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HH Blood Angels


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Hey guys.


With the arrival of the Betrayal at Calth set, my gaming group has recently started getting into 30K.

Some of us have been playing for a while know and others (like myself) dont have a clue.


I know it will difficult t decide on exactly what to do until the IX Legion book drops, but in the mean time I want to play a few basic games and wrap my head around the differences in rules / terminology.


Here's what I have so far:


Preator; Cataphrachi Terminator Armour, Bolter, Power Sword

Chaplain; Plasma Pistol, Mace

5x Command Squad, Banner, 5x Power Swords, 4x Shields

5x Vetrans, combi-Melta

10x Tactical, combi-Melta

10x Tactical, combi-Melta

10x Tactical, combi-Melta

5x Support Squad, all Melta

5x Support Squad, all Melta

5x Cataphrachi Terminators; Duel Lightning Claws

5x Drop Pods

1x Sicarian

1x Demios Vindicator Laser Destroyer

1x Contermptor Dread; Multi-Melta, Powerfist

1x Contemptor Mortis; Kariese Assualt Cannons


Obviously I've got a theme going here, lots of Melta and lots of infantry.

Thats a general theme I'd like to stick with, and although I'm sure when we get a proper Blood Angels Update I'll add in some tasty BA specific units and some Assault Marines, but I'd rather not invest in much more until I've got a few games under my belt.


Can I build a viable list with the units I have?

I'm more of a fluffy player, so being competative isnt a huge deal for me, but i want to be able to survive long enough to have a chance of actually learning the rules. :D


I've got the models 85% built, going to get them primed tonight and then start painting over the weekend.


Any advice you guys could offer would be greatly apreciated.



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We usually play around 1500 - 2000. I'm assuming 30k is usually played around the same level?

I've got a 30k roster set up on Battlescribe so I can build a list that way, but from what I understand the force orgs are different, so I wasn't sure how many troops and so forth I should be aiming for.

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our FoC Is different in that we've got 3 HQ and 4 Elites vs the Normal one. Also, Rites of War affect your list differently depending on which one is taken.


As for 30k In general, the "comfort" level is 2k with 2.5k being the preferred where possible.


With Armored Ceramite being an option almost any tank can take and one Land Raiders always do, I'm not sure you'll get the most use out of your Melta. Its not bad but its not as good as it is in 40k.


I'm also of the mind of giving Sarges Artificer Armor + Melta Bombs & Power Axe where possible over anything else since that 2+ save does work, melta bombs are armorbane so dont care about armored ceramite and the Power Axe lets you tackle other 2+ Save Sarges to at the minimum ensure mutual destruction in a challenge.


Usually speaking you want to take minimum troops: 2 Tac Squads in Rhinos. Mainly since they often viewed as a tax and because you can usually get other things in a list that do more for equivalent pricing or pack a bigger punch.


And this is just me but unless taken en-masse like in, say, a Terminator or Seeker Squads, I don't rate Combi-Weapons. For their points I'd rather give the Squad Sarge 2+ armor to tank with; with each successful save paying off the upgrade (only ever needing 1 successful save to make it an equivalent purchase).


The main problem I feel you're going to have is a lack of Transports. Especially for the Terminators.


For the Command Squad, I'd opt for Fists/Axes over Swords since they and the Preator they usually accompany are rarely going to be charging into 3+ Armor. Its usually a case of 2+ saves and without ap2 you're already at a marked disadvantage.

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