1 Libby for the Quad Mortars instead of corbulo.

With throwing my dice on divination i´m able to cast Prescience and have one chance to get Scrier's Gaze for better reserves chances.


Which version do you prefer? Corbulo or Psyker and Sanguinpriest?

Corbulo is arguably the better Warlord choice durability wise, but it's a case of putting all your eggs into a single basket. Do you think you'll need some psychic defence? Only a single ML1 Psyker wont really make that much of a difference...


Meanwhile, what did you do to make your Contemptor frag cannon? 

I´m going now with the Libbi and the Priest. They got 4 wounds togehter. i get an adittional Powerweapon and psy powers.

I count on divination and have usage for most of the psy powers. (twinlinked for the quad launcher, rending against a unit, 4++, or better reserves.

We only play cad so no conclave enemys.


The Frag cannon is made of an heavybolter sponson from a predator and the tip of an heavy psycannon from the nemesis knight. :)

  • 3 weeks later...

I exeptet nothing special. I´m fine with my placing.

Winner was an Space Marine Player with double Centurions. The tournament was without detachments or formations. Only CAD."Not so good armys" like BA had 50 Points more to go with.


Space Marines Standardkartenset
Killpoints: 11; Fast Attack: 2; Heavy Support: 2; Fahrzeuge: 5

Space Marines: Kombiniertes Kontingent (Hauptkontingent) - 1025 Punkte

*************** 1 HQ ***************
+ Boltpistole, Psiaxt, The Hunter's Eye (WZ Kauyon - Sons of the Great Khan) -> 20 Pkt.
+ Auspex -> 5 Pkt.
- - - > 90 Punkte

Orden:, White Scars

*************** 3 Standard ***************
Tactical Squad
5 Space Marines, Melter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melter -> 10 Pkt.
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter -> 35 Pkt.
- - - > 125 Punkte

Tactical Squad
5 Space Marines, Melter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melter -> 10 Pkt.
+ Landungskapsel, Sturmbolter -> 35 Pkt.- - - > 125 Punkte

Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Bolter
+ Upgrade zum Sergeant, Boltpistole, 1 x Kombi-Melter -> 10 Pkt.
+ Landspeeder Storm, Multimelter -> 50 Pkt.
- - - > 115 Punkte

*************** 2 Sturm ***************
Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte

Drop Pod, Sturmbolter
- - - > 35 Punkte

*************** 2 Unterstützung ***************
Centurion Devastator Squad, Warlord
3 Centurionen, 3 x Hurricane-Bolter, 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker, Omniskop
- - - > 250 Punkte

Centurion Devastator Squad
3 Centurionen, 3 x Hurricane-Bolter, 3 x Gravkanone und Gravverstärker, Omniskop
- - - > 250 Punkte

Gesamtpunkte der Armee : 1025

  • 4 weeks later...


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